Dominate the world

Chapter 445 Jiang Xiaobai's Problem

Jiang Xiaobai's succession as the dean of Qilu Wuda happened to be in June, and June was the day when Wuda recruited students.

Every student who has just graduated from high school will start a new journey in this month.

Qilu Martial Arts University is the top-ranking Martial Arts University in Qilu Province, so it is natural to be prepared for enrolling students.

However, because Luo City was brutally attacked by monsters, recruiting students for a few years may be a problem for Qilu University.

Nearly [-]% of the instructors were killed or injured, which has sharply reduced the number of strong people in Qilu University, which is bound to affect the number of students enrolled this year.

"I'm so hard!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the general situation of Qilu Wuhan University, and sighed while lying on the desk of Wuhan University.

This year plans to enroll [-] warriors, but judging from the current situation, Qilu University's teaching staff cannot meet the quota of [-] students.

"This battle has hurt us a lot." Jiang Xiaobai put down the enrollment plan, looked at Li Chan in front of him and said, "Vice President, what can you do?"

"What's a good way?" Li Chan raised her eyelids, "Whether they like to come or not, besides, this is your dean's business, and it has nothing to do with me."

"You are also the vice president after all!" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"The reason why I became the vice president is to defeat you. If you fight with me now, I will defeat you and leave immediately!" Li Chan said indifferently.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, this guy was ruthless.

Originally thought that Li Chan's becoming the vice president would help him, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

This guy is like a vase, just good-looking.

"Xiaobai, why don't we charge less?" Liu Dou'er said while sitting on the sofa, eating snacks.

"Receive less and not make any mistakes." Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his temples, "What's more, our Qilu Wuda University was weaker than others, if we accept less martial arts now, the gap with other Wuda universities will become wider and wider. "

"Then there is no way!" Liu Dou'er said helplessly, "Unless you can find other people to help."

"Who?" Jiang Xiaobai then asked.

"The Martial Arts Institute or the Martial Arts Department!" Liu Douer blinked and said, "Let them second a few strong men to serve as instructors, will it attract more people?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up when he heard it.

This is a good way!

Budoin, Budobu, and even the military!

If a few high-ranking martial artists, or grandmasters are transferred from these three places as instructors, then...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but get excited.

"Liu Dou'er, you're so smart!" Jiang Xiaobai rubbed Liu Dou'er's face and said excitedly.

"Hehe!" Li Chan laughed casually, "It's just that you are too stupid."

"How can you say that?" Liu Dou'er said angrily to Li Chan.

"Little girl, don't be fooled by men." Li Chan got up and came to Liu Dou'er, "Man, there is no good thing!"

"I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe in a man's stinky mouth."

Speaking of this, Li Chan gave Jiang Xiaobai another hard look: "Especially a man like him who doesn't want Bilian."

"Nonsense, Xiaobai is not such a person!" Liu Dou'er argued, "Sister, do you have any misunderstandings about Xiaobai?"

Before Li Chan could speak, Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "Liu Douer, a master once wrote in a book that the more beautiful a woman is, the easier it is to deceive people."

"En!" Liu Dou'er nodded heavily.

Although she didn't know which book it was written in or where it came from, but with her trust in Jiang Xiaobai, no matter what Jiang Xiaobai said, she would believe it without hesitation.

"Hey!" Li Chan sighed coldly, "If you look like this, sooner or later you will be sold by Jiang Xiaobai, and you have to count the money for him."

"Come on, Dou'er, follow me to the Martial Arts Institute!" Jiang Xiaobai pulled Liu Dou'er out of the dean's office.

Li Chan was the only one left in the huge office, and she looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back with confused eyes, wondering what was going on in her heart.

Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Douer came to the Provincial Martial Arts Institute.

The warriors at the Martial Arts Academy already knew Jiang Xiaobai, so when they saw Jiang Xiaobai, they all smiled and greeted him.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing today? What about the cold beauty?"

The martial artist from the Budao Academy joked.

They all saw Jiang Xiaobai's battle that day, and Jiang Xiaobai's black hand has already become a joke for everyone.

"Go away!" Jiang Xiaobai said angrily, "When I tell Dean Du, you can wait to work overtime!"

"Oh, Dean Jiang, we were wrong, you don't remember villains." The martial artist knew that Jiang Xiaobai was joking, so he said with a smile.

"Ahem, I'm just a temporary agent, a temporary agent." Jiang Xiaobai coughed pretendingly, "Principal Du is here!"

"Are you here? Go in quickly!" The warrior said with a smile, "Come out and teach us a few tricks!"

"Cut, you are not worthy!" Jiang Xiaobai walked in arrogantly.

Several people were still sending Jiang Xiaobai away with a smile. Since the first battle in Los Angeles, although Los Angeles has suffered heavy losses, it has also improved the cohesion of the warriors, so that the warriors who had little contact with each other at this time began to become familiar with each other. network up.

For example, Jiang Xiaobai and the warriors of the Budao Academy did not have any friendship at first, but after the war, all the warriors became friendly.

Through this battle, they understood a truth. Although they are practicing together now, if they encounter monsters, many warriors will die, and the warriors around will be their comrades in life and death.

After seeing Du Pingyuan, Jiang Xiaobai found that Pang Ji was also sitting on a chair drinking tea.

"President Du, Senior Pang." Jiang Xiaobai greeted the two of them.

"Dean Jiang? Why do you have time to come over today?" Du Pingyuan greeted Jiang Xiaobai to sit down, with a faint smile on his face. "After you became the head of the martial arts academy, I thought you forgot about us?"

"Dean Du, don't make fun of me, I have something to trouble you this time!" Jiang Xiaobai sat down, "You said that I became the dean of the Martial Arts Academy, and I was just a bare-handed commander. Instructor."

"Xiaobai, we have understood this situation." Du Pingyuan said in a dilemma, "You are like this, isn't our Provincial Martial Arts Institute also like this? If not, I wouldn't ask Senior Pang to help."

"President Du, you..." Jiang Xiaobai looked anxiously at Du Pingyuan.

Originally, he wanted to ask Du Pingyuan to help, but he didn't expect Du Pingyuan to cry poorly with him.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was about to continue talking, he saw Du Pingyuan winking at him. Jiang Xiaobai instantly understood, so he looked at Pang Ji.

"Senior Pang, I heard that the Martial Arts Department is mostly young martial artists."

"Of course!" Pang Ji nodded and said, "My Martial Arts Department is a collection of elites from all over the world, and this is the case in the entire Hua Kingdom."

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