Dominate the world

Chapter 440 Martial Arts Department - Li Chan

The next day, a martial arts fighter plane appeared in the sky above Los Angeles, making a buzzing sound.

And Jiang Xiaobai and others, led by Du Pingyuan, appeared in front of the Martial Arts Institute.

At the entrance of the Martial Arts Institute is a wide field, enough for ten martial arts fighters to take off and land.

"Martial arts fighter?" Seeing the record above his head, Jiang Xiaobai clicked his tongue, "This is still a big show, this martial arts fighter is much better than mine."

Although Jiang Xiaobai's martial arts fighter is the treasure of the Li family, it is only the first generation fighter.

And the martial arts fighter in front of him is the record of a new generation.

Whether it is defense or attack power, they are extremely tyrannical. Even a king-level powerhouse cannot break through the defense of the martial arts fighter.

"Don't think about it, this is not what you think about." Du Pingyuan felt Jiang Xiaobai's hot eyes, and couldn't help but pour a basin of cold water on him.

"Don't let me have it, can't you let me think about it?" Jiang Xiaobai said unconvinced, "In a few years, I will have someone more powerful than this."

"Hehe!" Du Pingyuan and a few people around him suddenly smiled, not paying attention to Jiang Xiaobai's words at all.

several years?

I'm afraid I won't be able to have it for decades!

This is the exclusive fighter of the Martial Arts Department, and there is no second one in Huaguo.


A wave of air boiled from the ground, and the huge sound filled everyone's ears.

The martial arts fighter landed, and four people soon appeared from the martial arts fighter.

Among them were three old men and one young... woman!

When Jiang Xiaobai saw this woman, his eyes widened involuntarily.

The woman in front of her was dressed in a black dress, completely outlining her elegant and graceful lines. There was no trace of blemish on her delicate face, but such a charming woman had a cold face, as if she was thousands of miles away.

"Dean Du, I'm sorry!" The old man who got off the plane greeted Du Pingyuan enthusiastically.

"Senior Pang, you are being polite!" Du Pingyuan responded with a smile, "These two are colleagues from the military department!"

"Indeed, these are General Ye and General Ding from the military department." The old man known as Senior Pang introduced, "They are here this time because of the affairs of General Xiong Chang."

"I have to say, Dean Du, Luo City has really given us Huaguo Martial Arts President this time! The great elders of the Martial Arts Department have personally expressed their praise!"

The Great Elder of the Martial Arts Department?

After Du Pingyuan heard it, he was immediately flattered.

The Great Elder of the Martial Arts Department, in charge of the entire Martial Arts Academy, can be described as the supreme existence above ten thousand people.

There are countless legends about the Great Elder of the Martial Arts Department. Some people say that he has already entered the ranks of emperor-level powerhouses, and he is only one step away from entering the holy realm.

Even Du Pingyuan, who is the head of the Provincial Martial Arts Institute, was extremely happy to be commended by such a great person.

"Please come in!" Du Pingyuan greeted several people to enter the Martial Arts Academy.

"Hmph!" The Gao Leng woman snorted coldly as she passed by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai touched his nose in confusion, "This girl has a really weird temper."

Jiang Xiaobai is really not suitable for this kind of occasion. Letting him practice and fight monsters is much more comfortable than dealing with people.

It's not that Jiang Xiaobai doesn't fit in, but that Jiang Xiaobai is not smooth enough.

Jiang Xiaobai sat next to Kong Shang and Sheng Le, while the aloof woman sat with several old people.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai figured out the identity of the person who came. Apart from the aloof woman, the person from the Martial Dao Academy was called Pang Ji, who was a king-level powerhouse. Xiang and Ding Yi, these two are also king-level powerhouses.

"Since when are there so many king-level powerhouses like dogs?"

Jiang Xiaobai complained in a low voice.

"What did you say?" the cold girl stared at Jiang Xiaobai and asked sharply.

"I said when I can become the king!" Jiang Xiaobai gave him a blank look. Is this guy's hearing so good?

"You became the king?" The tall and cold woman sneered and turned her face away, "Hehe!"

"Oh, I'll wipe it!" Jiang Xiaobai felt an unknown fire in his heart.

"You can't mess around here!" Kong Shang held Jiang Xiaobai down, "There are important people present, so don't be rude."

"I'm doing this to save face." Jiang Xiaobai said quietly to Kong Shang.

Kong Shang glanced at it lightly and ignored it.

"I forgot to introduce to Dean Du, this is Li Chan, the arrogance of my Martial Arts Department, who is 22 years old this year." Pang Ji pointed to the cold woman and said, "Don't look at her young age, she has already entered the rank of first-order grandmaster the year before last. He is one of the many talents in our Martial Arts Department."

22 years old?

First-order grandmaster?

This news immediately shocked Du Pingyuan and others, and they all looked at this cold girl again.

They really can't imagine that such a girl in her early twenties is actually a first-order grandmaster?

Even when Du Pingyuan became a first-tier grandmaster, he was already close to thirty!

this little girl...

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Li Chan looked like a proud swan, holding her head up, enjoying everyone's surprise and admiration.

"I really want to knock her head to one side!" Jiang Xiaobai thought wickedly.

"I don't know who this is?" Pang Ji looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Pang Ji already knew Kong Shang's name, but he didn't know the young man in front of him.

"This is Jiang Xiaobai, the arrogance of Qilu Wuda University." Du Pingyuan introduced, "He is also Fang Xiqiong's direct disciple."

Fang Xiqiong's personal disciple?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Du Pingyuan in surprise, why didn't I know this?

But Jiang Xiaobai soon saw Du Pingyuan winking at him, and stopped talking.

"The arrogance of a ninth-rank warrior?" Li Chan cast a sidelong glance at Jiang Xiaobai and chuckled, "It seems that Qilu Wuda has really fallen."

"Chan'er, don't be rude." Pang Ji glared at Li Chan, "Jiang Xiaobai's ability to be promoted to a ninth-rank martial artist in Qilu Martial Arts University has already proved his talent, and he has made great achievements in resisting monsters, so he should be respected by us. "

"Oh!" Li Chan replied with an ugly face, and turned her head aside again.

"President Du, don't take offense." Pang Ji smoothed things over, "Li Chan is just like this, and she was spoiled by the seniors at the Martial Arts Academy."

"It's okay, young people, it's understandable to be young and energetic." Du Pingyuan suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, waved his hand and said. "Then let's talk about business!"

"Okay!" Pang Ji sat up straight, "This time Lao Ding and Lao Ye are here for the affairs of General Xiong Chang, but what about me? I mainly came to see the situation of our Martial Arts Institute and Wuhan University."

"Teacher, didn't you say you want me to be the dean of the martial arts academy of Qilu University?" Li Chan asked suddenly.

Pang Ji: "..."

Du Pingyuan: "..."

Ye Xiang and Ding Yi: "..."

Jiang Xiaobai: "!@#¥@%"

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