Dominate the world

Chapter 453 Tempering Tianjiao

Wei Dongting, Cao Yulong and others from the military department also looked at Jiang Xiaobai with puzzled faces. They are different from the warriors in the Martial Arts Department. Although they look down on Jiang Xiaobai, they will not have a direct confrontation with Jiang Xiaobai. Ordering is their vocation.

Military warriors in the military take obedience to orders as their bounden duty, and even fear the strong.

After Jiang Xiaobai demonstrated his formidable strength, the warriors in the military department had a different impression of Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was only a ninth-rank martial artist, unexpectedly exploded with the strength of a master.

This made them curious about Jiang Xiaobai. A master master is a warrior who has been tempered and perfected by the sea of ​​qi. If the sea of ​​qi is perfect, his own vitality will change accordingly.

This point is not comparable to martial artists under the grand master, but Jiang Xiaobai is different, he can overwhelm the master martial artist with the ninth-rank realm.

Even the warriors in their military department were amazed by it.

"Are you still dissatisfied?" Jiang Xiaobai looked around and asked softly.

At this moment, everyone no longer had the previous rebelliousness, and everyone had a hesitant look on their faces.

Then, they shook their heads in unison.

"What's going on?" King Wu asked Xia Wushuang softly after seeing Jiang Xiaobai leave.

"If you want to know, you can find out after playing a game!" Xia Wushuang said with grinning teeth, resisting the pain from his limbs and bones.

"Is he really strong?" King Wu continued to ask.

"Don't use a questioning tone!" Xia Wushuang said seriously, "It's more terrifying than Li Chan at that time!"

"Ah..." King Wu opened his mouth wide and looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back in surprise.

How can this martial artist who is younger than them have such a strong strength?

After cleaning up the thorns, Jiang Xiaobai began to issue letters of appointment to everyone.

"Why is our appointment letter only for one year?" Cao Yulong glanced at the appointment letter and asked with a frown.

"One year is enough!" Jiang Xiaobai tapped on the table lightly and said, "One year is enough to show your strength. If there is less time, it will not be sure at all."

"General Ye ordered us to stay here for three years!" Cao Yulong said again.

three years?

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this time, he couldn't help laughing.

Although Ye Xiang and Ding Yi didn't say much, they still had Qilu Wuda in their hearts.

He didn't need that long, though.

"Three years is too long. If you are not suitable, Qiluwu University will fire you and give you a subsidy." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head. "This deal is not worth it. Moreover, I, Qiluwu University's talent, can be successful in one year!"


All warriors glared at each other, is this questioning their strength?

Not suitable?

Is this belittling them?

Another year to be successful?

Do you think this is a fruit and vegetable?

How can any warrior be able to become a talent in one year?

Looking at the entire Hua Kingdom, not even Wuhan University in Kyoto, or Wuhan University in Shanghai, would dare to boast so much in Haikou!

"Everyone, if you are not convinced, let's make a bet. If it is a year, I, Qilu Wuda, can't surpass Shanghai Wuda, and I, Jiang Xiaobai, will admit my mistake to everyone." Seeing everyone's excited expressions, Jiang Xiaobai still said slowly , "But if we surpass Qiluwu University, how about you being an instructor at Qiluwu University for free in the future?"

"it is good!"

Everyone shouted in unison, not a single voice was dragging.

Since Jiang Xiaobai had brought his own humiliation, they were willing to let Jiang Xiaobai bow his head and admit his mistake.

"In this case, then we have made an agreement!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, "Now I will bring you to the first lesson!"

first lesson?

Under the inexplicable eyes of all the warriors, Jiang Xiaobai walked out and led them to the side of Luoquan.

Near Luoquan, Du Pingyuan was already waiting for them.

"Xiaobai, have you dealt with everything?" Du Pingyuan glanced at the Tianjiao warrior behind him, and asked in a low voice, "I heard that these people are all thorns."

"Don't worry, it's been dealt with!" Jiang Xiaobai said, "Wouldn't it be enough to get stabbed?"

After hearing this, Du Pingyuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously, but didn't know how to refute.

However, he sneaked a look over and found that except for one Tianjiao who was wounded, the others were all intact, without any injuries.

"Dean Du, how are things going here?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Luo Quan and asked again.

"Insufficient manpower, relying solely on the warriors of the Martial Arts Institute is simply too busy." Du Pingyuan shook his head.

Since they discovered Luoquan's recovery, Du Pingyuan gathered all the arrogant warriors of the Martial Arts Academy overnight to build Luoquan.

Once Luoquan really recovers, it is necessary to rebuild Luoquan. Not only is this necessary, but also a formation must be laid to protect Luoquan. Otherwise, if it is known by monsters, it will inevitably come to fight for it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough manpower. Didn't I bring someone here for you?" Jiang Xiaobai pouted towards the warrior behind him.

"They?" Du Pingyuan asked in surprise.

"Well, it's them!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "King Wu, Xia Wushuang, you brought other people to help the warriors of the Martial Arts Academy to build the project."

"Wei Dongting, Cao Yulong, you and the people from the military department are in charge of guarding! You will be on duty in two hours."

Tianjiao of the Martial Arts Department: "..."

Tianjiao of the military department: "..."

We are so majestic, let us build Luoquan?

Do you use us as coolies?

"They seem a little reluctant." Du Pingyuan reminded from the side.

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, "When you come to the martial arts academy, it's up to them whether you want to or not."

Jiang Xiaobai came to the warriors from the Martial Arts Department and the Military Department, and looked at everyone in front of him.

"You don't want to do these things?"

"Yes!" All the Tianjiao replied in unison.

"You have signed the agreement. You are members of my Qiluwu University Martial Arts Institute, and you must follow my instructions." Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, "I originally planned for you to use the agreement to suppress you, but this is not in line with my Qiluwu University. The style of virtue convincing people."

The Tianjiao warriors from the Martial Arts Department and the Military Department looked at Jiang Xiaobai, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Since none of you are willing to listen to my order, I can only return you. It seems that you are not suitable for Qilu Wuda." Jiang Xiaobai took out the communicator as he spoke, "I will inform Senior Pang Ji and the two of you now. General."

The two of them immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Jiang Xiaobai's next words.

"Tell them everything about your disobedience, and then let them come to lead you." Jiang Xiaobai said proudly, "It is true that Qiluwu University is short of people, but there is no shortage of people like you. .”

Is this what the return is for?

Whether it is the military department or the warriors of the Martial Arts Institute, their expressions have changed drastically.

Jiang Xiaobai's words just caught their seven inches. For them, if they were sent back, no matter whether it was Pang Ji or the two generals Ye Xiang and Ding Yi, they would probably be furious.

After all, when they come out, they represent the Martial Arts Department and the Military Department.

So, thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but bow their heads.

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