Dominate the world

Chapter 456 Invite Zhang Chulan

Jixia Academy?

When Jiang Xiaobai saw these four words, his pupils tightened.

This is a major force in Qilu Province. It exists side by side with the Confucian Mansion in Qucheng. It has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has cultivated countless strong men of culture.

According to legend, it was first built in Tianwu, Duke Huan of Qi, and is located near the Jimen Gate of Linzi City. It is called Jixia School Palace.

Although the Jixia Academy is not as famous as the Qucheng Confucian Mansion, it is also a hidden force in Qilu Province. Since the start of the upheaval, the disciples of the Jixia Academy entered the world and resisted the monsters, which gradually became known to the world.

However, the Jixia Academy is extremely mysterious, and ordinary people cannot enter it without knowing the way. Even after entering the WTO, most of the literary cultivators rushed to visit, but they didn't know how to enter it.

It's not that Jixia Academy doesn't accept students, but Jixia Academy's assessment of students is extremely strict. The number of disciples recruited every year is less than two digits, but everyone is talented, and one counts as ten.

Jixia Academy and Confucian Mansion, two of the same kind exist, but there is a huge surprise. Although the Confucian Mansion recruits a large number of disciples, it is said that under the disciples of Confucius, there are three thousand disciples, and its sages are 72. They have cultivated many strong men, but The core of the Confucian Mansion is still the members of the Confucian family, but the Jixia Academy is different. The recruitment of disciples is extremely strict. It is not a certain family that takes power, but the owner of the Jixia Academy is born through annual competition.

If it is said that the Confucian Mansion is a private force, the Jixia Academy is relatively more open.

It is the Jixia Academy in the front, and there are many similar forces behind it, such as the Hongdu School in Luoyang...

"Why do you come to Qilu Wuda from Jixia Academy?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, puzzled.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to the office, he happened to find two handsome young men, about 20 years old, wearing a white gown, holding a volume of books in both hands, looking from a distance, full of a touch of bookishness.

These two people should be from Jixia Academy!

Kong Shang wasn't sitting down either, he was talking with two people, and when the two young people talked, they seemed to be far away from others.

"Why are there such weird things?"

Looking at the two young men in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly had a headache.

First Li Changtian, then Li Chan, and then Xia Wushuang and the others. When they first met, they all acted as cold as strangers, and now these two young people are like this.

Is it possible that being born in a famous family will make them feel that their status is detached?

"Jiang Xiaobai, let me introduce you. These two are the geniuses from Jixia Academy." Kong Shang introduced, "This is Jiang Xiaobai, the new director of the Martial Arts Academy of our Qilu University."

"Such a young dean?" One of the young men in white said, "I'm afraid he is not a parallel importer!"

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

"Junior brother, don't be so rude." Another young man said, "We are representing Jixia Academy when we come out."

Afterwards, the young man continued: "Let me introduce, my name is Liu Wenzheng, and this is my junior brother Liu Wenzhao!"

Liu Wenzheng, Liu Wenzhao?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people in front of him.

After entering the Jixia Academy, they will only keep their surname, and the name will be modified according to the seniority bestowed by the Jixia Academy.

Although Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao have the same name, they are not brothers.

"Oh, why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked casually.

"We are here for Zhang Chulan." Liu Wenzheng looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Zhang Chulan?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Wenzheng in front of him.

"That's right!" Liu Wenzheng didn't dodge Jiang Xiaobai's gaze, and looked very calm, "The battle in Luocheng shocked Qilu, and I, the elder of Jixia Academy, intends to accept Zhang Chulan as a disciple."

Liu Wenzhao put on a coquettish look by the side, arrogant and cold.

Jixia Academy accepts apprentices?

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, this is an opportunity!

Zhang Chulan is a martial artist of the Academy of Arts, and he will definitely embark on the road of literary cultivation in the future. Now he is in the realm of a ninth-rank martial artist, and he is only one step away from being promoted to a master.

When Zhang Chulan is promoted to the realm of the master, he will inevitably become the arrogance of all parties vying for it.

Cultivate Wen Qi to become a master, powerful, and even a powerful force against monsters.

But at this time, Jixia Academy came forward to accept apprentices, although it was unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

Zhang Chulan's talent was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Whether it was Jixia Academy or the Confucian Mansion, as long as Zhang Chulan wanted to worship, it would be easy for him.

"How is it? It should be an honor for you Qilu Wuda to be able to send talents to our Jixia Academy." Liu Wenzheng continued with a smile. In addition, you Qilu Wuda is the second existence to receive such an honor."

"But I'm not happy!" Jiang Xiaobai said frankly.

Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao's eyes widened immediately, and they looked at Jiang Xiaobai puzzled.

You said you were not happy?

What does it mean?

"Zhang Chulan is a proud martial artist. There is no doubt about it. It is a loss for me, Qilu Wuda, to be taken away by you like this." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, "Although Jixia Academy accepts apprentices, it does not I don't know if Zhang Chulan is willing or not."

"Would he like it? We are Jixia Academy, a prestigious existence in the entire Hua Kingdom. Many warriors have tried their best to become one of us. This time we give Zhang Chulan a chance, and he will definitely grasp it immediately." Liu Wenzhao said dismissively, "Any martial artist who cultivates literary spirit will not be able to remain calm in front of our Jixia Academy."

"That's not necessarily true!" Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, "Dean Kong, does Zhang Chulan know about this?"

"I have notified him." Kong Shang said truthfully, "This time is indeed an opportunity for Zhang Chulan."

"Good over there, let's wait for Zhang Chulan to decide everything!" Jiang Xiaobai did not make a decision for Zhang Chulan. After all, this is his own business. The Jixia Academy is indeed powerful. Cultivation is like a fish in water.

But according to his personality, would he do that?

Jiang Xiaobai vaguely guessed the answer in his mind, but he was not sure.

Liu Wenzhao and Liu Wenzheng regained their haughty appearances again, and the entire Qilu Wuda University ignored them, let alone Kong Shang and Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, Jixia Academy is aloof from the outside world and is an extremely mysterious existence.

Zhang Chulan didn't keep them waiting long, and soon appeared in front of them.

"Principal Kong!" Zhang Chulan bowed to Kong Shang with both hands.

"Zhang Chulan, you should know the meaning of this visit!" Kong Shang looked at Zhang Chulan and asked with a smile.

"Well, I know." Zhang Chulan glanced at Liu Wenzhao and Liu Wenzheng, "Are you two from Jixia Academy?"

"Not bad!" Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao nodded.

"Then you were the ones who injured my Wu University student at the gate of Wuhan University?" Zhang Chulan asked, staring at the two people.


Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao were immediately stunned.

Shouldn't we discuss joining Jixia Academy?

Then Zhang Chulan knelt and licked them as much as possible?

The two of them put on a show, and then took Zhang Chulan back?

Why is this script different?

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