Dominate the world

Chapter 416 The Impossible Monster Beast

Coverers retreat?

Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled when he heard it, why did he cover the retreat?

This just won the battle and is about to retreat?

I'm afraid ordinary people in Los Angeles won't understand it at all!

"Is it because of these four peak lord-level monsters?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"That's right!" Du Pingyuan nodded, "Once these four lord-level peak monsters arrive, they will definitely attack again. At that time, no matter what happens, we will not be able to predict it."

"For the safety of ordinary people in the city, it is better to retreat."

"Retreating now, I'm afraid they will disagree." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, "Yesterday's battle just raised morale, and even ordinary people in Los Angeles were excited about it. How could they retreat?"

"Furthermore, let them retreat. Just find someone casually. Is this kind of thing suitable for me?"

Leading ordinary people to retreat, this is something that can be done by just looking for a warrior, and it doesn't have to be done by yourself.

"Don't let him do this." Xiong Chang objected, "Such a proud man should fight monsters."

"Old Xiong!" Du Pingyuan reminded, "Jiang Xiaobai is a youthful genius. No one in Qilu Province has ever compared him. This is our hope in Los Angeles."

"Well, I understand!" Xiong Chang nodded.

Know a hammer!

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xiong Chang and complained in his heart.

Xiong Chang belongs to the kind of master with a simple mind and well-developed limbs. His ideas are also very simple. When he saw Jiang Xiaobai's first appearance, he wanted to recruit him into the army. Of course he was not happy to ask Jiang Xiaobai to do some trivial things.

In his eyes, a proud man like Jiang Xiaobai should enter the battlefield and fight against monsters.

He was not as far-sighted as Du Pingyuan was.

"It's not certain what will happen?" Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, "Besides, we have Li Changtian as a master, so we can ask him to help when the time comes."

Li Jingyu on the side couldn't help frowning after hearing this.

"Jiang Xiaobai, do you think Li Changtian is trash in Los Angeles?"

"Eh..." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a moment, his expression changed, "Senior, that's not what I meant."

He actually forgot that Li Jingyu, as an advisor this time, would also appear in the wartime conference room, and, according to Li Jingyu's temperament, it was absolutely impossible to think that his own warriors were defeated by others.

It was like after Li Changtian came back with the monster, Li Jingyu kept looking at him coldly.

"Jingyu, you are guests, right?" Fang Xiqiong comforted. "As guests, how can you put yourself in danger?"

"You don't need to use this kind of rhetoric all the time." Li Jingyu snorted coldly, and then said. "We are also warriors. In front of monsters, there is no distinction between regions."

"Last time Li Changtian was running away, but this time, he definitely won't."

In desperation, Du Pingyuan had no choice but to rearrange warriors to cover the retreat of ordinary people.

This time the monsters attack the city, it will be a life-and-death battle, no one can predict the final result, but they must always prepare for the worst.

I thought that after they eliminated some monsters, the other party would stop for a while.

However, it now appears that this is not the case at all.

The demon king immediately began to gather and sit down the four monsters, clearly wanting to deal directly with Luocheng.

Otherwise, there would never be such a big fight.

However, the ordinary people in Los Angeles did not expect that even though they were in a great victory situation, there was an even more tragic battle waiting for them. If they failed, the city would be destroyed and people would die.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of winning the battle against the monsters, and everyone had a proud smile on their faces.

"Do you know? Last time we killed dozens of lord-level monsters, they were lord-level monsters!"

"Dozens of them, it is said that the surrounding lord-level monsters have been killed by us, and we humans will definitely kill all the monsters."

"This battle must be a great victory for our humanity."

"Yes, there is also Jiang Xiaobai, the son of hope in Luo City. He is extremely powerful. He has not yet entered the realm of a master, but he can already kill lord-level monsters. He will definitely become a strong man in Luo City in the future."

Ordinary people in Los Angeles were talking about it, especially when they learned about Jiang Xiaobai's record, everyone started to praise him.

Jiang Xiaobai's young Tianjiao has become everyone's idol.

Especially those young warriors who spend all day under the walls of Luo City, wanting to see Jiang Xiaobai's demeanor.

If it was the past, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely enjoy the admiration of everyone.

But now he doesn't have this kind of thought. The army of monsters is slowly approaching. He is not afraid of ten miles away from Luocheng. Standing on the city wall, he can even feel the murderous aura coming towards him.

Because of the great victory last time, although facing such a powerful monster, the warriors guarding the city wall did not have the slightest fear.

Outside Luo City, the temporary residence of monsters.

The Heisha Venomous Bee looked at Luo City in front of him, and said, "It's just a group of weak humans, do we have to take action?"

The black evil poisonous bee came down from Mount Tai, killing countless people along the way, choosing and devouring people.

After coming here, the Heisha Venomous Bee understood the situation and seemed quite disdainful.

In its view, human beings are extremely weak and vulnerable, and they don't deserve such a big fanfare.

But now, it is a bit of a fuss for the Demon King to summon four of their peak lord-level monsters to besiege Luo City.

"That's right!" Cang Yue Yaolang said, "It's just a city of humans. If it weren't for the order of the Demon Emperor back then, where would there be a place for humans now?"

"It's better to be careful, this time I heard that our monster race suffered heavy losses." The ice crystal blood worm pouted, "Humanity is getting stronger and more cunning, I don't understand why we don't let us attack on a large scale Humanity."

"It's to wait for the monsters of the sea clan to come ashore!" The green-ringed python among the four explained with its huge body twisting.

The Qinghuan deep python has a huge body, like a small mound. After moving, it left deep marks on the ground.

These four monsters that have reached the peak of the lord level, not every monster surrenders to the monsters.

Especially the Qinghuan Deep Python, once promoted to the realm of the Demon King, its strength will not be much weaker than that of the Demon King.

Therefore, when these four monsters came here, they did not agree with the decision of the monster king.

"It's really troublesome!" Heisha Venomous Bee pouted, "Why don't the four of us flatten Luo City directly, saving the Demon King from trouble."

"It makes sense!" Cang Yue Yaolang echoed, "After finishing it together, I still have to go to Mount Tai to practice. If there are a few more years, I can be promoted to the realm of the Demon King."

"Congratulations, do you want to be called the wolf king in the future?" The ice crystal blood worm stared at the Cang Yue demon wolf and said.

"I believe you will also be very fast." Cang Yue Yaolang said proudly.

"Why don't we do it with the four of us?" Heisha Venomous Bee took advantage of the situation and said, "Maybe after we slaughter the city, we can absorb the energy and vitality of human warriors, and maybe we can be promoted to the realm of the demon king."

"You're right, you can try it!" Cang Yue Demon Wolf looked at the other two monster beasts, "What do you think?"

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