Dominate the world

Chapter 415: All the Demons Gather

war meeting room

Because of Jiang Xiaobai's special contribution, he was brought to the wartime meeting room by Du Pingyuan, Xiong Chang and others.

Originally, depending on Jiang Xiaobai's strength and identity, he couldn't enter the wartime conference room at all.

But the last big victory, Jiang Xiaobai is qualified to come here.

"This is our wartime meeting room. We can see the whole situation of Los Angeles." Fang Xiqiong introduced to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the pictures, all over every corner of Luocheng, and there were even monsters outside.

"It is said that when I hunted monsters last time, the screen was completely cut off. Why?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously, thinking about the previous communication with Fang Xiqiong.

"The signal receiver is broken, and the specific reason is still being investigated." Du Pingyuan said, "But it shouldn't be a serious problem."

"It's better to be careful, after all, what happened was too coincidental." Xiong Chang reminded, "Although we won a great victory yesterday, we must not take it lightly, beware of possible counterattacks by monsters."

"According to my years of understanding of monsters, they will never let it go."

Fang Xiqiong and Du Pingyuan agreed deeply, and nodded in unison.

If the monsters suffer, it will definitely arouse their ferocity.

But now the morale of the warriors in Luo City is soaring, even in the face of the siege of monsters, it is enough to cope.

Moreover, there are so many monster materials, which eases the consumption of warriors.

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled mischievously, "As long as the monsters dare to come, Los Angeles will be their burial place."

"Don't talk big!" Fang Xiqiong said with a blow to the head, "Most of the monsters chasing you have just entered the lord level. If you encounter a lord level monster that has been cultivated for decades, they are extremely powerful."

"Once these monsters enter the battlefield, they will exist like war machines, so we have to pay attention to them."

"So powerful?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Fang Xiqiong and asked.

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have a deep understanding of lord-level monsters. After all, lord-level monsters are not like human masters. They are classified according to how much five internal organs have been tempered, and how many years they have practiced. They are just human names. That's all.

On the side of monsters, there is no collective name, they are collectively called lord-level monsters.

This also caused the difference between the strength of monsters and human warriors. At first glance, the opponent was just a lord-level monster, but after fighting, it was discovered that the strength of the opponent was unfathomable.

It is precisely because of this that many warriors have suffered at the hands of monsters.

"Xiaobai, although you are now a ninth-rank martial artist, you are enough to compete against a grandmaster, but if you enter the realm of a grandmaster, you will find another world."

Fang Xiqiong said earnestly.

"In the eyes of many warriors, the Grandmaster is already an unreachable existence, but when you really step into the Grandmaster, you will find that you are still very small."

"Tiny?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" Du Pingyuan took over the words, "You will be so small that you will feel powerless. Even as a king-level warrior, I still can only submit to this world and cannot truly control my own life and death."

"King level, emperor level, and even emperor level can only be controlled by this world. Perhaps only the legendary holy man can break the shackles and control everything."

This side of the world?

Jiang Xiaobai became more and more confused. Compared with the previous life, the technology of this world is not behind at all, and it is even more powerful.

Some big countries in the previous life were able to land on the moon, or even land on Mars. Is it possible that these technologies cannot leave this planet?

"I know what you're thinking." Du Pingyuan continued to explain, "If we rely on the power of technology, we can go to the surrounding planets, but our so-called technology is vulnerable to the real strong."

"Especially after the upheaval, technology has not developed enough to break the rules. A demon king can easily destroy our spaceship."

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

"However, we still have a chance. We humans have treasures left to us by our ancestors. As long as we can inherit them, we can completely turn the tide of battle."

When Du Pingyuan said this, his eyes were full of hope.

"Shennongjia, Kunlun Mountain, Changbai Mountain, Yaochi, and even Penglai in our Qilu Province, if these secret places can be opened, it will be enough to make us extremely powerful."

Kunlun Mountains?Yaochi?Penglai?

Jiang Xiaobai has not only heard of these places once, these secret places are the real treasures.

But this is very dangerous and unpredictable for human beings. Countless warriors enter it, and they will either die or be injured.

A few years ago, the Huaguo Martial Arts Institute gathered Tianjiao warriors and wanted to explore the tomb of Zulong Shihuang, but it did not expect that ordinary warriors were buried in Mount Li.

As for the land of Penglai, there have always been powerful legends for thousands of years, and no one dared to approach it.

"Let's not talk about it, this talk is going too far. Our important goal now is to resist the mad attack of monsters." Du Pingyuan waved his hand to stop the chatter.

"There is a situation!"

The martial artist who was monitoring the surrounding situation suddenly shouted in horror.

Du Pingyuan and the others reacted in an instant, and looked at the monitor screen one after another.

I saw four lord-level monsters suddenly appearing on the screen, exuding endless power.

"This is..." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Monsters at the peak of the lord level!" Xiong Chang said in a deep voice, "The black evil poisonous bee, the blue moon wolf, the green ring python and the ice crystal blood worm."

Every time Xiong Chang yelled out a name, the faces of the warriors around him became more serious.

These four lord-level monsters are powerful existences in Qilu Province, and they are also the nightmare of every warrior, even the master.

Countless masters have been buried in their hands, but there is nothing they can do.

Even a strong man at the peak of a master cannot really crush the opponent.

"These monsters have never appeared before, what's the matter?" A master in the wartime conference room asked coldly.

"Perhaps, they just rushed over." Xiong Chang's face was gloomy.

If these four monsters participated in the siege, it might be a disaster for Luo City.

Any one of these four monsters is extremely powerful, and their combat power is so strong that it makes people palpitate. Even Xiong Chang can only deal with a monster at the peak of the lord level.

"Perhaps the demon king has been waiting for their arrival." Du Pingyuan took a deep breath and said, "Or he was angered by Jiang Xiaobai, so he reacted like today."

"Four lord-level monsters?" Jiang Xiaobai said softly, without the slightest fear, but looked at each other with interest.

If it weren't for him being only a ninth-rank martial artist, he would really have to try the strength of the four peak lord-level monsters.

"Get ready for battle at any time!" Du Pingyuan arranged, "Jiang Xiaobai, I will give you a task."

"What?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and looked at Du Pingyuan.

"Cover the retreat of ordinary people."

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