Dominate the world

Chapter 446 Jiang Xiaobai Borrows Someone

"Senior Pang, the Tianjiao of the Martial Arts Department is really a role model for us and others, even the idol of all our warriors." Jiang Xiaobai continued to boast.

The smile on Pang Ji's face became bigger and bigger: "Wherever you are, as long as you practice hard, you will also become the elite."

"Well, it's just that we lack good teachers." Jiang Xiaobai sighed, "If we have a teacher like Senior Pang Ji to teach us, I believe that our Qilu University will regain its glory."

"That's a problem. If I'm not pressed for time, I can help you with some training." Pang Ji said empathetically.

He came to Los Angeles this time because of a mission, and wasted some time teaching the warriors of the Martial Arts Academy.

It is true that there is no time to give lessons to the warriors of Qilu Wuda.

"I think Senior Pang's apprentice, under your guidance, can already be on his own!" Jiang Xiaobai asked mischievously.

"Of course!" Pang Ji showed a very proud smile, "Although there are not many of my apprentices, there are only a few dozen, but everyone is a dragon and a phoenix!"

"Then why don't you let your high-ranking disciples come to our Qilu Wuda University to work for a period of time, and help my Qilu Wuda warriors improve their martial arts?" Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to say, "It's also good for my Qiluwu University students to admire the style of the Martial Arts Department and make up their minds. Train them to become the successors of the Martial Arts Department?"

"Then what's the problem?" Pang Ji replied almost without thinking.

"I didn't expect Senior Pang to be so generous. I thank you on behalf of the martial arts students in Los Angeles." Du Pingyuan got up and said to Pang Ji.

"Hmm!" Pang Ji suddenly realized something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he stared at Du Pingyuan and Jiang Xiaobai, "You two are plotting against me?"

"How dare you dare!" Du Pingyuan continued to pour Pang Ji with ecstasy soup, "This is because Senior Pang cares about the warriors in Qilu Province, and give them a chance."

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai echoed from the side, "Since this is the case, I don't want to borrow more from Senior Pang, just borrow twenty of your disciples!"

"How much?" After hearing this, Pang Ji stood up abruptly, "Jiang Xiaobai, are you robbing someone?"

"Twenty disciples, I only have forty disciples in total!"

"You borrowed me twenty disciples, and I lost almost half of them. Too many, too many."

Pang Ji shook his head while talking, there are about forty disciples in total, Jiang Xiaobai just opened his mouth to borrow half of them, everyone will feel distressed.

"Senior Pang, although your twenty disciples are teaching me the martial arts of Qilu Wuda, it is also a kind of experience for them." Jiang Xiaobai continued to fool Pang Ji. "And my Qilu Province has Mount Tai, Laoshan and other places where you can practice. Looking at the entire Hua Kingdom, there are not many provinces that can compare with Qilu Province!"

Pang Ji fell into deep thought, as if thinking about the pros and cons.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't embarrass Senior Pang, just fifteen!" Du Pingyuan said in a timely manner, "Twenty embarrass Senior Pang, if it is ten, I am afraid that people will say that Senior Pang is too old." Too petty."

"Fifteen, how do you like this?"

Pang Ji, who was thinking, nodded secretly when he heard it.

Jiang Xiaobai's request is too harsh, but Du Ping's principle is to consider for him.

Since he promised the other party to help Qilu Martial Arts University in the future, it is natural to make a move. It would seem too petty to send only a few, or even ten warriors.

Fifteen warriors, he can still accept.

But why do I always feel that something is wrong?

Pang Ji thought for a while, but he still couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"Okay! Fifteen is fifteen!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed pretendingly. "Liudouer, go and prepare the contract. I will sign it with Senior Pang later."

"What? Are you still afraid that I will renege on my debts?" Pang Ji stared and asked, "Is Pang Ji that kind of person?"

"That's not true, it's not because of Senior Pang, but for your disciples." Jiang Xiaobai said nonsense seriously, "This is also for your students, to show my sincerity at Qilu University, but At that time, we will also issue a letter of employment to your high apprentice."

"That's right, you have a heart!" Pang Ji nodded in praise.

Soon, Liu Douer printed out a document, and Pang Ji just glanced at it briefly, and then signed his name.

"Then you chat first, I'll go to the military headquarters to take a look." Jiang Xiaobai put the agreement in his pocket and left with a smile.

"Okay, you can go to Li Chan for the list of my students, and you can choose which one you want." Pang Ji said generously.

Now that he has borrowed all the money, he doesn't care about such a small matter.

"Thank you senior for helping Qilu Martial Arts University. I'm here to thank you senior for the students of Qilu Martial Arts University." Jiang Xiaobai clasped his fists and said.

"Don't make these fake things, just kill more monsters in the future." Pang Ji waved his hand, motioning Jiang Xiaobai to leave.

After Jiang Xiaobai left, Pang Ji said to himself, "Why do I feel like I've been tricked?"

"Where is there!" Du Pingyuan took Pang Ji's hand, "I guess Jiang Xiaobai doesn't like the rest of the Martial Arts Department. It's not your high apprentice Li Chan who probably opened Jiang Xiaobai's eyes. Such thoughts."

"I think so too!" Pang Ji nodded approvingly.

Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the Martial Arts Institute and went directly to the military headquarters. Before he came, Jiang Xiaobai had already found out that Ye Xiang and Ding Yi were staying at the military headquarters at the moment.

The military department is different from the Budoin. The military department is under the direct jurisdiction of the Huaguo Military Department and does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Martial Arts Department.

Ye Xiang and Ding Yi had just gone to search for Xiong Chang but failed, so they returned to the military headquarters to rest for a while, preparing for the second round of search.

When they heard that Jiang Xiaobai was coming to visit, the two of them glanced at each other and expressed the same thought.

"What is this guy here for?"

They saw Jiang Xiaobai's strength in their eyes, and if it was placed in the military, it would be a strong existence.

However, they didn't interact with Jiang Xiaobai, or even spoke to each other.

Jiang Xiaobai came to visit at this time, making them puzzled.

"Jiang Xiaobai greets General Ye and General Ding!" Jiang Xiaobai said respectfully when he brought Liu Douer to the two of them.

"Well, what are you doing here if you're not staying at Qilu Wuda University?" Ye Xiang asked straightforwardly.

"This junior has two things to do here. The first is to ask about General Xiong's situation." Jiang Xiaobai asked earnestly, "General Xiong was kind to me in the first battle of Los Angeles, and now two generals have taken action. I want to know if there is any news about General Xiong?"

"We've gone to investigate, but we haven't found any news about General Xiong." Ye Xiang said, "But we will expand the search area again the day after tomorrow."

"Don't work too hard, both of you!" Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward and said.

"Well, we know that, let's talk about your second reason for coming!" Ding Yi asked.

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