Wu Weijiang opened the database calmly and looked up Jiang Xiaobai's name.

As the chairman of Lincheng Group, Wu Weijiang is naturally also a warrior. Because of his status, he has relatively high authority in the warrior database.

When he entered the three characters Jiang Xiaobai, he soon found out about Jiang Xiaobai's introduction.

Jiang Xiaobai, born on February 2001, 2...

Ninth-rank warriors participated in the defense of Los Angeles, led Qilu Wushu students to successfully block the attack of monsters, and defended Los Angeles...

Wu Weijiang looked at the information about Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes became horrified.

This guy……

19 years old!

Ninth rank warrior?

This, this is too exaggerated!

There was a chill coming from Wu Weijiang's back, this is not a human being at all, this is simply a monster!

But how could the Lincheng Group provoke such an existence?

19 years old, rank nine martial artist!

Even if Jiang Xiaobai turned Lincheng upside down, I'm afraid the Martial Arts Academy would just punish him.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's talent is too monstrous, and he will definitely become one of the key warriors trained by the entire Hua Kingdom in the future.

Not to mention the entire Lincheng Group, even Lincheng cannot compare with Jiang Xiaobai.

Most importantly, he also led Qilu Wuda to defend Los Angeles.

Luocheng is the capital of Qilu Province. Jiang Xiaobai's outstanding military exploits in defending Luocheng are enough for him to have no taboos.

"Have you found it!" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a sneer as he looked at Wu Weijiang whose expression was constantly changing.

"Check, we found it!" Wu Weijiang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Dad, kill him!" Wu Han yelled sharply, "He dared to attack me, you must teach this guy a lesson."


Wu Weijiang kicked Wu Han and sent him flying.


Wu Han's body hit the furniture heavily, and it was torn apart.

"Dad, why did you hit me!" Wu Han shouted angrily, "You never hit me!"

"It's just because I thought I wouldn't hit you before that I let such misconducts cause me a catastrophe." Wu Weijiang came to Wu Han and bombarded him vigorously again.

Soon, Wu Han was beaten into a pig's head, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"Jiang Xiaobai, it's because of my lax discipline." Wu Weijiang came to Jiang Xiaobai, bowed his head and admitted his mistake. "Trouble for you!"

"Not to trouble me, it seems that you still don't know what's wrong." Jiang Xiaobai watched Wu Weijiang's performance quietly.

The reason why Wu Weijiang did this was to protect Wu Han.

Every time he took a shot, although it seemed that Wu Han was injured, Jiang Xiaobai could tell that it was just a skin trauma.

"Wu Weijiang, do you think I can't see your tricks?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Wu Weijiang and asked word by word. "Do you know whose house you wanted to demolish yesterday?"

"That's the house of my instructor Tang Songting's parents at Qilu University."

"Instructor Tang defended Luocheng to the death, and died with the monsters, but you are here to bully his parents!"

When Jiang Xiaobai said a word, he took a step forward, and all the vitality around him pressed towards Wu Weijiang and Wu Han.

Wu Weijiang and Wu Han suddenly seemed to be facing strong pressure, and they all showed expressions of horror.


Wu Han knelt on the ground with a plop, trembling all over.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I don't know!" Wu Weijiang gritted his teeth, resisting Jiang Xiaobai's coercion, beads of sweat dripping down his face.

Jiang Xiaobai, a rank nine warrior, was like a huge mountain in front of Wu Han and Wu Weijiang, pressing on them so that they couldn't move an inch.

"I don't know!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wu Weijiang, "Whoever doesn't know is not guilty?"

Wu Weijiang didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

"This is a good excuse for you guys, but it doesn't hold for me." Jiang Xiaobai kicked Wu Weijiang, and his huge body was immediately kicked out. Warrior, can you not remember?"

"I still think that you don't care if Instructor Tang is dead?"

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, never bully others, but after today, if your Lincheng Group is safe and sound, I, Jiang Xiaobai, am not worthy of being called a warrior!"

"Jiang Xiaobai, I really don't know!" Wu Weijiang wailed with blood on his face, "It's all my carelessness. If I knew, I would never dare to do this!"

"We are both warriors, please don't remember the mistakes of villains this time, I will apologize right away!"

Wu Weijiang was really scared. If Jiang Xiaobai was determined to deal with them, they would have no chance at all.

The Lincheng Group is the foundation of his ancestors. It was built by his father with hard work. It has been passed down for decades. If this foundation is destroyed in his own hands, how can he face it? Ancestors?

Wu Han on the side was completely scared out of his wits. He was pampered and pampered on weekdays, but he never thought that such a day would come.

Jiang Xiaobai was like a ferocious beast, suppressing them so tightly that he didn't dare to take a breath.

"It should be here soon!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the time and waited quietly.

Such a big movement is likely to alarm the Lincheng Martial Arts Academy.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the sound of orderly footsteps came from far and near.

Five warriors from the Martial Arts Institute appeared in the office, staring at the messy situation, they were stunned.

"Are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the person and said coldly.

"Jiang Xiaobai?" The visitor immediately stood up straight after seeing Jiang Xiaobai, "Hu Peng from Lincheng Martial Arts Academy."

"Hu Peng, I have seen you!" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the two people on the ground, "The Lincheng Group wants to deal with Tang Songting's instructor's family, which should violate the regulations of the Martial Arts Academy!"

"This time I'm here to seek justice, so that those warriors who died fighting with monsters can rest in peace."

When Hu Peng heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, his face became serious.

The Lincheng Group is a big company in Lincheng, a large enterprise, but because of the rapid expansion in these years, it has done some illegal things, but because there are people in the Lincheng Group, even the Lincheng Martial Arts Academy can't make a move deal with.

When they were notified, they were unwilling to come out, but they didn't expect that it was about Jiang Xiaobai.

"Please rest assured, we will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly." Hu Peng waved his hand, and the people behind him immediately supported Wu Weijiang and his son from the ground, and quickly left the office.

"Troublesome!" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

"Don't worry, I don't like them a long time ago." Hu Peng glanced at Wu Weijiang and his son who were taken away, and said mockingly, "But there are people above them, if it wasn't for you today, this matter would not be easy to handle."

"The current big chaebols only care about their own interests. Whether they are ordinary people or warriors, as long as their interests are encroached on, they will be crazily targeted."

"It's time to rectify these big chaebols!" Jiang Xiaobai said softly.

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