Dominate the world

Chapter 428 Los Angeles After the War

Jiang Xiaobai came to the wartime conference room and found Du Pingyuan sitting cross-legged alone, adjusting his breath.

"Huh?" Du Pingyuan's breath was quickly caught by Jiang Xiaobai, and he frowned slightly.

Du Pingyuan's breathing was unstable, and there seemed to be a messy force in his body that was destroying his body. At this moment, Du Pingyuan was struggling with this force.

"Are you here?" Du Pingyuan opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Are you injured?" Jiang Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"Yeah!" Du Pingyuan didn't hide anything, and motioned Jiang Xiaobai to sit down, "That demon king should be a monster at the peak of the demon king realm. It's too powerful, even if I try my best, I can't kill it."

"After this battle, although I was seriously injured, it was not easy. Without half a year of recuperation, it would not be able to recover."

half a year?

Jiang Xiaobai repeated the sentence alone.

"Okay, this matter doesn't need too many people to know about it." Du Pingyuan got up and patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder, "We escaped this time, but we don't know how much we paid for it." In exchange."

"The next step is to check the time of the battle casualties, but I dare not look at this number."

Hearing Du Pingyuan's words, Jiang Xiaobai nodded. Not only Du Pingyuan, but even he dare not easily investigate the casualties now.

Because this time, almost all the warriors in Luo City fought with the will to die, and the casualties would inevitably be extremely painful.

"Isn't this something we must know sooner or later?" Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be relaxed and smiled, "Casualties have already occurred, whether we look at it or not, it will be there, it will not increase or decrease. "

"Let's go!" Du Pingyuan sighed, and then said.

After the two walked out, they immediately summoned people to investigate the casualties.

When the casualty statistics were sent up, Du Pingyuan was stunned.

More than 1000 warriors were killed or injured in the entire city of Los Angeles, and dozens of grandmasters were killed or injured. The specific statistics are even more frightening.

Fang Xiqiong, the dean of Qiluwu Dawu Academy, died in battle, and Kong Shang, the dean of the Academy of Arts, was seriously injured.

The principal of Wuhan University in Los Angeles was seriously injured!

The Martial Arts Academy lost twelve strong masters, and Fan Cheng and other strong men died.

The army lost fifteen master masters, and the army general Xiong Chang chased the monster at the peak of the lord level but failed to return.

[-]% of the Li family's warriors suffered casualties, and the Patriarch was beheaded when he was besieging the Green Illusory Python.


Every familiar name, every familiar figure, after today's battle, will be far away from them.

Jiang Xiaobai stood in front of the warriors of Qilu Wuda, looking at the casualty statistics of Qilu Wuda.

Fang Xiqiong died, and Kong Shang was seriously injured.

Tang Songting, Meng Shu and others all died.

Lan Yingying was seriously injured and unconscious, her life and death uncertain.

Warriors from the Martial Arts Club, such as Zhong Liang, Zheng Kai, Qian Buyi and others died in battle.

This time, Qilu Wuda University suffered the most casualties, the dean died and the other was injured, and [-]% of the instructors were wiped out.

Almost destroyed the entire Qilu Wuda.


Yang Chengbin and the others burst into tears. Their seniors in the past are now separated by yin and yang.

"What are you crying for?"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted sharply.

"Senior died in battle and left us the hope of life. I want you to live better, practice hard, and kill monsters in the future to avenge them."

"Instead of letting you cry here, what's the use of crying?"

Yang Chengbin and other warriors stopped crying instantly, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai bewilderedly.

"How is Sister Lan?" At this time, Liu Dou'er ran out of the crowd and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai to ask.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Dou'er, and found that the other party's face was also covered with blood, and the original white dress was now stained red by blood.

This time, Jiang Xiaobai didn't take Liu Dou'er into the battle, not to mention that she was still retreating when the monsters attacked the city.

But thinking about it now, Liu Douer seemed to have just experienced a big battle.

"Where's my sister Lan?" Liu Dou'er asked with red eyes.

"Here!" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to where Lan Yingying was, and Liu Douer rushed over directly.

The wound on Lan Yingying's body was bandaged up, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, as if she had fallen asleep.

"Sister Lan!" Liu Dou'er lay on Lan Yingying's body, crying with red eyes.

"Dean Du has already seen it. Sister Lan just passed out from an injury." Jiang Xiaobai comforted, "I will wake up."

"Xiaobai, take them back first!" A martial artist from the Martial Arts Institute came to Jiang Xiaobai's side and said in a deep voice.

Today, Qilu Wuda has suffered heavy losses, and the director of the Wuyuan has been killed. Now in the Wuyuan, Jiang Xiaobai has unknowingly become the talker.

However, Jiang Xiaobai does have such qualifications. After all, Jiang Xiaobai is already a strong man at the pinnacle of the ninth rank, and even a strong man who has just entered the Grandmaster is no match.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai responded.

Not only Jiang Xiaobai's family, but also the warriors from the Martial Arts Institute and the military department also dispersed.

After all, it would be useless if they stayed here all the time. Now that the monsters have retreated, they need to recuperate.

After returning to Wuhan University, Jiang Xiaobai stopped at the gate of Wuhan University.

"There is no end to martial arts, and there is arrogance!"

These eight characters loomed in the sky, exuding a faint brilliance.

Jiang Xiaobai looked back and saw immature faces with wry smiles on the corners of his mouth.

I still remember that Jiang Xiaobai hadn't really integrated into it when he just woke up, but now, especially after this battle, he found that he had integrated into this world.

Family affection and friendship are all accompanied by Jiang Xiaobai's life trajectory.

Jiang Xiaobai brought Lan Yingying to the convalescent room of Wuhan University, quietly looking at the sleeping beauty.

Along the way, Liu Douer kept holding onto Lan Yingying's hands and never let go.

"Xiaobai, sister Lan will really be fine, right!" Liu Dou'er asked with her face raised.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at his tear-stained face with a faint smile, "Don't worry, Sister Lan will be fine."

"En!" Liu Dou'er nodded vigorously, and put Lan Yingying's hand on her face, "Sister Lan, you still want to go home with Doudou? Didn't you say that you always wanted to visit Doudou's house?" see?"

Seeing Liu Douer's excited and nervous appearance, Jiang Xiaobai didn't wait too long.

Although the war is over now, the matter is not over yet, and there are more things that he needs to deal with.

"Are you out?" Jiang Xiaobai just walked out of the convalescent room when he saw Zhang Chulan greet him.

"When did you come back?" Jiang Xiaobai felt comforted when he saw Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan was not on the casualty list. He thought that the other party was missing. He wanted to let Kong Shang look for it, but he didn't expect the other party to appear.

"I've always been here and never left." Zhang Chulan said lightly.

"And then?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned. If he didn't know Zhang Chulan's temper, he would have thought that Zhang Chulan was just pretending?

"No then, is there a convalescent room? I need to rest!" Zhang Chulan finished speaking, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

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