Dominate the world

Chapter 457 Challenge, Jixia Academy

Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao didn't understand what it meant.

When they arrived at Qilu Martial Arts University, they were stopped by several warriors, who were explicitly prohibited from entering.

The two people who had lived in Jixia Academy since they were young were naturally furious in their hearts, knocked down the warriors blocking the way, and then beat and killed them all the way until Kong Shang appeared.

"It's us!" Liu Wenzhao opened his mouth and admitted.

"Apologize!" Zhang Chulan pressed the two of them, "You have to give us an explanation for attacking my warriors from Qiluwu University without asking indiscriminately."

"Now, the 23 people injured by you are already waiting outside."

"Let us apologize?" Liu Wenzhao showed a mocking smile, "Aren't you crazy?"

Even on Kong Shang's face, there was an unconscious look of shock.

Opposite is a martial artist from Jixia Academy, how could Zhang Chulan make such a request?

Only Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Wenzhao with a smile on his face.

This is too much like Zhang Chulan's character, but what Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect was that these two people would fight against them from Qilu University?

"Yes!" Zhang Chulan replied seriously.

"We are from Jixia Academy!" Liu Wenzhao snapped, "Do you know what you mean by doing this?"

"Do you know what the name Jixia Academy means?"

Jixia Academy, even in the martial arts department and the military department, will receive courtesy and attention.

But I didn't expect that here, at Qilu Wuda, someone would ask them to apologize?

Arabian Nights!

Liu Wenzheng's face also became gloomy, staring at Zhang Chulan firmly.

"Jixia Academy, I know, but I have to apologize." Zhang Chulan remained unmoved, with the same expression as before.

"Chu Lan, these two people are here to invite you to join Jixia Academy." Kong Shang came out to smooth things over.

"Mr. Kong, I know, you made it clear in the news." Zhang Chulan said, "But why did they attack my martial artists from Qilu University? Could it be because they are from Jixia Academy?"

"Will the warriors of Jixia Academy be able to bully others wantonly? To deal with my students from Qiluwu University?"

"If that's the case, then I won't go!"

Zhang Chulan's face was calm, without any affectation.

"Okay, very good!" Liu Wenzhao looked at Zhang Chulan, "You are so courageous that you don't pay attention to our Jixia Academy, very good!"

"Apologize!" Zhang Chulan took a step forward and asked again.

"No!" Liu Wenzhao rebuffed Zhang Chulan, "You actually insulted our Jixia Academy, you want to die!"

"Hey, hey, you have to fight!" Jiang Xiaobai reminded from the side, "This is the office, if it breaks, you will have to ask Jixia Academy to pay for it."

Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao stared at Jiang Xiaobai immediately, and shot at Jiang Xiaobai coldly.

"Then you can go, go to the martial arts field." Liu Wenzheng said coldly.

"Okay!" Zhang Chulan said without any hesitation, "If you lose, apologize in public!"

"But what if you lose?" Liu Wenzhao asked in a dark voice.

"I lost, and I'm at your disposal!" Zhang Chulan said frankly.

"Yes!" Liu Wenzhao glanced at Kong Shang, "This is at your Qilu Wuda University. For the sake of fairness, I suggest that the director of the Martial Arts Institute be invited to uphold justice."

"All warriors in Los Angeles can watch the battle as much as they want, and observe the strength of our Jixia Academy!"

Du Ping used to uphold justice?

All fighters can watch as much as possible?

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, you found this by yourself!

Liu Wenzhao and Liu Wenzheng are only at the ninth rank, and they are similar to Zhang Chulan in terms of realm. If they are based on Zhang Chulan's strength, they will naturally not be afraid of each other.

It's just that both of them are from Jixia Academy, so compared to Zhang Chulan, who was born in Ye Luzi, they are naturally much stronger.

It was precisely because of this that they agreed to Zhang Chulan's challenge without hesitation.

If it is a strong martial artist, maybe the two of them may need to think about it, but they are facing Zhang Chulan who is also a literary cultivator.

They were born in Jixia Academy, how could they lose to Zhang Chulan?

"Principal Kong, just do as they say." Jiang Xiaobai came to Kong Shang and said, "Since they want to humiliate Zhang Chulan, they must be prepared to be humiliated by Zhang Chulan."

"Jiang Xiaobai, this is inappropriate!" Kong Shang was full of doubts, "The opposite is Jixia Academy, and this time is an opportunity for Zhang Chulan."

"A talent like Zhang Chulan, once he enters the Jixia Academy, he will definitely skyrocket ninety thousand miles!"

"I know this, but you also know Zhang Chulan's temperament. Do you think he would go to Jixia Academy like this?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

After Kong Shang heard it, he immediately let out a long sigh.

After teaching Zhang Chulan for a year, he knows Zhang Chulan's character very well. He has always been an extremely stubborn type of person. He has a world in his heart and his own principles of life, and he will not change anything because of certain temptations.

Whether it's the Jixia Academy or the Confucian Mansion, if it doesn't meet the definition in Zhang Chulan's mind, I'm afraid they won't join it.

The two brothers Liu Wenzhao and Liu Wenzheng came to Qilu Wuda aggressively. To be honest, Kong Shang was also very upset, but it was because the other party had a relatively large background and a deep background, and he was not someone that Qilu Wuda could provoke.

That's why Kong Shang swallowed his anger and repaid his grievances with virtue.

As everyone knows, Kong Shang's behavior shocked Zhang Chulan and Jiang Xiaobai a lot.

Zhang Chulan was just unfair!

What Jiang Xiaobai thinks is that he hopes that one day, Qilu Wuda can reach this height.

Just relying on the four characters of Qilu Wuda can make people surrender!

Under the notice of Kong Shang, Du Pingyuan has already come to Qilu Wuda.

When he learned that Zhang Chulan was going to compete with people from Jixia Academy, he was shocked.

"Isn't this crazy!"

Du Pingyuan hurriedly came to Jiang Xiaobai's side, "How can Zhang Chulan compare with the people from Jixia Academy? That is an existence that has been passed down for thousands of years. Although it has disappeared in the long river of history for a while, its foundation and strength Not to be underestimated."

"I think Zhang Chulan can win!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "What about the Jixia Academy? Even if it is the Confucian Mansion? It was not created by the ancestors. If so, why can't Zhang Chulan open up one?" What about the times?"

Du Pingyuan stared at Jiang Xiaobai with wide eyes. This guy not only had inexplicable confidence in himself, but also in the people around him.

If it was before, Du Pingyuan might have believed Jiang Xiaobai's words, but now he is facing the strong Wenxiu of Jixia Academy.

The outcome is unpredictable!

Moreover, Zhang Chulan was clearly at a disadvantage!

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