Dominate the world

Chapter 425 Confrontation Between the Powerful

Xiong Chang and the Heisha Venomous Bee fought for nearly an hour, with neither winning nor losing.

But it is obvious that Xiong Chang's condition is worse than that of the Heisha poisonous bee, with black lines appearing on Xiong Chang's body.

These black lines are mostly the venom of the black evil bee. Every time they fight, although Xiong Chang can hit the black evil poisonous bee, he will also be attacked by the opponent.

The poisonous needle entered Xiong Chang's body, turned into venom and circulated in every part of the body.

But Xiong Chang didn't care at all, and still fought hard with the opponent.

"You're about to lose your hold!" Heisha Venomous Bee said, "Such a high-intensity battle will only speed up your death."

"Death, when have I, Xiong Chang, been afraid of death?" Xiong Chang grinned, "If I really die, I will definitely hold you with me before I die."

Xiong Chang, the pinnacle of the Grand Master, is the number one force in the Los Angeles Army!

When facing the black evil poisonous bee, there is still no chance of winning.


Xiong Chang looked at a black sword, exuding a strong smell of blood. There was a deep blood groove in the middle of the sword, which contained infinite power.

The ultimate master-level warrior-the Cliff Knife.

Break the cliff with one knife!

When Xiong Changchu got the soldiers at the beginning, he was happy to see the hunter, and he cut the cliff with one knife, so it got its name.

The sword has followed Xiong Chang for decades, killing countless monsters. It can be said that the whole sword is covered with the blood of monsters.

So when Xiong Chang took out his saber, the Heisha Venomous Bee's attack became more violent.


Swinging out the sword, a huge shadow of the sword suddenly appeared behind Xiong Chang, rushing towards the Heisha Venomous Bee...

The most intense of these was the battle between Du Pingyuan and the demon king. One person and one demon collided continuously in the air, and Du Pingyuan used all kinds of tactics with great proficiency.

"Thunder tactics!"

Du Pingyuan gave a loud shout, and a purple thunder force continuously spread from his body, like a dragon hovering over him.

"Hmph!" The demon king snorted heavily, stretched out his big hand, and a golden stick appeared in his hand.

The long stick stirred, and storms gathered around.


Du Pingyuan and the demon king collided again, and the ground under their feet was suddenly blasted into deep pits, and the ground couldn't help shaking.

The combination of the Longhua Sword and the Thunderbolt's tactics greatly increased Du Pingyuan's strength. Even facing the demon king of the same level, he did not reveal any flaws.

This is something to be proud of for any warrior.

But Du Pingyuan didn't think so, and he wasn't complacent because of the draw with the monster. What he wanted was to defeat, or even behead his opponent.

The demon king led the demon beasts, beheaded countless warriors, and made Luo City's life miserable.

This hatred has become a knot in Du Pingyuan's heart, and only by beheading the demon king in front of him can he calm down the hatred in his heart.

"I didn't expect that you, as a king-level powerhouse, have been able to fight against me for so long, and you are already proud enough." After the Yaowang and Du Pingyuan separated, a look of shock appeared on his face.

He thought that the human warrior in front of him, even though he was a king-level powerhouse, would not be that strong, but he didn't expect that the opponent would not lose the slightest bit in the battle against him.

This made the demon king happy to see Lie Xin.

"If you can submit to my demon clan, you can rule Los Angeles together with me." The giant ape demon king began to lure Du Pingyuan.

"Submit to your monster clan?" Du Pingyuan sneered, "If you begged for mercy before the siege, I would consider letting you be my mount, but now you are killing countless compatriots of my clan, how can I tolerate you?"

Upon hearing this, the giant ape showed an angry face.

"Bold man, I wanted to give you a way out, but you don't know what to do, so I have no choice but to kill you!" The giant ape swung the golden stick in his hand and threw it towards Du Pingyuan with strong wind .

Long Huajian swung a stream of sword energy, and met the golden staff of the Giant Ape Demon King.


A sound of Jin Ge came out from the collision.

The fire caused by the collision scattered to the ground, making a sizzling sound.

The battle was still going on, Du Pingyuan and the giant ape both played real fire, especially Du Pingyuan's move was a killer move.

The Longhua Sword made a humming sound, which echoed around.

Du Pingyuan made his debut with swordsmanship. He was a young man who learned swordsmanship from a teacher. Compared with other warriors, Du Pingyuan's swordsmanship is very exquisite, not to mention that the monster in front of him can't compare.

Waves of sword energy swung out and landed on the giant ape. If the giant ape had not had a golden stick, he would have been injured by the sword energy long ago.


The giant ape suddenly let out a roar, and a monstrous aura emanated from his body.


A huge figure appeared behind the giant ape, and when it opened its mouth, a thick black mist flew out and surrounded the golden stick.


The golden stick flew out, as if the surrounding air had been evacuated.

"Sword Mountain!" Du Pingyuan shouted coldly, and the Longhua Sword exuded sword energy.

The sword energy gathered to form a hill-like existence, which forcibly endured the attack of the golden stick.

Bang bang bang!

The golden stick hit the sword qi violently, as if the air had been smashed and vibrated.

"Break!" The giant ape's hair trembled all over, and the muscles on his body quickly bulged. The power in his body was transmitted to the golden stick, and he bombarded violently again.

After a few moves, the sword mountain formed by the sword energy burst out with a crackling sound.

"Sword Wind!" Du Pingyuan yelled again, and the sword energy that was about to dissipate immediately dispersed, turning into waves of cold wind and rushing towards the giant ape.

The sword wind is like rain!

The sword rain turns into a light!

Du Pingyuan sacrificed the Longhua sword, mixed with the sword wind, and stabbed towards the giant ape.


The giant ape raised the golden stick to resist, but the sword wind directly rushed through the giant ape's defense and hit the giant ape's body.

The Longhua sword pierced out of countless sword winds, just piercing its body.

"Ah!" The giant ape screamed, looked down, and found streaks of blood flowing from the wound.

"You actually hurt me!" The giant ape stared at Du Pingyuan ferociously, "This is your strongest attack!"

"What do you think?" Du Pingyuan replied with a pale face.

"I admit, this attack is very good, but this is also your last ultimate move!" The giant ape stared at Du Pingyuan, trying to find out the flaws from his expression.

But no matter how the giant ape looked at it, it seemed that he couldn't see through Du Pingyuan.

"If you still want to try whether I have a killer move, then you continue to come." Du Pingyuan remained calm.

"I don't believe it!" The giant ape suddenly raised his head, ignored the Longhua sword on his body, and greeted him with a golden stick.

"Come again?" Du Pingyuan's pupils tightened when he saw this, and he still didn't show any panic.

"Jianlei!" Du Pingyuan shouted in a low voice.

With this cold shout, it seemed as if he was trying his best, and the vitality in Qi Hai surged wildly, and soon seemed to be hollowed out.


The golden stick slammed into Du Pingyuan's shoulder, and at the same time, a thunderbolt burst out of his body.

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