The city is broken!

Du Pingyuan imagined that one day, Los Angeles would be broken.

But he didn't expect that things would happen so quickly!It was so sudden that he was caught off guard.

Li Jingyu, who had been by Du Pingyuan's side all the time, looked at this absent-minded king-level powerhouse and asked, "Dean Du, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Du Pingyuan cheered up and said solemnly, "Li Jingyu, you are not from my city of Los Angeles, but now I want to ask you to do me a favor!"

"Principal Du, you are serious!" Li Jingyu said, "We are all warriors, so we naturally know how to choose. Just say it, I, Li Jingyu, will never frown."

"I hope you can protect the ordinary people in Luocheng as much as possible." Du Pingyuan said softly, "The remaining warriors of the Martial Arts Institute will follow you and kill monsters in Luocheng."

"It's all on me, it's totally fine." Li Jingyu patted his chest and said, "I will protect Luo City as if it were our Chang'an."

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved!" Du Pingyuan said with relief when Li Jingyu agreed to come down.

"Dean Du, do you want it?" Li Jingyu felt a bad premonition.

"It's time for a decisive battle!" Du Pingyuan looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

decisive battle?

Li Jingyu instantly understood that there must be a demon king in the monster camp.

This is also why Du Pingyuan didn't make a move at the beginning, and the opponent's demon king didn't make a move. As a king-level powerhouse, Du Pingyuan naturally had to hold back and not waste any vitality.

There should be no difference in the battle between the king-level powerhouses. If you are a little careless, you will lose everything.

This time when Du Pingyuan was fighting the Demon King, one of them was bound to perish.

The fall of a king-level powerhouse, whether it is a monster or a human, is considered major news in Huaguo.

After all, it takes a lot of resources to cultivate a king-level powerhouse, and it will be a big loss for every king-level powerhouse to fall.

Li Jingyu was born in the Li family in the Central Plains, and he has only seen a battle between king-level powerhouses once.

And today, I want to watch another epic battle.

Li Jingyu quickly withdrew. At this time, Du Pingyuan needed a space to be alone.

The other warriors also walked out silently. They were ordered to follow Li Jingyu to protect others.

Soon, Du Pingyuan was the only one left in the huge wartime conference room.

Du Pingyuan stepped forward, picked up the sword case on the table, gently opened it, and stroked Qingfeng like flowing water.

"It's been ten years, and the Longhua Sword has not been used for ten years."

"Today, let me test my skills!"


As soon as Li Jingyu walked out of the wartime meeting room, what he saw was a scene of wailing everywhere.

Countless buildings were destroyed by monsters, every single human being was buried in the belly of monsters, and some monsters deliberately played tricks on humans.

The originally clean and tidy streets were already stained red with blood. Seeing this, Li Jingyu's eyes were tearing apart.

"Damn beast!" Li Jingyu sternly cursed, and then rushed directly in front of the monster, swung a palm, and instantly killed the monster.

The children on the ground were already peeing in fright, looking at Li Jingyu tremblingly, their faces were pale, and the shock had just come to an end.

"It's all right!" Li Jingyu picked up the child, and a burst of vitality entered the child's body, soothing his emotions.

Soon, under Li Jingyu's comfort, the child slowly fell asleep.

Along the way, Li Jingyu quickly rescued many people, hundreds of them. Li Jingyu walked in the middle and directed ordinary people to evacuate towards the secret road.

Faced with the attack of monsters, countless ordinary people were displaced. Even if Li Jingyu tried his best, he could not guarantee everyone's safety.

Li Jingyu went all the way to rescue, and it didn't take long before he met a martial artist from the Martial Arts Academy.

At this moment, everyone of them was injured, but when they saw Li Jingyu, everyone showed a strange look.

"Grandmaster Li, it's Grandmaster Li!"

The warriors of the Martial Arts Academy seemed to see the backbone. Although Li Jingyu was not from Luocheng, at this moment, it gave them hope to persevere.

"Let's go!" Li Jingyu stepped forward to check the other party's injuries, and after finding that there was no danger to his life, he led them on their way.


The monsters broke into the city, and the situation in the entire Luo City became chaotic.

Now Jiang Xiaobai and the others guarding the city wall have no meaning for anyone. All warriors began to retreat from the city wall, resisting monsters and helping ordinary people at the same time.

The monsters continued to enter Los Angeles continuously. In the beginning, the warrior and the monster were one-on-one, but in the end it was almost a two-headed or even three-headed monster that a warrior had to face.

At the end of the battle, a warrior had to face four monsters of the same level, and soon the warrior was overwhelmed.

Jiang Xiaobai was still fighting fiercely. Facing the siege of the two monsters, he didn't give in at all. Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought, and his whole body poured out his vitality, falling wantonly to the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai manipulated Thorn Hong and Thorn Star to criss-cross the lord-level monsters, leaving scars on the monsters.

The proficiency of the ninth level of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber has been continuously improved, so that Jiang Xiaobai's strength has also been continuously improved. From being absolutely suppressed at the beginning, he now has the opportunity to resist.

For Jiang Xiaobai, his strength has been significantly improved.

Thunderstorms surrounded Thorn Hung and Thorn Star, exuding endless power, especially when they rushed in front of the two lord-level monsters, they burst out with powerful power.

The power of the thunder attribute has a suppressive effect on monsters.

After all, Lei Fa has always been the purest force in the world, full of righteousness, fierce and powerful.

It was precisely because of this that the two monsters approaching Jiang Xiaobai retreated subconsciously after seeing it.

But even though they retreated like this, they were still in danger of being hit.

The thunderbolt hit them, and a powerful explosion suddenly erupted.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai moved, and Cihong and Cixing were held in his hands again.

call out!

A sharp light flashed, and the cold light fell on the throat of one of the lord-level monsters, and a stream of blood spattered.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't even look at the other party, but went directly to another place.

The same movements, the same moves, exactly the same.

Another lord-level monster couldn't get rid of Jiang Xiaobai's killing either.

Since practicing the Ninth Level Nine Hell Thunder Saber, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has been greatly improved compared to before.

Although he hadn't perfected his sea of ​​qi and was promoted to the realm of a master, but at this moment his sea of ​​qi was quite powerful under the gestation of Lei Shi.

The Taiyue Heart Sutra absorbs the majestic vitality and continuously provides it to the sea of ​​qi, and the sea of ​​qi becomes stronger and stronger under the tempering of the thunder and the Tai Chi disk.

It's not just the monsters who have just entered the lord level, even the monsters at the lord level comparable to the first-order masters, Jiang Xiaobai has the confidence to fight.

This is Tianjiao's, confidence!

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