The handbook is no problem!

Chen Huan never thought that things would go so smoothly with them.

Elder Fei Yuming is not a talkative person, he is indifferent and not good at speaking. Many deans of Wuhan University came with gifts, but Fei Yuming kicked them out.

But this young head of the martial arts academy did it?

You know, there are still some small misunderstandings between Du Pingyuan and Fei Yuming that have not been resolved.

From Chen Huan's point of view, even if they found Fei Yuming, they might not be able to solve this problem.

But now, Fei Yuming's handbook is in his hands.

It all seemed so unreal.

"How are you doing these few minutes?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"No problem!" Chen Huan looked at Du Pingyuan with admiration, "Old Du, you are really capable. It's impossible for so many people to do it, but you, a person who has a feud with Elder Fei, did it."

"The only one who can ask for an extra training resource is Los Angeles, and there are no other people."

Du Pingyuan pursed his lips and smiled: "It's not me, it's Jiang Xiaobai. If it wasn't for him, we would have been kicked out by Elder Fei by now."

"Him?" Chen Huan looked at Jiang Xiaobai, becoming more and more puzzled.

This kid is only about 20 years old, why did Elder Fei Yuming agree to distribute more resources?

Is there something special about him?

Chen Huan couldn't figure out how Jiang Xiaobai did it.

"Don't worry, when it's time to allocate resources this time, I will definitely double the amount." Chen Huan simply stopped thinking about it and put away the golden card.

"No." Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his finger and shook, "I want to bring this part of the resources back to Qilu Wuhan University directly. After all, we have to give our Qilu teachers and students some confidence!"

"Take it back now?" Chen Huan looked at Jiang Xiaobai puzzled.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, "At that time, we can arrange the transportation of the martial arts fighter, just go back with us."

When Chen Huan heard Jiang Xiaobai's strange request, he immediately looked at Du Pingyuan.

"Just follow Jiang Xiaobai's request!" Du Pingyuan did not refute. After all, everything this time was won by Jiang Xiaobai, and there is no problem in handling it according to Jiang Xiaobai's request.

"Okay!" Chen Huan also agreed.

"Okay, now that the matter here is over, let's have dinner together tonight." Pang Ji said, "Minister Chen, do you want to come together?"

"Forget it!" Chen Huan politely refused, "I have other things to do at night, so I probably don't have time."

"President Du, Xiaobai, don't evade the two of you." Pang Ji looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai and Du Pingyuan agreed immediately.

Jiang Xiaobai has never experienced restaurants in Kyoto.

On weekdays, Jiang Xiaobai only eats and drinks in Los Angeles, but since Qin Feng's accident, he has never had a serious meal outside.

This time Pang Ji was the host, so Jiang Xiaobai would naturally not miss it.

In the end, Pang Ji chose the hotel as the Jingdu Hotel. The Jingdu Hotel is a century-old store in Yanjing, which has been passed down for thousands of years.

The earliest Jingdu Hotel was Yanjing Restaurant. Since the drastic change, Yanjing Restaurant has become Jingdu Hotel.

Here, you can eat dishes made of monster meat, which are the best delicacy in the world.

Regardless of the color and smell, they are much better than the hotels in Los Angeles.

Ordinary people can't afford to spend here, and only the third-rank warriors can spend here.

"Dining here starts at a million dollars?" Jiang Xiaobai was surprised after looking at the dishes in the hotel.

"It's natural!" Pang Ji rarely saw Jiang Xiaobai like this, so he said with a smile, "It starts with a million, and it's just an ordinary dish. If it's a dish made of monster meat, it needs Zhenjin or Yuanshi Come and pay!"

Zhenjin or Yuanshi?

Jiang Xiaobai was even more shocked. Whether it was Zhenjin or Yuanshi, they were the most urgently needed things for warriors.

The fact that the Jingdu Hotel actually needs Zhenjin to pay is enough to show the nobility of this place.

"How much does our meal cost?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the dishes on the table, each dish exuded bursts of vitality and fragrance.

"These? A catty of gold!" Pang Ji made a rough calculation, and then said.

"Luxury! Too luxurious!"

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this, his face turned pale.

Do you need a pound of gold just to eat this meal?

This is too crazy!

How could there be such a crazy place!

At the beginning, he and Qin Feng fought desperately to get a hundred catties of shock gold from Qianfo Mountain. Now it seems that this is not enough to eat a few meals in the Jingdu Hotel.


"This is just an ordinary meal. If we eat it in the private room, at least five catties will be worth it!" Pang Ji was very satisfied with Jiang Xiaobai's reaction.

Up until now, he was only shocked by Jiang Xiaobai, but now seeing Jiang Xiaobai's shocked appearance, he felt a burst of relief in his heart.

Finally let you kid also shocked once!

The bad taste in Pang Ji's heart started, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face.

"Hehe! You can dance with hands and feet in amazement even after eating a pound of gold. How did you get promoted to the realm of a master?"

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was feeling emotional, a discordant voice suddenly came.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobai, who was preparing to taste the dishes, stopped suddenly. This sentence made him feel like he had eaten a dead fly.

When Jiang Xiaobai turned his head, he saw a young boy looking at him with disdain.

"What are you looking at? Am I wrong?" The young man gave Jiang Xiaobai a sharp look, and then hugged the young lady beside him tightly.

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai laughed lightly, and simply stopped talking to them.

After all, Du Pingyuan once said that dragons and tigers are hidden in the land of the capital, and if you do it lightly, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"What? Laughing at me?" The young man strode up to Jiang Xiaobai, and said angrily, "You still don't accept what I said about you, do you?"

"Submit? Why should I submit?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the boy with a smile on his face.

"Are you yelling at me?" The young man said harshly, "What are you!"

"Hehehehe!" Jiang Xiaobai continued to hehe.

"You are too deceitful!" The boy suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the table.


I saw the young man forcefully overturned the table.

The faces of Pang Ji and Du Pingyuan gradually became gloomy, especially Pang Ji's expression was extremely ugly.

He can pretend not to see someone coming to make trouble, after all, the other party is a child, but the other party is so uneducated, which has to make them a little angry.

"What happened?" Soon, the lobby manager of the Kyoto Hotel came over.

When he saw the boy, he suddenly had a headache.

This young man is the young master of the royal family of the southern gentry. He has always been arrogant and rude, and has caused many troubles in the Jingdu Hotel. It's not good.

In the past few days, Young Master Wang didn't come to the Jingdu Hotel to make a fuss, and they were very grateful for it.

But it didn't stop for less than a week, and something happened again.

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