Dominate the world

Chapter 424 Twilight of Heroes

"I guess you should be nearby. If it weren't for my innate mental sharpness, I wouldn't be able to notice your existence." Chang Yue looked at Jiang Xiaobai carefully, and Jiang Xiaobai walked into his vision, but it was only a short time months.

But in just these few months, Jiang Xiaobai's growth shocked everyone.

If they hadn't seen Jiang Xiaobai's rise step by step with their own eyes, they might have thought that Jiang Xiaobai was the reincarnation of someone powerful.

Of course, reincarnation has been said since ancient times, but very few people have actually seen it.

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Luo Shouyi indifferently, "Are you here to kill him?"

"Forget it!" Chang Yue nodded, "It seems that you are very calm, I thought you would be very excited."

"Why am I excited?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back, "Luo Shouyi is already at the pinnacle of the master level. Although I want to kill him, I still have to weigh my own strength. I'm not such a reckless person."

"Uh..." Chang Yue couldn't help being stunned when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

Jiang Xiaobai actually said that he is not a reckless person?

If Jiang Xiaobai wasn't, then no one would be reckless.

Everyone who comes into contact with Jiang Xiaobai knows what Jiang Xiaobai looks like.

"Are you really here to kill him?" Jiang Xiaobai reconfirmed.

"What do you want to say?" Chang Yue listened to Jiang Xiaobai's words, but didn't understand what he meant at all.

"Since he was the one who killed him, I'll go first. There are still many things to do over there." Jiang Xiaobai walked straight in the opposite direction.

"Oh!" Chang Yue nodded.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai had just walked a few steps, turned his head and stared at Chang Yue and asked seriously: "Could you let him go halfway?"

"Get out!" Chang Yue cursed angrily.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jiang Xiaobai ran away.

To be honest, he still didn't believe Chang Yue's words, that's why he asked more questions, but whether it was Chang Yue or Luo Shouyi, they were not existences he could deal with.

However, along the way, Jiang Xiaobai also saw warriors from the dark net participating in resisting monsters, which made him very puzzled.

Is it possible that the dark web is really going to be good?

Not only Jiang Xiaobai, but other warriors were puzzled.

"What are you looking at? Warriors in the dark net are also warriors." After killing the monster, a dark net killer glared at the warrior who was still in a daze and shouted sharply, "When the monster is gone, there is a reward for killing you. will kill you."

"Don't be dazed, get out!"

The warrior got up from the ground in a daze, and left here with the ordinary people around him.

More and more people were sent to the secret passage, calling for the elderly and children to go first, but they also encountered some troubles.

There are many young people who did not choose to leave with their families. After they settled down with their families, they took the initiative to come before the warriors.

"Let me stay! I am a first-rank warrior, and I can kill monsters."

"What's wrong with the first-rank warriors? The lowest ones here are all third-rank warriors, so hurry up and leave now." A fifth-rank warrior standing next to him shouted.

"A first-rank warrior is also a warrior. I don't care about you. I just kill monsters with you, and I won't cause you any trouble!" the first-rank warrior said stubbornly.

"And me, I'm a second-rank martial artist, I can stay too!"

"I, I am a third-rank martial artist, so I should be able to help!"

"Old Wang, don't make trouble. Your children are only six years old. Who will take care of them if you stay?"

Surrounded by low-level warriors one by one, the warriors of the Budao Academy were at a loss.

However, no matter whether it is the warriors of the Martial Arts Academy or the warriors of the military department, at this moment their hearts are extremely moved.

Because there is a group of people standing with them, although these low-level fighters can't help much, they support them from the bottom of their hearts.

Let them know they are not alone.

"Everyone be quiet, although I am not a warrior in Luocheng, I am also a grandmaster." Li Jingyu put away the emotion in his heart and stood up, "Those who have reached the third rank of warriors can stay, but there must be one condition."

"What conditions?" The people around replied in unison.

"First, you are married. Second, you must have brothers and sisters at home." Li Jingyu cleared his throat and said loudly, "Warriors below the third rank must leave no matter what, because these ordinary people also need your help." Protect."

Li Jingyu, who is a master, had just finished speaking, and the commotional crowd gradually quieted down.

Other warriors also agreed, Li Jingyu did this to protect these ordinary people and future warriors to the greatest extent.

"Also, whether it's Luocheng Wuda or Qilu Wuda, freshmen and sophomores must go with them." Li Jingyu added.

Hearing this order, no one disobeyed, and everyone consciously moved out of the way, even the women and the elderly who had already entered the passage.

Because they know that the warriors of Wuhan University will definitely be the main force to fight against monsters in the future.

They, all of them, would rather get out of this way!

The entire human race in Los Angeles is united like never before.

For tomorrow, but also for hope.


"Old Kong, I can't take it anymore!" Fang Xiqiong glanced at her body and said bitterly.

At this moment, Fang Xiqiong's wounds were extremely hideous, and even his white bones could be seen, and his lower abdomen was even pierced.

It is a miracle that he can survive till now.

"Old Fang, hold on!" Kong Shang's situation is not much better than that of Fang Xiqiong, and he opened his mouth with difficulty and said, "Now that the monsters are attacking aggressively, our reinforcements will come soon. Hold on for a while, maybe it will be just a little bit later." Can survive."

"Old Kong, listen to me." Fang Xiqiong licked his lips, "I have a survivor letter, which has been stored in the communicator. Once I die, you will send it to the Ministry of Martial Arts!"

"I have arranged everything inside, including the future explanation of Qilu Wu Dawu Academy."

"What are you going to do?" Kong Shang's heart flashed a haze.

But at this time, Fang Xiqiong had already rushed out.

"Kong Shang, I'm dead, you must persevere!"

After Fang Xiqiong finished speaking, strong vitality erupted from his whole body, and his whole body, like a shooting star, smashed heavily towards the Cang Yue wolf.

Cang Yue Wolf didn't expect that the other party would go all out. When it found out, it was already too late.

At this moment, Fang Xiqiong rushed to the side of Cang Yue Yaolang, and suddenly exploded.


The Cang Yue demon wolf let out a roar, and streaks of blood fell from the sky.

"Damn humans, I want you to die!"

The Cang Yue demon wolf raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, Fang Xiqiong's desperate blow just now made his already injured body worse.

"Though there are thousands of people, I will go!"

Kong Shang's expression was cold, his right hand was stretched into his bosom, and a torn piece of paper stretched out from his hand.

Suddenly, a strong coercion came over the sky.


Kong Shang let out a low cry, the paper was turned into ashes in the air, and the gorgeous light suddenly fell on the Cang Yue wolf.

But he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily to the ground.

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