"Young Master Wang, what's the matter?" Manager Datang trotted over and asked the young master hastily.

"It's nothing, I'm just happy today. I'll treat these people to a table of good food, and eat them according to five catties of gold." The young Wang Lin pointed at Jiang Xiaobai and the others nonchalantly, and pointed with anger.

The lobby manager followed Wang Lin's gaze, and when he saw Pang Ji, he was shocked.

Knowing that the lobby manager recognized him, Pang Ji immediately gave him a wink.

The lobby manager of the Kyoto Hotel was drenched in cold sweat on his back. One Wang Lin was enough for him, and now there is another strong man from the Martial Arts Department. This...

"Is it hard for me to speak now?" Seeing that the manager in the lobby was indifferent, Wang Lin asked in a bad tone, "Don't make me mad!"

"This..." The lobby manager looked at Pang Ji as if asking for help, and found that Pang Ji was resting with his eyes closed, as if he didn't care about world affairs.

"What is this? I am in a good mood today, so I invite these people to dinner." Wang Lin pointed to Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Especially this master, who looks like he has never seen the world. Open your eyes."

"Young master, show me to open my eyes?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Wang Lin, staring at Wang Lin.

"That's natural, it's my master's gift to you!" Wang Lin said proudly, "Seeing that you are so sensible, why don't you become my follower, and I'll give you ten catties of Zhenjin a month!"

"Ten catties of gold?" Jiang Xiaobai's face twitched.

What kind of people are more popular than people!

When he was at Qilu Wuda University, Zhenjin was bought on the basis of gram, but now he has ten catties of Zhenjin for a month's servant!

Is this shit still alive?

"You look like you have never seen the world!" Wang Lin sneered, "Ten Jin Zhenjin is the basic salary. If you perform well, twenty Jin is fine."

"Young master is so generous." Jiang Xiaobai clapped his hands, "Thank you, young master today!"

"Wouldn't it be nice to be so obedient earlier?" Wang Lin became more and more elated.

Pang Ji frowned as he watched from the sidelines, but was held down by Du Pingyuan when he was about to speak.

"Look! Jiang Xiaobai is not a master of suffering." Du Pingyuan said via voice transmission.

Pang Ji had no choice but to endure the anger in his heart, and watched the performance of the two quietly.

"Manager, is this young master treating you today?" Jiang Xiaobai said after seeing the manager in the lobby nodding his head to confirm, "In that case, then we are not welcome, I heard that you have a supreme set meal for us here. share!"

Supreme package?

The lobby manager was stunned.

Wang Lin was stunned.

Pang Ji and Du Pingyuan were also stunned.

"Are you kidding me?" After Wang Lin recovered, he stepped forward and slapped Jiang Xiaobai.


Before Wang Lin's hand came to Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai slapped him with a backhand and fell to the ground.


Jiang Xiaobai stood up in an instant, grabbed Wang Lin, and pushed him to the ground, with his head firmly pressed against the ground.

There were still dishes on the ground that Wang Lin overturned, all of which were rubbed on his face by him at this moment.

The movement at Pang Ji's table had already attracted the attention of others, and when they saw that it was Wang Lin, they all kept their distance.

But now, he saw Wang Lin being pinned to the ground.

"Here, isn't this the young master of the Wang family? How could he be held down?"

"Yeah! Hasn't he been domineering all the time? What's going on here?"

"It's probably a stranger! Otherwise, how could you get into trouble with this evil star?"

"Don't look, I guess that person is miserable, if this young master Wang thinks about it, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat it and walk around!"

The diners around whispered, some boldly peeking at everything here.

"I'm playing tricks on you?" Jiang Xiaobai bent down and said with a sneer, "You really think highly of yourself, when did I play tricks on you?"

"Did you say you wanted to invite me to dinner?"

"You..." Wang Lin stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely, and cursed angrily.

clap clap clap!

Jiang Xiaobai slapped Wang Lin with his other hand a few times, turning Wang Lin into a pig's head.

In these few slaps, Jiang Xiaobai not only did not keep his hand, but secretly displayed his vitality, so even though Wang Lin was also a warrior, he cried under Jiang Xiaobai's slap.

"What's wrong with me wanting to eat something good?" Jiang Xiaobai said while smoking, "I haven't seen the world, isn't this asking me, Young Master Wang, to treat me to something good?"

The crisp applause spread throughout the lobby of the Jingdu Hotel, making everyone secretly startled when they heard it.

"Who is this young man? It's too ruthless and exciting!"

"It's simply a black hand. As a martial artist, Young Master Wang has been slapped like a pig's head. This..."

"It's fun to beat someone for a while! What do you think will happen after this? The Wang family will not spare this kid."

The surrounding people were frightened, Wang Lin was domineering here, no one dared to control him, because it was useless, after all, the Wang family was powerful, and even though it was said to bully others, the compensation was never stingy.

After those warriors received the compensation from the Wang family, instead of complaining, they were grateful.

There have always been very few people who shot like Jiang Xiaobai, which caused Wang Lin's arrogance and domineering.

Even Wang Lin didn't expect that this seemingly poor warrior in front of him would be so powerful?

Dare to attack yourself in public, it is really lawless!

"This kid really didn't disappoint me!" Pang Ji's voice transmission to Du Pingyuan was full of excitement.

"The person who can make Jiang Xiaobai suffer is probably not born yet?" Du Pingyuan teased.

"Sir, don't call anymore!" The lobby manager quickly persuaded. "If you fight again, something will happen."

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai stopped, looking at the handsome Wang Lin, whose face was flushed like a pig's head.

"Are you going to invite me or not? Young Master?"

"Please..." Wang Lin swallowed his anger.

Jiang Xiaobai beat him regardless of his identity.

Wang Lin is not an idiot either. He is still stubborn at this time, which can only make himself miserable.

"Then let's go to the private room, it's too messy here, it doesn't fit the status of young master." Jiang Xiaobai mentioned Wang Lin, but he didn't intend to let go.

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you now." The lobby manager hurriedly bowed and led Jiang Xiaobai and others towards the private room.

Wang Lin was carried away by Jiang Xiaobai like a chicken.

Several people went directly to the top floor of the Kyoto Hotel, and were led into the most luxurious suite in the entire hotel by the lobby manager.

"Damn lobby manager, you're going to die!" Looking at the private room in front of him, Wang Lin cursed again in his heart.

The private room fee for this private room is ten catties, which is not the minimum consumption, but the private room fee.

Normally, he, the son of the Wang family, would not be willing to come to this private room.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai forcibly brought him in.

When you let me go, I must deal with you well!

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