"Xiaobai, did you see that, this is life!"

Zhao Chong spoke loudly to Jiang Xiaobai amidst the loud electronic sounds.

"Hmm!" Jiang Xiaobai felt a little uncomfortable facing such a noisy environment.

However, soon he saw many young men and women shaking their bodies to their heart's content, appearing extremely indulgent.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand this very much. At this time, there will still be so many young men and women who are drunk and dreaming.

"Don't worry about them, they are all powerful children." Zhao Chong shouted forcefully in Jiang Xiaobai's ear.

Children of the powerful!

These four words immediately made Jiang Xiaobai understand that these are high-ranking and dignified young masters, born with no worries about food and clothing, no need to fear the threat of life, and can enjoy the world of flowers and extravagance to their heart's content.

"Let's have a good drink today." Zhao Chong brought Jiang Xiaobai to a booth, and casually asked the waiter to serve some good wine.

After opening the wine, Zhao Chong first poured Jiang Xiaobai a glass.

"Xiaobai, today I will borrow flowers to present a Buddha, and congratulate you in advance for becoming the number one student in the college entrance examination." Zhao Chong raised his wine glass and touched Jiang Xiaobai.

"Thank you!" Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile.

This guy is really a treasure, he was obviously treating guests to dinner, but Zhao Chong made it sound like he was treating guests.

After the two had a few drinks, two beauties with sexy bodies and scantily clad came over in an instant.

"Handsome guy, are you two drinking?" One of the tall beauties asked with a charming smile.

"Two people?" Zhao Chong pursed his lips, "No! Aren't these four people?"

"Hehehe!" The beauty covered her face and sat down with a smile, "Then let's have a few drinks with you."

Two beauties, one big and one small, sat in front of the two of them like this, their movements were extremely habitual, without any unnaturalness, they looked like veterans who had experienced many battles.

"The two little brothers shouldn't be too old!" The tall beauty and the two asked with a smile after drinking a glass of wine.

"How do you know we're not old?" Zhao Chong asked with a grin. "How can we not be big?"

"Yo!" The tall beauty licked her vermilion lips, "Then tell me how old I am!"

"Eighteen!" Zhao Chong responded quickly, "It's a fake one!"

"Eighteen?" The tall slender beauty suddenly became interested, "Looks like I need to use a ruler to measure it!"

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Jiang Xiaobai, who had been silent all this time, said slowly, "You can also do the math!"

"False calculation?" The tall slender beauty was taken aback for a moment, and then she glanced at Jiang Xiaobai flirtatiously, "Young and light, you have a lot of goofs."

And that petite beauty was sitting beside her extremely cautiously, her black eyes kept looking around.

Compared with tall beauties, petite girls are more reserved.

"What do you call the two handsome guys?" The tall slender beauty poured a glass of wine and asked with a smile.

"My name is Zhao Da Diao!" Zhao Chong responded first.


Jiang Xiaobai just took a sip of wine, when he heard Zhao Chong's words, he spit out suddenly.


The two beauties sitting in front of them couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, my name is Zhao Chong, you can call me Brother Chong." Zhao Chong gave Jiang Xiaobai a resentful look, and then introduced Jiang Xiaobai, "This is my best friend, Jiang Xiaobai."

"Brother Chong?" The tall slender beauty pursed her lips and smiled, "What a coincidence, my name is Yingying, and this is my sister Doudou."


Zhao Chong's eyes lit up after hearing this, "Is it really you? Yingying?"

"It's muddy, you have a lot of inner drama." The beautiful woman named Yingying gave Zhao Chong a disgusted look.

"Then can I make my debut?" Zhao Chong leaned over while licking his face.

It has to be said that this beauty named Yingying is almost top-notch, with a voluptuous figure and a pair of winking eyes that are even more fascinating. The ultra-short pants that almost reach the root of the thigh completely reveal her slender legs.

This fashionable dress is undoubtedly full of great allure to Zhao Chong, a high school student.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was observing another girl named Doudou.

Doudou is wearing a loli outfit with dark daily Lolita makeup, cute white silk, and sexy black leather shoes, making people full of protection.

"Doudou, would you like to drink one?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, holding up the wine glass.

"Huh?" Doudou just realized it, and subconsciously picked up the wine glass. "good!"

"This is your first time here!" After taking a sip of wine, Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Doudou replied subconsciously, but then seemed to understand something, "No, I've been here many times!"

"Little brother, what's the matter? Did you fall in love with my sister?" Yingying asked with winking eyes, "My sister is still young, so be careful when you start in three years!"

"Three years of blood earned, the death penalty is not a loss!" Jiang Xiaobai responded with a smile on purpose.

"Aren't I attractive?" Yingying licked her vermilion lips, and Yu Jieyin went online.

"I'm afraid of death!" Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said helplessly.

fear death?

Zhao Chong looked over suspiciously, how could he say this so politely?

"Huh?" Yingying looked at Jiang Xiaobai with interest, "You think I'm dangerous?"

"Extremely dangerous!" Jiang Xiaobai showed a faint smile on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Chong listened to the conversation between the two with a confused face.

I can't understand what the two of them are saying at all. Could it be that they know each other?

"What can there be?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "You think too much."

"Forget it, let's talk in a quieter place!" Yingying suddenly felt boring, so she suggested.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai readily agreed, this place is really not suitable for talking about things.

Zhao Chong got up reluctantly. He just came here not long ago, so he is leaving?

Haven't had fun yet?

After the four of them got out of the glory and wealth, Zhao Chong originally wanted to invite Yingying to be his car, but when he saw Yingying's car, he instantly dismissed the idea.

The other party's car is worth tens of millions, which is beyond his comparability.

In the end, the four chose a coffee shop.

After they came to the private room, Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Let's re-introduce yourself!"


Zhao Chong still didn't react, and looked straight at Jiang Xiaobai and the others. He was in a fog all the way, like a fool.

"Lan Yingying, the instructor of the Martial Arts University of Qilu Province!" Yingying said solemnly, "This is Liu Douer, a first-year student at the Provincial Martial Arts University."


After Zhao Chong finished listening, his eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

Qilu Martial Arts University?


What is this all about?

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and then said, "You must have been with me for a long time!"

"Not long after I saw your college entrance examination results, I started to pay attention to you." Lan Yingying was surprised.

Originally, I wanted to test the other party, but I didn't expect to be seen through by the other party.

"However, I'm curious, how did you see through me?"

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