Dominate the world

Chapter 421 1 Draw the sword towards the hero

At this moment, Luo City has already been reduced to a field of Shura, with mourners everywhere, and the blood on the streets has merged into a stream, as if it has just been washed by a patch of rain.

Looking at the situation in Luocheng, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help vomiting.

The stimulating bloody smell and the surrounding area were bright red. Even Jiang Xiaobai, a seasoned veteran, felt quite uncomfortable.

Jiang Xiaobai, who suppressed the feeling of vomiting, was replaced by killing intent.

If you offend my city, you will be punished even if you are far away!

If the monsters stayed obediently in the famous mountains and rivers and devoted themselves to cultivation, Jiang Xiaobai would not kill them.

But the other party, crossing the threshold and attacking ordinary humans, is committing a heinous crime.


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly flew towards the monster beast closest to him, and punched out, the ninth-level monster instantly turned into a blood mist and exploded in the air, turning into a rain of blood.

Not only Jiang Xiaobai alone, but all warriors guarding Luocheng are fighting with all their might.

Most of the warriors were already exhausted, but they did not choose to compromise. Every warrior would choose to perish with the monsters when they knew they couldn't keep going.

Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang in front of Cang Yue Demon Wolf were showing signs of exhaustion, especially Fang Xiqiong, who had more and more wounds on his body.

"Old Fang! Are you okay!" Kong Shang shot out a burst of vitality, and the next moment he jumped in front of Fang Xiqiong and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can't die." Fang Xiqiong wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and looked at the Cang Yue wolf in front of her, full of indignation.

A monster at the peak of the lord level, this is a nightmare level existence for all warriors.

Even Fang Xiqiong, the head of the Martial Arts Academy, and Kong Shang, the head of the Arts Academy, are far inferior to the Cang Yue Wolf in front of them.

The reason why they have been able to survive until now is entirely due to the breath in their chests.

If they fall, who else can deal with this powerful monster?

They are the last line of defense. If monsters cross their line of defense, they will be unarmed ordinary people at that time.

Human beings are the masters of the world, but all of this has completely changed after the drastic change.

After absorbing the vitality of the heaven and earth, the monsters and the monsters have undergone drastic changes and their strength has increased. Although the number of human beings is dozens of times more than that of the monsters, they have nothing to do in the face of the monsters' attack.

The monsters attacked the city, the city was destroyed and people died, and more than half of the human beings were beheaded by the monsters. Humans had to practice to strengthen themselves in order to survive in the entire chaotic world.

"You two are not my opponents." Cang Yue Yaolang said frivolously, "You can only become my food supplements."

"Not your opponent?" Fang Xiqiong sneered, "Even if you know you are not your opponent, but if you want to pass us, you have to pay the price in blood."

"Hahaha! Ignorant human beings!" Cang Yue Yaolang opened his mouth and smiled, "The city you guarded no longer exists. My army of monsters has already entered your city of Luo."


Fang Xiqiong and Kong Shang were obviously taken aback, and looked back subconsciously.

The city of Los Angeles is in a mess, monsters are besieging and killing human beings recklessly, and human beings die tragically on the streets every moment.

"Did you see? All your resistance now is in vain." Cang Yue Yaolang continued, "Even if you die, no one will remember you, not just you, all humans in Luo City will not be able to escape .”

"Even so, I won't back down!" Fang Xiqiong said stubbornly, "Of course there will be my human warriors to kill the monsters in the city one by one, and you, even if you die together, I won't let you take a step forward .”

When Fang Xiqiong said this, Kong Shang involuntarily took a step forward and stood side by side with Fang Xiqiong.

"Then I'll fulfill you!" The hairs on Cang Yue Yaolang's body trembled, and powerful sharp lights rose into the air.


Fang Xiqiong was knocked into the air again, and fell heavily onto the city wall, smashing into deep pits.

"Trash, ants!" Cang Yue Yaolang looked at the monster in front of him and complained disdainfully.

A scene like this is also happening in other places.

Xiong Chang faced the Heishi poisonous bee, and Fan Cheng faced the ice crystal blood worm. Although their strengths were not much different, the monsters still had the upper hand by virtue of their innate strength.

Whether it was Xiong Chang or Fan Cheng, they were already seriously injured, and the monsters they were fighting against were very angry.

In the eyes of monsters, human beings are just weak reptiles, and their monsters have unique advantages. In the past, humans have always ruled monsters, and many monster races performed for humans.

Therefore, when their vitality recovered, they tried their best to retaliate against human beings.

Not only to enslave human beings, but also to exterminate human beings.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of explosions caused by the collision rose into the air one after another, and people with a radius of a hundred miles could feel that Los Angeles was engaged in a great battle.

At this time, a tall figure appeared above the heads of all the monsters, surrounded by gray light, and looked extremely powerful.

He walked in the void, and a gray air flow slowly emerged between the rise and fall of the soles of his feet.

"King, king, king!"

Seeing that tall figure just appear, many monsters are raising their arms and shouting.

The warriors in Luo City couldn't help but look sideways. When they saw the figure of the monster clearly, their bodies trembled.

In front of them was a black giant ape, with dark hair exuding a cold aura, sharp claws protruding from the hands and soles, surrounded by dots of cold light, flickering.

"Humans, die!" The demon king in the air commanded solemnly.

When the demon king gave an order, all the monsters rushed out as if they had been drugged, and rushed towards the nearest human warrior.

"The king of Luocheng, why don't you come out to meet him?" A cold light shot out from the pupil of the monster king of the giant ape, smashing the word Luocheng on the city wall, "You dare not?"

"Why don't you dare?"

As soon as a confident voice appeared, Du Pingyuan in a blue shirt appeared in front of the demon king.

"You are the king of Luocheng?" The demon king asked indifferently when he saw the human warrior in front of him.

"No, I am the guardian of Los Angeles." Du Pingyuan's voice was low, but he could still feel the anger in his heart.

Monsters and beasts are rampant, killing wantonly, and human beings are devastated.

All of this was done by the monster in front of me.

Du Pingyuan, as the head of the Martial Arts Institute in Los Angeles, although he is a king-level powerhouse, he never behaves in front of others, just to be able to silently guard the city.

"It doesn't matter if it's the guardian or the king." The Demon King didn't seem to care at all, "You are the backbone of Luo City, as long as I kill you, no one in Luo City will resist again."

"Wrong!" Du Pingyuan looked at the Demon King, "As long as no one in Luo City dies, you will not occupy Luo City!"

"Stupid human beings!" The demon king clasped his hands and decided not to continue talking nonsense.

A gray stream of air turned into countless blades, shooting out like a storm.

"Do you want to do it?" Du Pingyuan glanced lightly, then drew out the Longhua sword, and stroked the blade lightly.

"Once a hero draws his sword, it will be another ten years of catastrophe."

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