Dominate the world

Chapter 471 I want to fight against Mount Tai

Borrow a hundred masters?

This time, everyone around was stunned.

Whether it was Fei Yuming and Tang Shanhai, or Pang Ji and Du Pingyuan, they all stared at Jiang Xiaobai with wide eyes.

What the hell is borrowing a hundred masters?

What is this operation?

"What do you mean?" Tang Shanhai asked puzzled. "Why do you want to borrow your hundred masters?"

"Since it's not allowed to lend me three thousand elixir, then I can only borrow from the master." Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, but said by himself.

"What do you want to do?" Tang Shanhai stared at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

"I want to fight against Mount Tai!" Jiang Xiaobai replied word by word.

Conquer Tarzan?

A hundred grandmasters fight against Mount Tai?

Is this crazy?

Taishan has a king-level powerhouse sitting in it, and it is more likely that there is a demon emperor.

It's a bit too risky for a mere hundred masters to fight against Mount Tai!

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't talk nonsense." Du Pingyuan scolded.

What Jiang Xiaobai said and did before was basically done according to what they had agreed upon, but starting with borrowing the three thousand elixir, it was completely out of his control.

But now it seems that the three thousand elixir is fake, and the main intention is to conquer Mount Tai!

This is really shocking to them.

Mount Tai is a scenic spot in Qilu Province and one of the landmark buildings in Qilu Province. It has been occupied by monsters for more than a hundred years. Humans have also tried to capture Mount Tai, but they all ended in failure without exception.

Now Jiang Xiaobai is even bolder, saying that he wants a hundred masters to attack Mount Tai.

Is this nonsense?

"Elder Fei, you said in person that if I change my request, you will agree to it. I don't know how about this request?" Jiang Xiaobai ignored Du Pingyuan and asked instead.

"Hundred Grandmasters, fight against Mount Tai." Fei Yuming chuckled, "You must be a little too whimsical!"

"If you don't dare to think about it, you don't dare to do it. If you don't dare to do it, it will be impossible to realize it." Jiang Xiaobai continued, "If I don't try it, how do I know I can't succeed?"

"Then are you joking with the life of the master?" Fei Yuming angrily scolded.

"No, I just want to fight for a future for the Qilu warriors." Jiang Xiaobai said sonorously, "I am a land of Qilu, with outstanding people, but since the drastic changes, I have not fallen. As a member of Qilu Province, naturally Take the revitalization of Qilu Province as your ambition!"

"Also, I'm not joking with the lives of the masters. The hundred masters I borrowed can evacuate on their own if they are in danger. I, Jiang Xiaobai, don't care about anyone's business!"

"Jiang Xiaobai!" Du Pingyuan shouted hoarsely.

This guy is too crazy. He not only wants to fight for a future for Qi Luwu, but also for Qilu Province.

With such pride, even he, Du Pingyuan, would be ashamed of himself as a king.

"Old Fei, this kid is fine!" Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Tang Shanhai immediately liked him a little more, "If you don't have enough manpower, Old Fei, I can lend you fifty grandmasters to let you Fight with this kid!"

"Are you crazy?" Fei Yuming stared at Tang Shanhai, "A child is talking nonsense, why are you mixing it up?"

"There are not many grandmasters in China, if this time..."

"The reason why warriors in China exist is to fight against monsters, isn't it? Grandmasters are nothing more than that." Tang Shanhai persuaded, "What's more, most of the martial arts masters lack the ability to fight monsters. Stunning, isn't this trip to Mount Tai a chance for them to practice?"

"Furthermore, Jiang Xiaobai has already said that in case of danger, they can run for their own lives."

"It's all said and done, what else do you want?"

"Are you serious?" Fei Yuming asked again.

"Of course!" Tang Shanhai looked at Jiang Xiaobai, "Boy, Lao Fei doesn't have a hundred grandmasters, how about I send out fifty grandmasters, and the remaining fifty grandmasters, how about letting Elder Fei come out?"

"Thank you Elder Tang, I only need a hundred grandmasters, no matter where they come from." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Okay!" Fei Yuming nodded heavily, staring at Jiang Xiaobai with sharp eyes, "If these grandmasters suffer heavy casualties, you will have to pay full responsibility."

"I still say the same thing. Once there is danger, I can naturally let them retreat first. If they are not strong enough, I have no choice!"

"Hmph!" Fei Yuming snorted heavily, and with a wave of his left hand, a piece of golden paper floated towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Take this and get out!"

Jiang Xiaobai took the paper and looked at it, only to see that it was a resource claim form.

"Then we're leaving!" Jiang Xiaobai bowed, turned and walked out.

Seeing the backs of Jiang Xiaobai and others leaving, Tang Shanhai moved closer to Fei Yuming.

"You really have a sharp mouth and a tofu heart."

"It's just that he won." Fei Yuming said unmoved.

"I mean, did you really want to suppress Jiang Xiaobai with your coercion just now?" Tang Shanhai said slowly, when he saw Fei Yuming's cold eyes, "Okay, I was talking too much .”


After Jiang Xiaobai and others came out of the elder's residence, Du Pingyuan and Pang Ji let out a long sigh of relief.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what are you doing? I was almost scared to death by you." Pang Ji complained, "I really don't know how you have survived till now."

"What are you afraid of? They are the elders of the Martial Arts Department, so they can kill me." Jiang Xiaobai grinned.

"How can it be possible to kill you!" Pang Ji corrected, "How can our Martial Arts Department bully the younger generation."

"That's it. Since I can't kill me, why don't I do it according to my own ideas?" Jiang Xiaobai stuffed the golden paper into his arms, "Are you right! Otherwise, will my suffering be in vain?"

"Don't be so reckless in the future." Du Pingyuan reminded, "If we annoy the elders, we won't have any good fruit to eat."

"Understood, let's go to the resources!" Jiang Xiaobai agreed nonchalantly.

After seeing the figures of Du Pingyuan and Jiang Xiaobai, Chen Huan showed helplessness again.

"Dean Du, there is really no way. I am also following orders. I also sympathize with Qilu University and think that more resources should be allocated, but I..."

Before Chen Huan could finish speaking, Jiang Xiaobai had already placed the golden paper with Fei Yuming's signature in front of him.

"This, this is Elder Fei's letter?" Chen Huan's eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's guaranteed to be fake!" Jiang Xiaobai waved in front of him, "You can take it to check, or ask Elder Xia Fei if the matter is as I told you."

"Minister Chen, check it carefully!" Du Pingyuan also said.

"Okay!" Chen Huan put his hands on the clothes and wiped them, then took the golden paper with both hands, and examined it carefully.

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