Under the persuasion of the Cang Yue demon wolf, the ice crystal blood worm and the green-ringed deep python were ready to move.

After all, these four monsters are not in harmony with the demon king. If the four monsters break through the city, they will definitely show their strength in front of the demon king.

At that time, the demon king will definitely look at him differently.

The four monsters quickly reached a consensus and decided to act alone to attack the city.

Cangyue Demon Wolf and the other four monsters quickly slipped out and directly attacked Luo City.

When the demon king heard the news, he was furious.

"Bastard!" The demon king roared angrily, "Why do they act alone? Isn't this disrupting my plan?"

"Your Majesty, calm down." The two-headed Night Wolf comforted, "Cangyue Monster Wolf and the others are also thinking about our Monster Race, and want to break through Luo City as soon as possible."

"Just to break through Luo City?" The Demon King sneered again and again, "If it's just to break through Luo City, why would I go to so much trouble?"

The two-headed night wolf looked at the demon king in front of him, very puzzled.

Could there be other meanings behind the attack on Los Angeles this time?

"Luocheng is called the city of springs, and it has the essence of water. We attacked Luocheng this time to obtain the essence of water." The demon king said the main reason for attacking Luocheng.

Los Angeles City used to be known as the No.1 spring in the world. There was once a strong human being sanctified here, and the opportunity was because of the spiritual spring here.

Later, the vitality was exhausted, entering the Dharma-ending Era, and the spiritual springs dried up and were gradually replaced by groundwater. However, since the recovery of the vitality, the spiritual springs in Luocheng faintly showed signs of recovery.

It is precisely because of this that the demon king led the monsters to come here.

The key to attacking Luocheng is to obtain the spiritual spring, and wait for the spiritual spring to recover. Sitting in such a blessed place is also of great benefit to the cultivation of the demon king.

Most of the famous resorts in the world are occupied by powerful demon kings, demon emperors and even demon emperors. If ordinary demon kings want to be promoted, they must either practice hard work or occupy some spiritual lands that are about to recover.

This attack on Luo City, the Demon King had this in mind.

"What should we do now?" The two-headed night wolf's face changed drastically after hearing this.

The demon king has never told this matter, apparently because he is afraid of being known by other demon kings.

"However, if they break through Los Angeles this time, it will be a good thing for us." The two-headed night wolf asked seriously.

"What if they find out?" The demon king said coldly, "They are all lord-level monsters. They came to help this time, obviously with selfish intentions. Can you guarantee that they will be calm when they find the Lingquan?"

"What I originally thought was to let them entangle the Grandmaster of Luo City. After I broke the city, I found the Lingquan and hid it so that they wouldn't find out."

"It's like this, I'm afraid something big will happen." The two-headed night wolf said with a moved face.

"I can't control that much now, let's break the city together!" The demon king thought for a while and ordered decisively.

If they don't make a move now, I'm afraid they won't have a chance to make a move in the future.

After working hard for a month, I can't make a wedding dress for someone else.

The Demon King, who originally wanted to wait for the opportunity, had no choice but to act ahead of time.

The real siege of monsters is about to begin.

The four monsters that charged first had already appeared in front of the warriors guarding Luo City.

"No, the monsters are attacking!"

One of the warriors sounded the alarm and immediately notified the other warriors.

Level [-] combat readiness alert!

Soon, all warriors received the news and became vigilant.

Monster Beast Siege!

Level [-] combat readiness!

This has already seen how dangerous things are this time.

It wasn't just ordinary monsters attacking the city. Four peak lord-level monsters acted as vanguards and attacked the four gates of Luo City.

The four peak lord-level monsters were followed by Wang Yang. Intermediate-level monsters, high-level monsters, and even lord-level monsters rushed towards Luo City one after another.

"The monsters are coming! Kill them!"

The warriors in Luocheng roared angrily, each roar shook the sky, and waves of air rose into the sky.

"Weak and small ants who can only scream."

Heisha Venomous Bee looked extremely disdainful when he heard a loud shout.


The wings of the black evil poisonous bee vibrated, and the poisonous needles fell like a violent storm.

The warriors who were guarding Los Angeles waved their soldiers in the face of the poisonous needles.

Even so, there are still many poisonous needles piercing into the warriors.


The poisonous needle fell, and many warriors fell to the ground one after another.

The black evil poisonous bee is a monster at the peak of the lord level. The poisonous sap contained in the poisonous needle has caused many warriors to turn pale and lie on the ground twitching continuously after being hit.

"Damn it!" Sheng Le who was on the city wall shouted angrily when he saw this.

"Stop!" A pair of big hands held down Sheng Le, Sheng Le looked back and found that Xiong Chang was looking at him.

"Leave this to me, you are not my opponent." Xiong Chang said with a serious face.

"I..." Sheng Le wanted to refute, but was stopped by Xiong Chang.

"There will be other lord-level monsters in the future. The Heisha Venomous Bee is the peak Lord-level monster. It is too difficult for you." Xiong Chang jumped into the air and came to the Heisha Venomous Bee in an instant.

"Peak master?" Heisha poisonous bee found Xiong Chang, and said sharply, "Unfortunately, you are only a human being at the peak of master, and you still can't resist me."

"Not necessarily!" Xiong Chang punched out suddenly, and the vitality rushed out like a torrent.

The other three peak lord-level monsters also followed to other city gates.

Fang Xiqiong and the others rose into the air one after another to face the monsters.

The martial artist who was shot by the Martial Arts Institute was a middle-aged warrior who was already at the peak of the master level. He was Fan Cheng, the number one fighting force of the Martial Arts Academy, and was also regarded by Du Pingyuan as his right-hand man.

When the Luo family saw the monsters coming, they instinctively didn't care much. However, when he saw the huge body of the green-ringed python crashing into the city wall, Luo Xiyan had no choice but to fight.

After the four major monsters attacked the city, other monsters rushed forward like a tide.

The lord-level monsters took the lead in attacking, blasting the walls of Luo City with powerful attacks one after another.

The human masters and powerhouses were not idle, and they fought against each other one after another.

Countless warriors swore to fight to the death without any concessions, no matter if they were warriors from Wuhan University, military department or martial arts academy, they showed their formidable strength at this time.

From time to time, under the city walls of Luo City, monsters fell one by one.

Not long after, the corpses of monsters under the city wall were all over the surroundings, and the layers of corpses were about five or six meters high.

"Don't let any monster cross the city wall!"

This is the determination of every warrior guarding the city wall, even if they try their best to ensure the safety of Los Angeles.

The monster is dead!

Human warriors die!

In less than 10 minutes, both monsters and human warriors paid a heavy price.

The battle spread everywhere around the city wall of Los Angeles, and countless powerful vitality shot up into the sky and exploded in the air.

The fierce battle was still going on, a human warrior fell, and other warriors rushed up to fill the vacancy.

Don't be afraid to die!

This is the true portrayal of the warriors who guard Los Angeles.

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