Dominate the world

Chapter 419 City... Broken...

Meng Shu died.

Whether it's the martial arts instructors or students, they all showed sadness.

perish together!

This is an extremely common thing in the eyes of monsters, but not everyone has this kind of determination.

"Revenge for Instructor Meng Shu!"

Qian Buyi in the crowd suddenly shouted, and rushed towards a monster beside him.


The monster suddenly attacked and knocked the money away in an instant.

Warriors like Qian Buyi can only deal with ordinary monsters. If they face powerful monsters, they have no choice but to be passively abused.

Lan Yingying, Tang Songting and other instructors from Wuhan University protected the surrounding warriors, and when they saw a high-level monster rushing towards them, they would attack them.

Despite such protection, there are still fish that slip through the net and appear on the city walls.

At this time, the seniors like Qian Buyi will consciously protect the warriors whose cultivation level is lower than their own.

It's not required, it's completely voluntary.

Everyone is afraid of death, but they have a common belief in their hearts, that is, they must die before these juniors.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was blocked by two lord-level monsters, which was extremely dangerous.

Whether it is the fighters from the military department of the Budaoyuan, or the fighters from Qilu Martial Arts University, they are all fighting with all their strength until the last strength.

Life and death, in their eyes, have long been ignored.

Every once in a while, you will see warriors and monsters die together.

"Senior Brother Zheng Kai!" Yang Chengbin cried out with tears in his eyes, his mournful voice moved the warriors around him.

A monster's claw pierced through Zheng Kai's chest.

Zheng Kai, who was already seriously injured, trembled all over. With the last of his strength, he stabbed the soldier into the opponent's head, and then fell down straight.

"Brother!" Wang Chuang roared in pain.

Ever since they joined the Martial Arts Club, Zheng Kai and Qian Buyi have been their senior brothers, and they devoted themselves to teaching them how to practice without any secrets.

The two of them had the closest relationship with Wang Chuang and others, especially after this battle with the monster, which further enhanced their relationship.

However, no one expected that Zheng Kai would die suddenly in front of them.

Not only Wang Chuang, Yang Chengbin and the others, but also some warriors in junior and senior years burst into tears unknowingly after seeing this place.

They are not only classmates, but also comrades-in-arms. They are still imagining how their strength will be improved after this time, and the better they drink together.

But now, students like Zheng Kai are killed and injured.

"Bastard, I'll fight with you!" A senior martial artist from the martial arts club frantically rushed towards a monster, biting the opponent's body tightly.


A brilliant brilliance soared into the sky, shining on the city wall.


A scene similar to this can be seen everywhere on the walls of Los Angeles.

The martial artists of the military department and Budao Academy were quite infected after feeling the death will from the Wuhan University.

The warriors of Wuhan University are not warriors in the true sense, but just a group of teenagers. Only after graduating from university, they will enter the Martial Arts Institute and the military headquarters and become the main force against monsters.

Originally, they were afraid that the warriors of Wuhan University would not be able to bear such a bloody scene, but they did not expect that Wuhan University's performance shocked them.

And now, they have adopted the method of killing each other.

These Wuhan university students will surely be remembered by everyone.

However, at this time, Luo Shouyi had already arrived at the city gate guarded by the Luo family.

When Luo Shouyi saw Luo Xiyan who was fighting against the Qinghuan Shenyan, he frowned.

Luo Xiyan has been seriously injured and looks quite miserable.

"Follow me!" Luo Shouyi waved his hand and rushed up with a few grandmasters.

"Stupid human beings!" Qinghuan Shenbo showed even more disdain when he saw Luo Shouyi and others rushing towards him.

The evil spirit in the body radiated everywhere, and the huge body swept across, immediately knocking the grandmaster in front of him into the air.

Even Luo Shouyi and other powerful grandmasters were injured by the sudden attack of the Qinghuan Shenyan.

"Didn't you agree to feign an attack?" Luo Shouyi said angrily.

"Hehe." Qinghuan Shenbo sneered, "Ask for terms with me? You are just a weak human being, and you are worthy too!"

"Although the demon king told me that your Luo family can stay, he didn't say that I can't kill people!"


When Luo Shouyi heard this, he groaned inwardly.

The next moment, the green-ringed python came in front of Luo Xiyan, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Luo Xiyan in an instant.

"Elder Luo!"

The surrounding masters cried out in pain.

Luo Shouyi's face was gloomy, and he clenched his fists tightly.

The monster has no reputation and beheaded the Luo family's grandmaster.

Luo Xiyan is a strong master at the pinnacle of the master, but he was directly swallowed by the monster in front of him.

The green-ringed python that devoured Luo Xiyan became stronger again.

"Open the city gate, or you will all die!" Qinghuan Shenbo ordered coldly.

"You..." Luo family warriors glared, unable to hold back their emotions.

Such an orderly tone made them unacceptable, especially if the other party was a monster.

Monsters and beasts have always been the enemies of human beings.

"Open!" Luo Shouyi pondered for a while, then ordered angrily.

"Patriarch!" The old man behind Luo Shouyi reminded, "We can't drive!"

Once the gates of the city were opened, the city of Luo City would be devastated, and the whole city of Luo City, including their Luo family, would not be spared.

"It's okay, I told the demon king that disciples of the Luo family cannot be killed!" Luo Shouyi said while staring at Qinghuan Shenbo.

"It's really troublesome!" Qinghuan Shenbo dismissed it, "Killing ordinary people is meaningless to me."

"Go!" Luo Shouyi ordered again. "If you don't open it, the monsters will kill our Luo family!"

The warriors of the Luo family hesitated, a grandmaster stepped forward, and a burst of vitality penetrated into it, the aura of the formation on the city wall suddenly changed, and the surrounding power instantly became much thinner.

Bang bang bang!

That master martial artist shot his vitality into the primordial stone in front of him one after another, back and forth several times, the primordial stone was suddenly shattered by him.


There was a loud bang on the city wall, and the formation that was already on the verge of being broken was suddenly blasted.

There were more and more monsters around, and they slammed into the city wall heavily, breaking a hole in the city wall immediately.

Monster beasts rushed into Los Angeles like a tidal wave!

Then, screams came from inside Los Angeles.

"What happened? Why did a monster enter the city?"

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Ah! Monsters, all of them are monsters!"

The warriors who were fighting the monsters suddenly saw a large number of monsters pouring into the city, and some monsters took advantage of the opportunity to climb the city wall again, besieging all the warriors.

Du Pingyuan noticed the strangeness immediately, his face was clouded, even as a king-level master, his palms couldn't help trembling.

Los Angeles is broken...

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