The second intention?

Jiang Xiaobai was secretly startled, the fighters in the military department were indeed different from those in the martial arts department, they didn't go around in circles at all, and explained things directly.

"Okay! Then I'll just say it straight." Jiang Xiaobai's face suddenly became helpless, "I, in Los Angeles, fought desperately against the monsters this time, and no one has ever retreated, whether it is the Martial Arts Academy, the military department, or our Qilu Wuda, fight to the death against monsters."

Ye Xiang and Ding Yi nodded. Although they had read this battle report many times, Qilu Wuda did exactly that.

It is only natural for the Martial Arts Institute and the military to do so, and by doing so, Wuhan University will be able to show the determination of the entire Wuhan University.

You must know that the students of Wuhan University are generally much younger than those of the Martial Arts Academy or the military department. After all, only after graduating from Wuhan University can they enter the Budo Academy or the military department.

Therefore, generally speaking, in such battles, the students of Wuhan University are all on the protected side, and few directly participate in the battle.

And it was the first battle in Los Angeles that made everyone see the martial arts belief of Wuhan University.

For this point alone, both Ye Xiang and Ding Yi admire Xinsheng.

"It is precisely because of this that I, Qilu Wuda University, suffered heavy losses." Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, "But I, Qilu Wuda University, have never regretted it. Those warriors who passed away were just to enable us to live better and continue to fight against monsters." beast."

"Although we survived by chance, everyone has inherited their legacy and dare not slack off at all."

"It's right for you to do this, and you deserve the respect of others." Ye Xiang said.

"But our Qilu Wuda University is unsustainable now." Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, looked at the two king-level powerhouses in front of him, and said solemnly, "Since I became the dean of the Wuyuan Academy, I found that there are too few instructors in Wuda University. gone."

"Oh!" Ye Xiang and Ding Yi said softly.

"After my Qiluwu University students graduate, they will also need to enter the Martial Arts Institute or the military department, so Qiluwu University can be said to be a reserve force." Jiang Xiaobai continued, "So, I hope the military department can send out strong people who can temporarily Serve as an instructor."

"The military sent warriors to be instructors?" Ye Xiang asked.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded earnestly, "Senior Pang Ji from the Martial Arts Department planned to send 15 disciples to help Qilu Martial Arts University, but I only need [-] people. After all, the Martial Arts Department also needs to operate normally."

"The Martial Arts Department sent 15 people?" Ding Yi asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaobai took out the agreement he just signed, "Senior Pang Ji was afraid that I would worry, so he wrote me an agreement."

Ye Xiang and Ding Yi took the agreement and looked at it before confirming that Jiang Xiaobai was not lying.

Liu Douer watched Jiang Xiaobai operate from the side, his eyes became puzzled.

I just said it casually, the difficulty is very difficult, but Jiang Xiaobai just started to fool around.

First it was Pang Ji from the Martial Arts Department, and now it was Ye Xiang and Ding Yi from the Military Department.

Maybe it really works!

"Okay, since the Ministry of Martial Arts is full of people, our military department can't lag behind." Ye Xiang glanced at Ding Yi, who also nodded slightly, "You are right, in the future, students from your Wuhan University will also join the military. Department or Martial Arts Department, we have also helped with this.”

"How about this! We will also send fifteen elites from the military department to Qilu University as instructors."

"Thank you, General Ye and General Ding!" Jiang Xiaobai quickly thanked, and then took out the same agreement from his bosom.

"You prepared this?" Ye Xiang asked suspiciously.

"No, Senior Pang Ji knew that the two generals would not refuse, so he prepared a copy in advance." Jiang Xiaobai said without changing his expression.

"That's it!" Ye Xiang and Ding Yi signed the agreement.

They are all king-level powerhouses in the military department, and naturally there are many elite warriors under their command.

But most of them are only ninth-rank warriors. Even if they send people to Wuhan University this time, not all of them are masters, and of course not all of them are ninth-rank warriors. After all, they are all ninth-rank warriors, and they are embarrassed.

"I, Qilu University, will definitely do my best to train talents for the military." Jiang Xiaobai put away the agreement, patted his chest and promised.

"Okay, the people you need, I will arrange for them to come over in a few days." Ye Xiang waved his hand, "I'll give you the people, but there is one requirement, you have to make Qilu Wuda look good."

"Don't worry, within a year, the students of Qiluwu University will be able to show their strength." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"One year?" Ye Xiang and Ding Yi looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Is this a joke?

Can you see the effect in a year?

For ordinary warriors, it is very difficult to improve one level in a year, but Jiang Xiaobai is boasting.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't be joking!" Ye Xiang persuaded, "Don't rush for quick success."

"If you can make Qilu Wuda rise again in one year, these fighters from the military department will be the instructors of Qilu Wuda in the future!"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were bright.

What he was waiting for was this sentence, whether it is the Martial Arts Institute or the military department, although they are helping Qilu Wuda now, it is only temporary. If these people can become the instructors of Wuda, it will be a great blessing for the entire Qilu Wuda Great help.

It's not that Jiang Xiaobai did this on purpose, he was also forced to do nothing.

Most of the martial arts universities in each province are instructors brought by the president, or recruited instructors, unless it is a top martial arts university like Kyoto martial arts university, or a martial arts university with a strong relationship, it is possible to get the military department or know martial arts. Ministry of care.

Otherwise, it would be considered pretty good for each Wuhan University to have only one or a few powerful fighters.

For example, at Qilu Martial Arts University before, although there were grandmasters, there were only two or three, and there were even fewer ninth-rank warriors.

This is the result of Fang Xiqiong's hard work, otherwise, Qilu Wuda will be even more bleak.

The instructor's problem has been resolved, making Jiang Xiaobai feel better.

After sitting in the military headquarters for a while, Jiang Xiaobai went straight back to Qilu University.

Once the instructor's matter is settled, the next thing is to recruit students normally. Naturally, there is no need to worry about Qilu Martial Arts University's enrollment in the province. The only main concern is how to attract warriors from outside the province to sign up.

After all, warriors outside the province are not from Qilu Province, so the feeling is not so deep.

To get their approval, you need a little gimmick.

And that's just right, now with the assistance of the Martial Arts Department and the Military Department, Jiang Xiaobai can definitely flex his muscles, and even Jiang Xiaobai has a good propaganda in his mind.

"Fight with blood and defend your homeland, and once you become a dragon in Qilu Heaven! ——The Martial Arts Department and the Military Department cooperate with Qilu Wuda to build China's number one Wuda University!"

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