Dominate the world

Chapter 465 The Idea of ​​Entering Beijing


Li Chan stretched out her hand to grab it, and directly threw Li Changtian out.

Poor Li Changtian fell heavily to the ground again, and a deep hole was smashed into the ground.

"Okay, Brother Yuan, how can we be as knowledgeable as they are with our broad minds?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to persuade, "Don't worry, after a while, I will definitely teach her a good lesson for you and beat her all over the place. "

"Okay, that's it. If you can't do it, I'll beat you to the teeth!" Liang Xiaoyuan waved his fist viciously, and said as a demonstration.

"No problem!" Jiang Xiaobai agreed without hesitation. Seeing that Liang Xiaoyuan's mood gradually calmed down, he felt relieved.

He was really afraid that Liang Xiaoyuan would be entangled all the time, if that was the case, it would be very difficult.

"Li Chan, why did you attack Liang Xiaoyuan?" Jiang Xiaobai came to Li Chan and asked in a cold voice.

Although Jiang Xiaobai comforted Liang Xiaoyuan not to continue to make trouble, but he himself should stand up for Liang Xiaoyuan.

For one thing, two people are both Los Angeles warriors, how can they allow others to bully them?

Secondly, they are friends, although they don't feel like brothers like Zhao Chong, but according to Jiang Xiaobai's protective personality, he can't ignore this matter.

"There's no reason, it's just annoyance!" Li Chan said proudly.


What an arrogant and ruthless character!

"Unhappy, aren't you? Then let me make you feel better?" Jiang Xiaobai snorted and looked Li Chan up and down.

"Xiaobai, don't make trouble!" Li Changtian suddenly threw himself in front of Jiang Xiaobai at this time, "This is my own sister, please don't make trouble!"


Jiang Xiaobai looked at Li Changtian suspiciously.

Your sister beats your brother when you meet?

"This is really my sister Li Chan!" Li Changtian explained, "She is my sister of the same father and mother."

"Are you sure?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Of course!" Li Changtian came to Jiang Xiaobai. "Actually, my sister hurts me the most, but it is a bit ruthless to me. Once I make a mistake, I will beat me, and I don’t allow others to be bad for me. Me, even close to me!"

"Once found out, my sister will take action. This is not aimed at brother Yuan, but my sister's character is like this. Even if she is like a master and strong today, she is the same."

"Brother control?" Jiang Xiaobai said in surprise, and then he looked at Li Chan, and found that the other party still looked cold and arrogant.

This cold beauty turned out to be a brother-in-law?


Jiang Xiaobai, who originally wanted to seek justice for Liang Xiaoyuan, didn't know what to do now.

"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Li Changtian looked at Jiang Xiaobai in a daze, completely unaware of what the other party was talking about.

"It's nothing, how did you come here these years?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Li Changtian sympathetically.

If this is the case, I am afraid that Li Changtian will have a hard time in the past few years.

"That's how I came here. In fact, my sister doesn't beat me often, maybe once every three days!" Li Changtian explained for Li Chan, "Later, my sister went to the Ministry of Martial Arts, and then she rarely beat me."

Not once every three days?

Jiang Xiaobai now somewhat understands why this guy still posted it after being sneered at by Liang Xiaoyuan.

This guy looks aloof, but in fact he has some masochist tendencies.

"So, do you think we can just let it go this time?" Li Changtian asked tentatively.

The current Li Changtian doesn't have any aloof look at all, he is a different person from when Jiang Xiaobai met him before.

"Ask Xiaoyuan about this, after all, it was Li Chan who beat her." Jiang Xiaobai directly kicked the ball back.

Unexpectedly, a genius from the Martial Arts Department would be the eldest lady of the Li family. It was so lively that there were Li family siblings here in the whole Los Angeles.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai left this place. He definitely had no choice but to straighten out this matter, so it's better to let Li Changtian straighten it out by himself. Anyway, as long as Li Changtian is present, Liang Xiaoyuan won't suffer.

After all, Liang Xiaoyuan is the person Li Changtian loves deeply!

Kong Shang was originally afraid of any accidents, so he stayed here after Jiang Xiaobai left to prevent conflicts between the two sides.

But it only stayed for a few minutes, and then left here immediately.

When Kong Shang returned to the office, he found that Jiang Xiaobai was already waiting for him in the office.

"Principal Kong is back?" Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and exhaled heavily.

"If you don't go and have a good rest, what are you doing here?" Kong Shang stared at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai, who has just been promoted to the realm of a master, needs a good rest to recuperate because breaking through the master has exhausted his mind and energy.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't, and came to the office instead.

"I have something I want to talk to Dean Kong about." Jiang Xiaobai said, "I have now been promoted to the Grandmaster realm, and I have taken over the position of Dean of the Martial Arts Institute, it's time to do something. "

"What do you want to do?" Kong Shang listened to Jiang Xiaobai's words, his heart suddenly jumped, and he clearly felt that this guy was going to do something again.

"Enter Beijing!" Jiang Xiaobai said softly, looking at Kong Shang with a smile.

Coming to Beijing?

Kong Shang couldn't help taking a step back, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a serious face: "Why are you crazy? What are you going to do in Beijing? The capital is not my city of Los Angeles, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, extremely dangerous."

"Qilu Martial Arts University has suffered heavy losses this time, but the Martial Arts Department has not indicated at all. The school is about to start, and it just gave a normal resource allocation plan, and compared with last year, there is no change." Jiang Xiaobai was helpless. Said, "Could it be that we just swallow our breath like this?"

"No change?" After hearing this, Kong Shang knew what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

It's nothing more than wanting more training resources to make up for the trauma suffered by Los Angeles.

However, Luocheng was in trouble, and Qilu Martial Arts University and Luocheng Martial Arts University suffered heavy losses. It is already the greatest favor that the Martial Arts Department did not cut resources.

After all, through the battle, many warriors in Wuhan University died in battle, the number of warriors was reduced by more than half, and the allocated resources would also be reduced accordingly.

This is not because the Ministry of Martial Arts is inhumane, but because the resource allocation of Wuhan University is determined by the rank of the University and the number of warriors. In normal Wuda University, warriors will die in battle, and the allocation of resources will be slightly different.

In a situation like Qilu Martial Arts University, generally speaking, the Ministry of Martial Arts will appropriately reduce the allocation of resources.

And now it is still the same as usual, there is nothing to be picky about.

As for rewards?

Maybe there will be, maybe there won't be!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you should know that Hua Guo's cultivation resources are also very tight now, and our master Qi Luwu is so soft-spoken that we have no right to speak here." Kong Shang persuaded, "Even if you go to Beijing, go The Martial Arts Department probably won't gain anything."

"But if I don't go, I'm doomed to fail!" Jiang Xiaobai showed a bright smile on his face, "We have to fight for everything, maybe we can fight for the future of Qiluwu University?"

"Are you really going?" Kong Shang stared at Jiang Xiaobai and asked seriously.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded stubbornly.

"Well, you go! I can't persuade you, but you have to remember that after entering Beijing, you must be cautious in your words and deeds." Kong Shang reminded.

"Don't worry, Dean Du Pingyuan will go with me!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Qiluwu University has Dean Lao Kong!"

Du Pingyuan?

Kong Shang couldn't help thinking secretly.

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