Dominate the world

Chapter 422 Accidental Discovery

It was more than ten years ago that Du Pingyuan entered the king-level realm by relying on the Longhua sword.

During the ten years, he had never used the Longhua Sword, because once he used it, it would cause killing after all.

Although it is natural for humans to kill monsters, it will also attract monsters to counterattack and take revenge. In the end, it is ordinary people who are injured.

It was precisely because of this that Du Pingyuan seldom used swords.

But the current situation is different. Monster beasts attack the city and human beings suffer. He needs to use the sword in his hand to slay the monster beasts to comfort the spirits of the dead.

When the demon king saw Du Pingyuan drawing his sword, he didn't care at all and attacked directly.

Before he could get close to Du Pingyuan, a sharp sword energy suddenly shattered the demon king's attack.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the demon king immediately turned to dodge...

The battle between Du Pingyuan and the Demon King, although it can be called a peerless battle, did not affect other people's battles at all.

The entire city of Los Angeles was being destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye. All kinds of high-rise buildings collapsed during the battle.

After Jiang Xiaobai killed the monster, he directly chose to join the warriors from Qilu Wuda University. When he saw that there were less than [-] warriors left, his eyes turned red.

"Where are the others?" Jiang Xiaobai asked angrily.

"All, all sacrificed!" Wang Chuang said in tears.

"Old Zhong, old Zhong!" Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and shouted loudly.

"Zhong Liang was sacrificed." Tang Songting limped over and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a bleak smile, "There are less than 60 people left in my Qilu Wuda University, and half of the instructors were killed or injured. More than half of the Wuda warriors were killed or injured."

"More than half?" Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists tightly.

"In order to resist the attack of monsters, Zhong Liang monopolized two level [-] monsters by himself. In the end, he was defeated and died." Tang Songting said indifferently.

"Damn it!" The breath on Jiang Xiaobai's body was released unconsciously, and crackling sounds erupted around him.

At this moment, his heart is full of hostility. Those who died are all his classmates and comrades-in-arms.

Especially Zhong Liang, Zheng Kai and others are warriors who have been following him. He will never forget that since he joined the Martial Arts Club, Zhong Liang has been diligently helping him. Jiang Xiaobai seldom deals with the affairs of the Martial Arts Club. It was all handled by Zhong Liang alone.

In the past few months, Zhong Liang never complained about anything, and even tried his best to help when something happened to him.

Until now, Zhong Liang's honest and straightforward smile can still be seen in his mind.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't be sad. Although they sacrificed, they are worthy of the title of warrior." Tang Songting patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder, "I have something important to tell you."

"Important matter?" Jiang Xiaobai calmed down after hearing this, and helped Tang Songting walk to the corner.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Go to Luo's house!" Tang Songting supported the big tree next to him, panting heavily.

"The Luo family?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned and said, "What happened to the Luo family?"

"I heard from Dean Fang that the Luo family may have other actions." Tang Songting looked at Jiang Xiaobai's puzzled expression and explained, "President Du once noticed that there were two divine senses appearing in Luo City, the final location is the Luo family."

"At first, Dean Du wanted to continue the investigation, but the news came that the city was broken."

Jiang Xiaobai listened carefully to Tang Songting's explanation, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally knit together.

Guessing according to Tang Songting's intentions, if Luo City was breached, there must be a shadow of the Luo family.

"Luo's family!" Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists tightly, his nails were deeply embedded in his flesh, but he didn't notice it at all.

If it is true that the Luo family helped the monsters open Luo City, then the source of all these crimes is the Luo family.

But they are both human beings, why did the Luo family collude with monsters?

There are millions of human beings in Luo City, yet the Luo family abandoned them like shoes.

But don't forget, in Los Angeles, the Luo family is a big and wealthy family that they secretly admire.

During the whole time, this big family actually fought back.

Pain for loved ones, fast for enemies!

"Jiang Xiaobai, what you need to do now is to go to Luo's house to find out the situation." Tang Songting continued to order.

"That's no problem." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

"Remember, you are just going to investigate." Tang Songting urged repeatedly, "Just find the evidence, don't show up, if it is really the Luo family's work, they will definitely not leave anyone alive."

According to Fang Xiqiong's intention, he would investigate by himself, but now that the situation is critical, he entrusted Tang Songting to let Jiang Xiaobai go.

Jiang Xiaobai had a lot of contact with the Luo family, so he was naturally able to know what he knew, and relying on Jiang Xiaobai's careful thinking, he could naturally get him out of the way.

"I will do it well!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Songting and said, "Instructor Tang, you need to rest urgently now."

"I'm an instructor, and my students are still fighting. It's impossible for me to go to the battlefield." Tang Songting smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Seeing that Tang Songting couldn't be persuaded, Jiang Xiaobai simply stopped trying to persuade him, turned around and left by himself.

In this critical situation, anyone could die.

Jiang Xiaobai came to Luo's house very quickly, and when Jiang Xiaobai came to Luo's house quietly, his face showed bursts of surprise.

The gate of the Luo family was already in dilapidated condition, and in the courtyard, there were also streaks of blood, corpses lying in the courtyard, all of them were descendants of the Luo family.

"Does the Luo family even want to kill their own people?" A question arose in Jiang Xiaobai's mind.

With doubts, Jiang Xiaobai looked through the entire Luo family, and found a corpse in every corner, but most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and even some babies.

These, without exception, are all from the Luo family.

"They shouldn't be far away, I can chase them!" Jiang Xiaobai lowered his head, looked at the corpse under his feet, and immediately judged that the other party should have just left.

Judging from the signs of the Luo family's escape, it is not at all sure whether it was the Luo family's doing, as long as they go up and grab a Luo family warrior and ask, they can easily judge.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaobai released his mental power to sense the movements of the warriors in Luo City, and soon found the traces of the warriors from the Luo family.

After all, the fighters of the Luo family have the number of grand masters, and they are very eye-catching among all the fleeing crowd.

However, the only thing that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't figure out was that they didn't escape from Los Angeles through the secret road, but moved towards a scenic spot in Los Angeles.

"Where did they go? What are they doing?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, thinking.

That scenic spot has been abandoned for many years, even before the upheaval, that place has been abandoned by humans.

But now, the Luo family is moving there, which really confuses Jiang Xiaobai.

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