"Unexpectedly, you really can't bear your temper." Jiang Xiaobai looked him up and down, "Since you are so anxious to be beaten, then I will help you!"


Jiang Xiaobai punched out, and the vitality poured out, all pressing down on Xia Wushuang.

"The attack of a ninth-rank warrior can't hurt me at all." Xia Wushuang looked at Jiang Xiaobai's attack and said confidently.

Xia Wushuang has been a master for a long time, and he is also a high-level apprentice from the Martial Arts Department. Naturally, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary masters. Even the warriors of the Luo family in Luocheng are like thin paper in front of Xia Wushuang.

Not only that, every time the warriors of the Martial Arts Department rise to a level, they will look for other Tianjiao warriors to fight against. If they succeed, they will continue to move forward and reach the peak all the way.

And if it fails, it will concentrate on hard work and practice harder and harder.

Xia Wushuang has embarked on this path to the realm of the master, and has become the best among the masters.

Therefore, when watching Jiang Xiaobai's attack, Xia Wushuang was not shocked at all, but calm and composed.

He slowly stretched out his right hand, trying to touch Jiang Xiaobai's attack.

However, the next moment, Xia Wushuang's expression changed drastically.

When he really came into contact with Jiang Xiaobai's attack, he felt that the opponent was unusual.

A strong force pressed on him, like a series of mountains descending, hitting Xia Wushuang fiercely.


The ground under his feet split open, and Xia Wushuang's feet sank into the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai's fist struck again, and the attacks fell on Xia Wushuang like a storm.

And Xia Wushuang's body continued to sink, and soon half of his body was buried in the soil.

Jiang Xiaobai's attack was still going on, the Taiyue Heart Sutra and the Nine Layers Nine Hells Thunder Knife in his body all burst out, and all the power poured out wantonly.

Seeing this situation, the warriors from the Martial Arts Department and the military department were stunned.

"No way! Am I delusional?"

"How is it possible! Isn't Jiang Xiaobai only a ninth-rank warrior? How can he beat Xia Wushuang?"

"It's unbelievable, is it real?"

I thought Jiang Xiaobai would be rubbed on the ground by Xia Wushuang, but now it turned out to be the other way around.

Xia Wushuang was so crushed by Jiang Xiaobai that he couldn't breathe, and most of his body was smashed into the ground.

This completely exceeded everyone's expectations!

This state made Xia Wushuang extremely angry, and repeatedly tried to escape from Jiang Xiaobai's attack, but there was no means or method.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai, who was in the ninth-rank realm, used extremely fierce offensive methods, the vitality in his body was even more pure, not at all like the vitality that a ninth-rank warrior should have, but like a top grandmaster.

"Is this my delusion?" Xia Wushuang is also a Tianjiao warrior, the best among the masters.

Facing Jiang Xiaobai now, he was unable to display his own strength, and was suppressed by the opponent from the very beginning.

"No, I can't let him be humiliated like this!" Xia Wushuang thought secretly.

I'm going to rise!

Xia Wushuang's eyes were red, and powerful vitality burst out of him.

"Nine days of thunder!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily, and swiped his hands in the air.

The thick vitality fell suddenly, and instantly hit Xia Wushuang's head like lightning.


Nine days of thunder fell, and a powerful mushroom cloud rose from the ground.


The fighters from the Martial Arts Department and the Military Department were dumbfounded again. Everything in front of them made their brains freeze.

Seeing that Xia Wushuang was about to make a big move, but was beaten back by Jiang Xiaobai's bombardment?

Is there any reason for this?

King Wu, who had contradicted Jiang Xiaobai before, was even more frightened. Jiang Xiaobai's attack did not seem to have many fancy moves, but he used his vitality to the extreme without any waste.

They have only seen this level of vitality utilization in some experienced warriors.

Those warriors are all elite monks who survived the battle with monsters.

But now, why does Jiang Xiaobai have such an aura?

After a long time, the gunpowder smoke cleared, and Xia Wushuang was on the ground, his eyes lost his mind, looking at the sky with a sense of loss, a crystal tear fell from the corner of his eye.

After practicing for more than ten years, Xia Wushuang is not an invincible existence, and he has failed many times.

But that was lost to warriors of the same level as him, or high-level dancers.

This is definitely the first time losing to a martial artist who is not as good as him!

Moreover, it was still such a humiliating failure!




These emotions filled Xia Wushuang's mind, and immediately made him shed tears.

"Hello." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xia Wushuang in front of him, suddenly at a loss, "Why are you still crying?"


Even Jiang Xiaobai made his opponent cry for the first time.

I agreed to do my best, but I was obviously procrastinating, and if I didn't fight back, I insisted on giving me a hard lesson.

"Who's crying?" Xia Wushuang stood up from the ground and argued, "I just got sand in my eyes just now!"

Xia Wushuang quickly returned to his previous appearance, and a cold air emanated from his body.

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?" Jiang Xiaobai yelled coldly, seeing Xia Wushuang's look of wanting to be beaten up.

"Brother Bai, I was wrong!" Xia Wushuang smiled face to face immediately, and came to Jiang Xiaobai in awe, "Dean Jiang, it was my fault just now."

Xia Wushuang's sudden change made it too late for everyone to react.

"Is this a sharp turn? I can't react!"

"Why is Xia Wushuang so limitless? What about his integrity?"

"The integrity has been abolished!"

The people from the Martial Arts Department began to complain. This was the first time they had seen Xia Wushuang so unlimited. Every talent in the Martial Arts Department had a sense of superiority, and they were not as humble as they are now.

"Wushuang, what's the matter with you?" Wu Wang came to Xia Wushuang's side and asked in puzzlement.

"Never mind what's wrong with me? Why don't you pay a visit to Dean Jiang." Xia Wushuang had a cold face, and quickly winked at King Wu.

"Didn't we agree to show him off?" King Wu asked suspiciously.

"Get off the horse?" Xia Wushuang said fiercely, "What do you want to show off, our teacher told us to listen to Jiang Xiaobai's words carefully."

King Wu looked at Xia Wushuang and Jiang Xiaobai with puzzled eyes, completely unaware of what happened.

Indeed, before Xia Wushuang and the others came, Pang Ji had repeatedly asked them to obey Jiang Xiaobai's arrangements, but they were the arrogance of the Martial Arts Department, how could they obey just because of a single sentence?

A few people made up their minds on the road, and they must show Jiang Xiaobai a good look. As for Qilu Wuda, it's the few of them who have the final say!

But now, Xia Wushuang's attitude suddenly changed, making everyone confused.

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