After the college entrance examination, the results of all candidates must be sealed.

Not only the various data, but also the spoils of field trials will be recorded in each candidate's file.

The monsters hunted in the college entrance examination will not return the materials to the students, but will be exchanged for school credits after the students enter the Martial Arts University.

Because of Jiang Xiaobai's relationship, Lei Ze City's No. [-] Middle School instantly became very popular.

The principal of the No. [-] Middle School even made a portrait of Jiang Xiaobai himself according to what he said before, and then hung it in the school's Hall of Fame.

Everyone is proud and proud of Jiang Xiaobai.

In the past, the students of No. [-] Middle School would be looked down upon by others when they went out. In Lei Ze City, everyone thought that only No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School were the best schools. As for No. Already a good result.

But who would have imagined that this year's No. [-] Middle School was extremely terrifying. Not only did Yang Lu, who was admitted in advance by the Provincial Martial Arts University, appear, but there was also Jiang Xiaobai, who was the number one student in the college entrance examination.

This year's biggest winner is Sanzhong!

The principal of the No. [-] Middle School also prepared several lectures for Jiang Xiaobai, in order to promote the No. [-] Middle School's culture, mainly to recruit more students, but Jiang Xiaobai rejected them all.

If it were Zhang Hao and the others, they would naturally be happy for such an occasion, but Jiang Xiaobai is different.

He sees it more thoroughly, even more clearly than anyone else.

Lectures naturally allow him to win attention, become a star, and even make his debut.

But these are of no use.

In this world, it is not so comfortable, but full of dangers everywhere, the only way to improve one's own strength is the right way.

A first-rank warrior is already strong enough in the eyes of others, but Jiang Xiaobai knows that a first-rank warrior is just the beginning.

To gain a foothold in this chaotic world, a first-rank martial artist is too small.

"Big champion, you've finished your college entrance examination, and you haven't seen how happy you are, shouldn't you relax?" Zhao Chong came to Jiang Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"Happy?" Jiang Xiaobai got up, looked at Zhao Chong who was blushing, "Did your dad buy you a car?"

"That's natural!" Zhao Chong took out the key in his hand, "Look, this is a new model of Maserati, how about it? Would you like Brother Chong to take you for a few laps?"

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile, "Go by yourself!"

"Xiaobai, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Chong asked suspiciously, "You forgot what our instructor said, we will be free after we go to university."

"Why did we work so hard in high school? Isn't it just to get into a good university? Now that we have done it, it's time to be liberated."

"Liberation?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, and handed the phone to Zhao Chong, "Look, this is the situation of the university."

"Hey, are you starting to check the situation of the university now?" Zhao Chong took it with interest, and when he finished reading it, his whole face changed drastically.

On Jiang Xiaobai's mobile phone, he was checking a piece of news. During the field trial at the Martial Arts University, the entire army was wiped out, and none of the thirty fighters survived!


Zhao Chong's face was pale, and he put down the phone.

"Didn't you say that college life is so wonderful? Looking at it now..." Zhao Chong was greatly disappointed after seeing the news.

"It's not entirely like this, it all depends on your own choice." Jiang Xiaobai turned off the phone and patted Zhao Chong's shoulder, "It's okay if you choose to enjoy life, but in the future..."

"Forget it, don't think about it so much." Zhao Chong waved his hands and said, "Anyway, today, no one can stop me, Zhao Chong, from being happy."

"Would you like to be with me today?"

Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to refuse, but before he could finish speaking, he was pulled up by Zhao Chong.

"As a brother, go out with me to relax at this time!"

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't hold back Zhao Chong, and got into Zhao Chong's car directly.

It was already night when I left school.

Due to the fact that they have graduated, the number of students in the No. [-] Middle School has decreased by a large amount, only the students in the first and second grades are left, and Zhao Chong's Maserati is galloping crazily around the campus.

Generally speaking, very few high school students would drive such a car, and Zhao Chong only had the opportunity because of his improved college entrance examination results, otherwise, let alone a Maserati, a bicycle would be a struggle.

"Wow, Maserati, who is so cool?"

"My God, it's so handsome! I also want to know whose it is!"

"Envy! It would be great if I had one."

When the sports car turned into an afterimage passing through the crowd, everyone couldn't help showing envious expressions.

Zhao Chong was very satisfied when he heard the bursts of cheers.

"The feeling of driving a luxury car is extraordinary." Zhao Chong couldn't hide his joy, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

"This luxury car? If you encounter a monster, it will be gone with a slap!" Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have any feeling for luxury cars. No matter in his previous life or now, there are not many luxury cars that he can recognize.

"Bah! Can we meet monsters here?" Zhao Chong snorted, "I'll take you to the biggest nightclub in Lei Ze City later, I think you haven't felt it yet!"

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai replied simply.

After all, he came from a grassroots background, and naturally he had never been to a high-end entertainment place like a nightclub.

"I also went with my brother, but this time the college entrance examination is over, I can also go in to have a good time." After Zhao Chong finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, I heard that you made a lot of money this time, Do you want to treat me!"

"A treat?" Jiang Xiaobai finally understood.

He co-authored Zhao Chong to bring him here so that he could pay for it!

"You rich second generation, you actually want to bully me?" Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile.

"I'm the second generation of rich? It's not like you don't know about my situation. Maybe the car won't be able to fill up the gas tomorrow." Zhao Chong said with a bitter face, "Brother Bai, you see I'm driving you, don't you... ..."

"You're hopeless!" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, "Okay, I'll pay for it today!"

"This is my good buddy!" After Zhao Chong heard it, he was so happy that he stepped on the accelerator to the maximum.

Soon, the two came to the gate of Ronghua Fugui.

After the global upheaval, there are fewer and fewer entertainment venues, and it is precisely because of this that the consumption of some entertainment venues has also become higher.

Lei Ze City is better, like other big cities, basically warriors choose to come to the night market to relax after going out to perform tasks.

Especially those mercenaries, because they are wandering on the edge of life and death all year round, so they need to relax even more.

"Yo handsome guy, are you here?"

After seeing Zhao Chong get off the Maserati, a middle-aged young woman with heavy makeup greeted them warmly.

"Here we come!" Zhao Chong patted the opponent's butt heavily, and then walked in with a smile.

"Welcome to the big family of Ronghuafugui!"

As soon as Zhao Chong and Jiang Xiaobai walked in, the waiters around immediately shouted in unison.

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