Dominate the world

Chapter 439 News from the Martial Arts Department

As soon as Wu Weijiang and his son were taken away, news spread that the Lincheng Group was seized.

Xu Lei even came to Tang Songting's parents' house in person to apologize, which surprised the old couple.

And Jiang Xiaobai was watching faintly from the side, with a slight sneer on his face.

If it wasn't for his pressure, how could the Lincheng Group be collapsed like this?

In other words, without Jiang Xiaobai's protection, one can imagine how Tang Songting's parents would end up.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'm really sorry about this." Xu Lei came to Jiang Xiaobai and said seriously, "I really didn't expect that the Lincheng Group would be so arrogant. Wu Weijiang and his son will be spared."

"I'll only give you one week. If you can't handle it well, I'll handle it myself." Jiang Xiaobai said in an uncompromising tone, "Not only Tang Songting's parents, but other people's parents, siblings, Take care."

"Old Xu, we can't chill the hearts of warriors all over the world!"

Xu Lei stood aside, nodding his head in agreement.

It's not that Xu Lei really didn't care, it's mainly because he couldn't be too busy at all. Although Lincheng is a quiet place, there are so many things that he can't cover everything.

And the Lincheng Group and the Martial Arts Institute have a complicated relationship, so it is not easy to do it easily, so that it has become what it is now.

But this incident also taught him a lesson and made him vigilant.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai went to the homes of other warriors to look around. This time, Xu Lei followed everything he said.

Fortunately, the other warriors did not have the same situation as Tang Songting's family, and they all seemed quite normal.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai took a martial arts fighter to another city.

Two days later, Jiang Xiaobai returned to Los Angeles again.

The traces of the war can still be clearly seen, but it is much better than the previous few days.

Jiang Xiaobai, who had just gotten off the martial arts fighter plane, stayed in Qilu Wuda for a while before he was called away by Kong Shang.

The two came to Luocheng Martial Arts Academy, and Jiang Xiaobai saw Du Pingyuan and Sheng Le in the military department.

"No news from General Xiong yet?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sheng Le and asked with a frown.

"No, we searched for hundreds of miles and only found General Xiong's armor." Sheng Le said in a deep voice.

Sheng Le led the warriors of this army to participate in the battle, and there were many casualties in the army. Even Sheng Le has not healed his injuries until now.

"Let's not talk about that for now." Du Pingyuan waved his hand, "I called you here this time because I have something to discuss."

Jiang Xiaobai, Kong Shang and others sat down one by one, looking at Du Pingyuan.

"Officials from the Martial Arts Department and the Military Department set off from Beijing today, and they are expected to arrive tomorrow." Du Pingyuan continued, "There are three main reasons for this visit. The first is to deal with the affairs of the Military Department, and the second is to It is the matter of Wuhan University, and the third is the post-war reconstruction and defense of Los Angeles."

The general of the army is gone!

The dean of Qiluwu University of Martial Arts died in battle!

This really needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Kong Shang, Sheng Le and the others nodded repeatedly after hearing this. These things were all within their expectations, especially the Qilu Martial Arts University. Fang Xiqiong once had his last words and handed them over to the Ministry of Martial Arts.

"Jiang Xiaobai, although Lao Fang once recommended you as the head of the martial arts academy, there are many people who oppose it in the martial arts department. First, it is because your strength is only a ninth-rank martial artist and has not reached the level of a master. Second, you It's because you are too young and your qualifications are not enough to convince the public."

"It doesn't matter to me whether the president of the martial arts academy is right or not." Jiang Xiaobai said calmly, "But one thing, no matter who is the president of the martial arts academy, I hope that Qilu Wuda can be carried forward. Efforts in vain."

"What if I told you to fight for it?" Du Pingyuan stared at Jiang Xiaobai and asked word by word.

"Fight?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Du Pingyuan in surprise, completely at a loss.

"Yes!" Du Pingyuan nodded heavily, "Right now, Los Angeles has suffered heavy losses. What if the masters from the Martial Arts Department come to Los Angeles just for merit? We have to guard against this."

"If that's the case, they have made enough achievements, so how can they care about what Qilu Wuda will look like in the future?"

"So..." Jiang Xiaobai fell into deep thought, "But if it's about strength, I'm afraid I'm no match!"

Indeed, Jiang Xiaobai is only a strong man at the pinnacle of the ninth rank. Even after the battle with monsters, his strength has been improved, but the sea of ​​energy in his body is still not cultivated to the perfect state.

If one wants to be promoted to a master, there are only two ways, one is to temper the sea of ​​​​qi, making the sea of ​​energy great, and the other is to cultivate the Nine Hell Thunder Saber to the perfect state.

Once the Nine Hells Thunder Saber is cultivated to perfection, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely become a master-level powerhouse!

But neither of these two conditions can be fulfilled.

This is where Jiang Xiaobai is helpless.

The envoys from the Ministry of Martial Arts will come here tomorrow, and the time is also a little too late.

"I thought about it, and I really have no chance of winning." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help spreading his hands, and looked at Du Pingyuan helplessly, "I want to fight too, but the conditions don't allow it!"

The head of the martial arts academy!

What a bluffing position this is!

Just imagine, when the time comes, Jiang Xiaobai will be called Dean Jiang when he goes out. Isn't this a group of cattle?

"According to the Ministry of Martial Arts, there should be a young martial artist." Du Pingyuan comforted Jiang Xiaobai, "The strength is at most a first-order grandmaster."

First-order grandmaster?

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, this seems to be a chance!

But, why did you let a first-order grandmaster come to be the head of the martial arts academy?

"Right now, the strong men in the Hua Kingdom are all fighting monsters and beasts, and have suffered heavy losses, so that the Martial Arts Department has to train young warriors to be their successors." Du Pingyuan, as the dean of the Martial Arts Institute of Qilu Province, naturally understands the inside story more.

The reason for doing this is to make early plans. If the strong of the older generation die in battle and the strong of the new generation do not grow up, this will be a disaster for mankind.

Therefore, in the past few years, the Martial Arts Institute has taken the training of young warriors as its own responsibility, and has even promoted some Tianjiao warriors to make them idols of the whole people, which can also stimulate people's hearts to martial arts.

Never underestimate the potential of human beings, if it is fully stimulated, it will be very terrifying.

"So, Jiang Xiaobai, I have to ask you to fight this time." Du Pingyuan said here, emphasizing his tone, "After all, Qilu Wuda is the foundation of my city of Luo, and the hope of my Qilu province."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai agreed without hesitation, "I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations."

"Dean, where's the military department?" Sheng Le scratched his head and asked.

"There will be no new recruits from the military department to take over. After all, General Xiong hasn't been found yet." Du Pingyuan explained.

"Then I'm relieved." Sheng Le let out a long sigh of relief. It wasn't that he wanted to take over the military department of Los Angeles, but that he left this position for his own consideration.

Xiong Chang will come back sooner or later!

However, there is a time limit. If there is no news from Xiong Chang for half a year, someone from the military will take over sooner or later.

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