Dominate the world

Chapter 466 Here I Come, Capital City

Jiang Xiaobai did not hesitate after notifying Kong Shang, simply packed his bags and went directly to Du Pingyuan's residence.

I believe that Du Pingyuan has already sensed the movement caused by his promotion to Grandmaster. After all, the other party is a king-level powerhouse whose strength should not be underestimated. As long as he is willing, the entire Los Angeles city will be under his surveillance.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to Du Pingyuan's house, he found that the other party was already waiting at home.

"I thought you were going to delay for a while?" Du Pingyuan called Jiang Xiaobai to sit down, "You came so soon."

"I just got promoted to Grandmaster, and I wanted to come here immediately, but unfortunately, your granddaughter disrupted the plan." Jiang Xiaobai shrugged helplessly, "No, I didn't get away until now."

"What happened to Liang Xiaoyuan?" Du Pingyuan asked curiously.

There is nothing wrong with his granddaughter, she just likes to cause trouble, but Liang Xiaoyuan is the kind of person who can distinguish between right and wrong.

This is a commendable point!

Therefore, generally Du Pingyuan would not bother with her, unless there was some serious trouble, he would take action.

"I got into a fight with Li Chan," Jiang Xiaobai complained.

"..." Du Pingyuan was speechless for a while, "Forget it, children can't make any troubles."

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded in agreement, "When are we going to leave?"

"Leaving in the afternoon, I've already booked the air ticket." Du Pingyuan took out a card and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai, "This is the boarding pass, and a martial arts fighter will come to pick us up."

Martial arts fighter?

Another martial arts fighter?

Doesn't the Martial Arts Department have any new gadgets?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's expression, Du Pingyuan couldn't help laughing: "What? You don't think martial arts fighters are qualified enough? Could it be that you still want a martial arts spaceship to pick you up?"

"And the martial arts spaceship?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "How much is that?"

"It's not measured by money." Du Pingyuan said, "Even if you have money, you can't buy it. Only the elders of Huaguo can ride it."

"Then it can't be a magic weapon!" Jiang Xiaobai was stunned when he heard it.

Only the elders of the Hua Kingdom can ride?

Aren't the elders of Huaguo all emperor-level powerhouses?

For Jiang Xiaobai, the treasure that the emperor-level powerhouse can ride is really a treasure!

"Okay, don't think too much. If you have the opportunity to become the elder of Huaguo, you will definitely have the opportunity to ride." Du Pingyuan comforted, "Let's rest for a while and then set off."

"No problem." Jiang Xiaobai agreed.

Half an hour later, Du Pingyuan suddenly opened his eyes and stood up slowly.

"Let's go!" After Du Pingyuan finished speaking, he took Jiang Xiaobai out of the residence.

At this time, a family of bright silver martial arts fighters appeared in front of them.

When the two approached, the fuselage of the martial arts fighter slowly opened a door.

"Let's go!" Du Pingyuan grabbed Jiang Xiaobai and flew into the sky, and immediately flew towards the martial arts fighter.

This fighter looks more powerful than any fighter Jiang Xiaobai has seen, and it is much more advanced.


A powerful sound erupted from the martial arts fighter, and the martial arts fighter rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the fighter plane, which was not considered spacious, and could clearly feel the power coming from it, especially for Jiang Xiaobai, who had never seen such a powerful treasure.

Even stronger than a king-level master!

"Is this martial arts fighter able to shoot down the Grandmaster?" Jiang Xiaobai asked softly.

"Shoot down the Grandmaster?" Du Pingyuan showed a faint smile, "Even a king-level powerhouse will tremble under this fighter."

King level powerhouse?


Jiang Xiaobai's face changed, and there is such a perverted thing?

"That's natural. Although Huaguo's technology is not as good as that of Europe and America, it is still at the forefront of the world, especially the latest fighter we have developed, which is the latest fighter." Du Pingyuan explained, "and this fighter can be used Mental power manipulation can even shrink it at will."

"Reduce at will?" Jiang Xiaobai became even more curious.

This is a fighter, not a soldier.

Could it be that someone in Huaguo turned this fighter plane into a soldier?

Then this is too scary!

Ordinary refiners can't do this at all, unless they are king-level refiners!

"Never be limited to everything you see!" Du Pingyuan said with a smile, "Our world is not what you see, unless you go out in person, you will get a glimpse of the original appearance of the whole world."

"It makes sense." Jiang Xiaobai agrees with Du Pingyuan's words. In fact, this is the truth. Only when you leave this world can you see the whole picture of the world clearly.

Other than that, everything is illusory.

While the two were talking, the martial arts fighter plane had already arrived in the sky above Kyoto.

Kyoto, Yanjing!

This is the heart of the entire Huaguo, and it is also in the northern part of the entire Huaguo.

After the upheaval, the entire northern grassland was occupied by monsters. For this reason, Hua Guo refused to move the capital in order to be able to guard the country. Instead, it launched a counterattack in Kyoto, using the natural danger of the Great Wall to resist the attacks of monsters.

At this point, there is quite a feeling that the emperor guards the gate of the country and the king dies.

It is precisely because of this that the clarion call for humans and monsters to fight to the end is sounded.

A large number of top warriors devoted themselves to fighting the monsters, even though they died a hundred times, they still did not regret it.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai got off the martial arts fighter, he suddenly felt a burst of strong vitality rushing towards his face. The entire Kyoto was very strong. When he looked up, he saw a faint layer of mist surrounding the capital.

"Such a strong vitality?" Jiang Xiaobai said dumbfounded after feeling the vitality around him.

"En!" Du Pingyuan responded softly, "Every warrior who comes here for the first time will be shocked."

"Kyoto can be said to be one of the cities with the most vitality in the entire Hua Kingdom. Kyoto, Chang'an, Xianyang and other places in the north, and the magic capital and Shenzhen City in the south are one of the major resorts in our entire Hua Kingdom."

"No wonder they are so powerful, not to mention practicing here, even if they live here for more than ten years without practicing, they will become warriors!" Jiang Xiaobai said to himself.

Such a strong vitality is dozens or even hundreds of times that of Luo City. Surrounded by so much vitality, for warriors, it is definitely a sacred place for cultivation, and it is a place that everyone yearns for.

"Yes!" Du Pingyuan sighed, "Although they are both warriors, some of them have already lost at the starting line."

"It's okay. It's not terrible to lose at the starting line. The terrible thing is to keep losing." Jiang Xiaobai quickly regained his composure, "Dean Du, maybe one day we will be so strong in Los Angeles."

"That's right!" Du Pingyuan's eyes were bright, "You're right, as long as the spirit spring recovers, we still have a chance in Los Angeles."

Kyoto is the power to occupy the dragon's veins, and it contains thousands of years of luck, which leads to strong vitality.

As for the devils and other places, it was because after the upheaval began, the spiritual veins recovered, and their survival occupied the spiritual veins, so they rose proudly.

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