Dominate the world

Chapter 423 Dark Net, Participating in the War

"Patriarch, why did we come to Luoquan?"

The elders who followed Luo Shouyi were very puzzled. Now that monsters are attacking the city, they should evacuate Luo City, but Luo Shouyi chose this place when they evacuated.

"Do you think those monsters will let us go if we do this?" Luo Shouyi said with a gloomy face.

That elder was silent. It was true. When they released monsters to attack the city, countless monsters flooded into Luo City, met people and killed them, and even bloodbathed their Luo family, completely ignoring their agreement.

When the strong members of the Luo family learned of all this, they all wanted to confront the monsters and figure out why they treated the Luo family like this.

The Luo family did not hesitate to betray humans and join forces with monsters, but what they got in return was merciless massacres.

However, all of this was stopped by Luo Shouyi. They were weak now and could not compete with the monsters at all.

"That's why I chose this place." Luo Shouyi pointed to the abandoned Luoquan ahead.

The former Luoquan was famous all over the country, and it was also known as the number one spring in the world.

Later, Luoquan dried up, and after a few years, it didn't fall down.

However, in the recitations of the older generation in Luocheng, there are many versions of legends about Luoquan.

Although he didn't know which one was true, Luo Shouyi guessed, this Luoquan was definitely not easy.

Especially after the upheaval, the places of interest in the world have recovered one after another, and existences like Luoquan should also become a dazzling treasure of cultivation.

But for decades, there has been no movement in Luoquan.

He thought Luo Quan was dead, but Luo Shouyi didn't realize this until the monsters attacked the city.

"Patriarch, are you saying that the monsters attacked the city for Luoquan?" The elder next to him was not a fool, he looked at Luo Shouyi and asked.

"Although they don't say anything, what else is there in Luo City that is worth attacking by monsters?" Luo Shouyi sneered.

He was able to control a family like the Luo family, so he was naturally not an idler. When talking with the goblins, he had already prepared a perfect plan, and they were all on guard against the goblins going back on their promises.

That's why he didn't choose to escape from Los Angeles, but came here.

Luo Shouyi soon came to the Luoquan ruins, looked at the dried up Luoquan, squatted down, and pressed his palms on the spring.

Suddenly, a faint vitality appeared in his palm, feeling the growth of vitality, and his face showed joy.

"So it is!" Luo Shouyi was overjoyed, "It seems that the monsters attacked the city for Luo Quan, but now Luo Quan has not fully recovered, and can only feel a weak vitality."

"Patriarch, what happened?" the elder beside Luo Shouyi asked softly.

"It's nothing!" Luo Shouyi stood up and looked at the ruins around him, with a sneer on his lips. "Doing business with monsters is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers. I should also make plans as early as possible."

Thinking of this, Luo Shouyi suddenly punched, and the ground split open.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Shouyi was already at the pinnacle of a master's cultivation. With such continuous bombardment, the surroundings had already changed drastically.

Unless it is an old man in Luocheng, he has no idea that this is where Luoquan is located.

And everything Luo Shouyi did was seen by Jiang Xiaobai.

"What is he doing?" Jiang Xiaobai asked secretly.

Luo Shouyi didn't run away, but came here to destroy Luoquan?

What secrets are hidden in this?

"Could it be possible..." An idea suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind, and then he wrote down the location.

After Luo Shouyi finished, he continued to bombard several times, turning the surrounding area into ruins, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Let's go now!" Luo Shouyi looked around and said with satisfaction.

In the huge city of Luo, even if monsters enter the city, it is impossible for the monster king to find Luo Quan in a short time.

And I can just take advantage of this opportunity to blackmail the Demon King.

If before, Luo Shouyi still had a slight illusion about the demon king, but now he didn't believe a single punctuation of the other party.

Originally, I thought I could use the demon king to reproduce the Luo family's glory, but I didn't expect that the entire Luo family was almost ruined by the demon king.

Since this is the case, why do you still believe in a demon king?

The warriors of the Luo family followed behind Luo Shouyi, starting from Luoquan, and walking towards the secret road in Luocheng.

Jiang Xiaobai still followed behind, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

However, shortly after Luo Shouyi walked out, several black shadows suddenly fell.

"Who?" Luo Shouyi said vigilantly.

"Patriarch Luo, where are you going in such a hurry?" A middle-aged warrior said with a smile.

"Chang Yue?" Luo Shouyi exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

The person who came was Chang Yue, the boss of the dark net, followed by Yu Wensong and other old people.

"I always thought that what dark net killers did was dark enough." Chang Yue glanced at Luo Shouyi, and said with a smile, "I never thought that your Luo family is much darker than our dark net, and you actually did something to collude with monsters." Waiting for the disdainful thing."

"What evidence do you have?" Luo Shouyi said word by word, "You darknet is also worthy to accuse me? What qualifications do you have?"

"When do you think I need evidence when I do things on the dark web?" Chang Yue still asked with a smile.

"Do something? What do you want to do?" Luo Shouyi took a step back subconsciously, his whole body suddenly changed, his air surged, and the five bright lights in his body kept flickering.

"What do you want to do? Eliminate harm for the people!" Chang Yue's face gradually became serious, "Although this matter is a bit ridiculous to say, but my dark net warriors, in the face of monsters and beasts, It will also be righteous.”

"It's not like you moth families who care about personal interests everywhere. If the world is like yours, what hope does China have?"

"You guys, aren't you a group of warriors who have been exiled?" Countless thoughts flashed through Luo Shouyi's mind, "They have treated you like this, you should resist!"

"It's just a family in a remote corner. Do you know what an exiled warrior is?" Chang Yue waved his hand, and Yu Wensong and others immediately surrounded the Luo family's warriors. "Today, I want to tell you a truth."

"You have to remember, here, Huaguo, is your root!"

"And you are always a descendant of China's Yanhuang, with the blood of China flowing through your body, and you are not allowed to be with the demon clan!"

After Chang Yue finished speaking, Yu Wensong and others immediately rushed towards the warriors of the Luo family.

When they came, Yu Wensong and others had already received the order to not stay when they met the Luo family warriors.

As a human being, he voluntarily abandoned his compatriots and turned to be with monsters.

What qualifications do such human beings have to stand in front of them?

"Jiang Xiaobai, come out!" Chang Yue yelled towards Jiang Xiaobai's hiding place.

Jiang Xiaobai was secretly surprised, but he walked out of his hiding place.

"You know I'm here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Chang Yue as if no one was there.

He didn't have a good impression of Chang Yue, after all, he was the person in charge of the dark web.

The dark net has a bad reputation in the circle of warriors, and it is an existence that is opposite to the Martial Arts Institute. But now, it is letting go of prejudices and fighting against monsters with other warriors.

This is something that Jiang Xiaobai never thought of anyway.

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