Dominate the world

Chapter 427 Great War, The Curtain Falls

"It's a pity, if you are a monster, you will definitely become the most powerful monster." The giant ape demon king took a step in the sky, and looked at Du Pingyuan with a grin.

"Hehe!" Du Pingyuan clenched the Longhua Sword again, and his eyes shot out bright lights.

"Could it be that you still have a backup?" The Giant Ape Demon King looked at Du Pingyuan with disdain, "When you cast the sword and thunder just now, you must have exhausted all your strength!"

"What do you think?" Du Pingyuan didn't admit or deny, but looked at the giant ape demon king and asked.

"I don't believe you have a backhand!" The giant ape demon king said calmly, "It is impossible for human beings to be as strong as you."

When saying these words, the giant ape demon king has been observing Du Pingyuan, eager to see the flaws in the other party's eyes.

In the battle just now, he was not safe and sound. Du Pingyuan's sword energy entered his body along the wound.

The fierce sword energy is destroying everything about him, and now it must expel the sword energy, otherwise it may cause indelible damage to his body.

"In that case, you can try it!" Du Pingyuan was still smiling lightly, and the Longhua Sword in his hand rose slowly.

Waves of sword energy emerged ferociously from the Longhua sword, and the sharp breath hovered around the tip of the sword, which lasted for a long time.

Sword thunder?

After seeing Du Pingyuan's attack, the giant ape demon king was shocked.

Can this human being in front of him use Sword Thunder?

The sword thunder just now seriously injured himself. If Du Pingyuan used the sword thunder again, even he, the demon king, would not be able to bear it.

"This may not be true!" The giant ape demon king looked at Du Pingyuan, and his body really involuntarily clenched the golden stick.


A thunderclap appeared out of thin air, and sword qi frantically gathered together.

The sword energy gathers like thunder and illusion!

Moreover, this time the sword thunder is stronger and more powerful than before.

The Giant Ape Demon King stared at Du Pingyuan with flickering eyes.

This sword thunder is not something it can resist. Thunder law is the most powerful force in the world, and it is also the nemesis of monsters.

The sword technique drives the thunder technique, and it can make the thunder technique burst out with extremely powerful power.


When the giant ape demon king saw that Jianlei was about to take shape, he suddenly turned into a streamer and fled.

If he didn't run away at this time, even if he killed Du Pingyuan, the theater demon king would be seriously injured. For it, the gain outweighed the loss.

After all, it came for Luoquan this time, and it had to ensure that it occupied Luocheng with the strongest combat power.

Only in this way can I ensure that I can firmly grasp the Lingquan, so as not to be robbed by other monsters.

Among the monsters, there are also many branch factions. Once they find the blessed land, other monsters will try their best to snatch it.

In this regard, monsters and humans are the same existence.

"The demon king has escaped!"

"The demon king escaped! We won!"

"Really? Dean Du beat the demon king hard!"

In Luo City, the warriors who were fighting burst into cheers when they saw this.

After fighting for a whole day, the demon king was finally repelled!

In this battle of life and death, they humans survived to the end.

Hearing the cheers of the people around him, Du Pingyuan's figure in the air trembled, and then fell to the ground lightly.

"Principal!" Several martial artists from the Martial Arts Institute stepped forward one after another, with extremely excited expressions on their faces.


Du Pingyuan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath faded instantly.


Several warriors stepped forward to support Du Pingyuan in an instant, and the previous excitement turned into worry.

"Help me in!" Du Pingyuan pointed to the wartime conference room, which had been mostly destroyed.

Several warriors helped Du Pingyuan in without hesitation, put him on the recliner, and looked nervously at their dean.

Du Pingyuan's situation is not much better than that of the Demon King, or even worse.

The last sword thunder was just for Du Pingyuan to scare the opponent. At that time, the vitality in his body was exhausted, and he couldn't use the sword thunder at all.

If the giant ape hadn't run away just now, Du Pingyuan would have no idea what to do.

Most of them will be beheaded by the demon king!

However, things were moving in the direction he expected, and the demon king retreated when he saw the situation was not good.

"Dean, what's wrong with you?" A warrior near Du Pingyuan asked tentatively.

"I can't die." Du Pingyuan waved his hand, "What's the current situation in the city?"

"Human warriors have suffered heavy losses!" the warrior said bitterly, "However, this retreat of the demon king can give us a chance to breathe."

"Perhaps, we humans will win because of this!"

"Do your best to win!" Du Pingyuan said in a deep voice, "We in Los Angeles have paid such a terrible price this time, we must not let those monsters escape."

"You don't have to worry about me for now, go kill the monsters!"

When several warriors were still hesitating, Du Pingyuan couldn't help but increase his tone: "What are you still doing? Are you going to drive me out of Los Angeles?"

Hearing Du Pingyuan's cold shout, those warriors retreated one after another.

"The demon king is really not that easy to deal with!" Du Pingyuan spread his hands, and frowned when he saw the traces of blood on his palms.

The news of the demon king's defeat quickly spread throughout Luo City, and some powerful monsters immediately retreated after hearing the news.

As soon as the monster retreated, it was immediately counterattacked by the warriors.

Soon there was a siege and killing of monsters in Los Angeles. This group of forces was mainly joined by Qilu Wuda and the military.

Three hours later, there was not a single monster in Los Angeles.

Most of the monsters were beheaded, and the remaining monsters all escaped from Luo City.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others looked at the devastated Los Angeles with a heavy heart.

Although this time they won.

But this victory was not easy to come by. Many warriors paid their blood and lives for it. The streets and houses in Los Angeles can be seen with bright red bloodstains.

It can be said that since the upheaval of the monsters, this battle was the most costly and costly for Los Angeles.

"President, did we win?"

A martial artist from the martial arts club covered in blood asked stupidly.


Jiang Xiaobai said slowly, feeling rather complicated.

This time, more than 100 warriors from the Qiluwu University Martial Arts Club participated in the battle, but now there are only about a dozen warriors left, and everyone is seriously injured and exhausted.

This is not a big victory, but a tragic victory.

"Go and see if there are any survivors of other warriors first, and transport the remains of our warriors from Qilu Wuda back to Wuhan University." Jiang Xiaobai ordered the surviving warriors, while he himself walked towards the wartime meeting room.

Jiang Xiaobai also observed the battle between Du Pingyuan and the demon king when he killed the monster.

The battle between the two demon kings was so exciting that outsiders couldn't get their hands on it.

If Du Pingyuan hadn't used his sword and thunder to scare the giant ape away, the battle in Los Angeles would have required a few more hours of fighting.

At that time, how many fighters in Los Angeles are left?

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know, and everyone didn't know.

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