Dominate the world

Chapter 429 Zhao Chong's Heart Knot

After Jiang Xiaobai sent Zhang Chulan to the convalescent room, he realized that the other party was seriously injured.

The vitality in his body was empty, and his body became extremely weak, which made his face pale and bloodless.

"Why did you suffer such a serious injury?" Jiang Xiaobai said in shock, looking at the wound on Zhang Chulan's body.

"I can't die." Zhang Chulan muttered, her body still trembling uncontrollably.

"You have a good rest." Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved after his breath entered Zhang Chulan's body.

Although Zhang Chulan was injured, not all of them were fatal. If he meditated for a few days, he would be able to recover as before.

This point of Zhang Chulan is quite similar to himself, but he has a Tai Chi disc, but what about Zhang Chulan?

Could it be that he also had some adventures?

Jiang Xiaobai didn't think too deeply, and went directly to see the situation of the other wounded.

Not only the warriors who participated in the battle were injured, but other warriors were also injured more or less while escorting ordinary people.

This made Jiang Xiaobai feel very surprised. The warriors of Wuhan University took the initiative to help ordinary people retreat, which was completely beyond Jiang Xiaobai's imagination.

The warriors of Wuhan University were all sad, but when they saw Jiang Xiaobai's figure, everyone showed a look of excitement.

"President Jiang, we want to avenge the dean!"

"Yes! President Jiang, we must avenge the dean and instructors!"

"President Jiang, I would like to request to join the Martial Arts Club!"

The warriors lying on the hospital bed said in a hurry.

"I know all about it, you all recover from your wounds quietly, and you can take revenge only when your wounds are healed." Jiang Xiaobai comforted.

If these warriors were dead, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how to comfort them, how to take care of them, but now, these warriors are not in the slightest of despair, everyone is full of fighting spirit.

This is the greatest comfort for Jiang Xiaobai.

"Old Ning?" Jiang Xiaobai saw a familiar figure on the ground he was patrolling.

Ning Zecheng, the elder of the organ!

"Little Bai!" Ning Zecheng greeted with a smile.

"Old Ning, why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

Shouldn't Ning Zecheng be leading the Weapon Academy to refine warriors?Why did it appear here at this time.

"Oh!" Ning Zecheng pointed to a bed next to him.

Jiang Xiaobai looked along and saw Zhao Chong lying on the bed, staring straight up.

"Zhao Chong?" Jiang Xiaobai walked over, looked at Zhao Chong and said. "What’s wrong with you?"

"When he learned about Lan Yingying's accident, he tried his best to find the monster, but he didn't expect to be injured by the monster." Ning Zecheng sighed and told the story.

If Ning Zecheng hadn't discovered it in time, Zhao Chong might have died at the foot of the monster.

"Then he is now?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Chong who seemed to have lost his soul, and asked anxiously.

"The injury is healed, but the pain in my heart may not heal for a while." Ning Zecheng patted Jiang Xiaobai, "You go and persuade me! I wanted to wait for this time to tell you, Now that you know, just drop by and enlighten him."

Jiang Xiaobai gently came to Zhao Chong's side, but Zhao Chong was still lying on the bed with empty eyes.

"Chong..." Jiang Xiaobai shouted softly.

Zhao Chong on the bed didn't move at all, Zhao Chong lay there straight, without any reaction.

"Zhao Chong!" Jiang Xiaobai emphasized his tone, "What do you look like now?"

"It's just being injured by a monster, it's not like you!"

"Oh!" Zhao Chong responded unexpectedly, and there was no more words.

"You like Sister Lan, didn't you say you can go after her? Now that he's injured, why are you lying dead here?" Jiang Xiaobai scolded.

"Then what should I do?" Zhao moved his body impulsively, "I like Sister Lan, but I can't even protect Sister Lan. I just watched Sister Lan become seriously injured and unconscious because of me. What can I do?"

Was Lan Yingying injured in order to protect Zhao Chong?

Jiang Xiaobai instantly understood the whole story.

"Then you should stay with Sister Lan instead of pretending to be dead here." Jiang Xiaobai continued.

"Accompany her? What's the use of my company?" Zhao Chong stood up and looked at Jiang Xiaobai. "I'm not like you. I have such great strength. I'm just a student of making weapons."

"Refining, do you understand? It's the kind of fighting scum!"

"It was meant to refine the weapon for me. When I refine the world's divine weapon, I will be worthy of Sister Lan, but in the end, I still let Sister Lan block that attack for me."

"Tell me, what's the use of me!"

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai laughed mockingly, "What's wrong with the weapon refining? Who said that the weapon refining is the five scum of war?"

"Looking at the past and present, it is not that there are no existences who have been promoted to the realm of the strong through refining weapons, not to mention the ancient go-getters Mo Xie, Master Ou Yezi, who was published after the drastic change, and was not promoted to the master level through refining tools, or even the king level Strong?"

"Sister Lan was seriously injured and passed out because of you. Didn't she make you feel sorry for yourself and others?"

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Zhao Chong couldn't help lowering his head.

"If you feel sorry for Sister Lan, then you should do something to her instead of doing nothing here." Jiang Xiaobai continued, "Even if you are not strong enough, you can practice hard, or do something other things."

Hearing this, Zhao Chong's eyes showed a strange look, and his whole body seemed to be full of vitality.

"If you continue to be decadent like this, how will you face Sister Lan? That's all I can tell you. You can think about the rest yourself!"

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he left directly beside his bed.

"Is this really okay?" Jiang Xiaobai asked softly when he walked up to Ning Zecheng, "He won't just be useless like this!"

"The rest is up to him." Jiang Xiaobai responded, "Old Ning, take care of this guy for a few days!"

Ning Zecheng nodded heavily.

After taking the initiative to patrol, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Martial Arts Club, returning to this familiar place, which made him feel a strange feeling.

Looking at the empty Martial Arts Club, he lost his mind for a moment.

A few days ago, the martial arts club was still bustling with activity, and martial artists from Wuhan University were practicing hard.

Zhong Liang, Zheng Kai, Qian Buyi and the others were still talking and laughing, but now, all of this has disappeared.

Monster beasts attacked Luo City, and hundreds of warriors participated in the battle, fighting Luo City to the death.

In the end, the monsters were repelled, but many warriors lost their lives.


Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists.

When Jiang Xiaobai lost his mind, a black shadow appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Who?" Jiang Xiaobai felt a strong demonic aura, and stood up instantly. When he saw the appearance of the person coming, he was suddenly stunned on the spot.

"Qin, senior Qin Feng?"

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