Dominate the world

Chapter 474 Formation, primordial stone

When Jiang Xiaobai first stepped into this private room, he suddenly felt a huge burst of vitality.

The vitality here is stronger than that in the courtyard of the Martial Arts Department before.

I didn't expect there to be such a magical place in the Kyoto Hotel, no wonder it requires a ten-jin Zhenjin private room fee.

Not every grandmaster can afford ten catties of shock gold. Generally speaking, only king-level powerhouses can afford this private room in the Kyoto Hotel.

If it wasn't because of Wang Lin this time, Pang Ji probably wouldn't be willing to spend money in this private room.

"This is our best private room, I wish you a pleasant meal." The lobby manager said respectfully.

"It doesn't look bad, and the strength of vitality is okay, no wonder it's a bit expensive." Jiang Xiaobai commented himself.

A bit expensive?

Wang Lin who was being carried by Jiang Xiaobai cursed inwardly.

This is not only a bit expensive, but the private room fee is only ten catties of gold, which is much higher than the price of ordinary practice secret rooms, okay?

Ten catties of Zhenjin is enough to refine a master-level warrior, but in the Jingdu Hotel, only one private room can be opened.

"Such a suite should have a set meal!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the lobby manager and asked.

After Wang Lin heard about Jiang Xiaobai's culture, his vision went dark and he almost passed out.

"Yes, I'll arrange it for you." The lobby manager said respectfully.

"Okay, step back first! I'll call you again if something happens." Jiang Xiaobai ordered.

When the lobby manager heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at Wang Lin.

"What? You still want to be like him?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"No, you can eat to your heart's content." The lobby manager hastily wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

He has recognized Pang Ji, but Pang Ji has not spoken all this time, which shows that the other party's life experience is definitely not simple.

At this time, he didn't need to care about Wang Lin anymore. He was just a lobby manager, and neither of them could be offended.

Why bother with these people?

After the lobby manager withdrew, Jiang Xiaobai threw Wang Lin aside.

"You..." Wang Lin was about to speak when he fell to the ground, but when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, he immediately closed his mouth knowingly.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't seem like other people didn't dare to fight, but the other party would really beat him up.

Threats at this time will not have any effect at all, but will provoke Jiang Xiaobai's revenge.

Wang Lin stood up silently, wanting to sit on the chair.

"Did I ask you to sit down?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Lin who had just sat down, and said immediately.

"Then I..." Wang Lin looked at Jiang Xiaobai at a loss.

"Go and squat over there." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to a corner and said sharply.

"I..." Wang Lin was about to resist, but he was met with a cold look.

The helpless Wang Lin had no choice but to obediently walk aside and squat down, looking quite pitiful.

"Xiaobai, what do you say..." Pang Ji looked at Wang Lin and persuaded Jiang Xiaobai.

"It's okay, just stick it out like this." Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid of offending Wang Lin, although the other party was only in his teens, he was already an eighth-rank warrior, so he should come from an extraordinary background.

To cause trouble in a place like the Jingdu Hotel, one would naturally have a bit of confidence.

But Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid!

He will leave the capital in a few days, even if Wang Lin wants to take revenge, he can only go to Los Angeles to find him.

As for revenge against Pang Ji?

Ha ha, unless Wang Lin thinks life is too stable and wants to find some excitement.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but smile.

Does this guy still have some residual value worth squeezing?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, Wang Lin couldn't help but tremble, and instantly felt as if he was being stared at by a ferocious beast.

However, instead of continuing to deal with Wang Lin, Jiang Xiaobai practiced with his eyes closed.

Practicing here can get twice the result with half the effort. After all, the vitality here is not generally strong, and the vitality is relatively peaceful.

The reason why this luxury private room is worth ten catties of gold is of course a reason.

The entire private room is arranged by powerful warriors, which can gather vitality. In the center of the private room, there is a piece of primordial stone as the eye of the formation, which continuously provides vitality for the entire large formation.

The private rooms continued to open, and the formation was always running, so even if there was no one there, the primordial stones in the formation were still being consumed.

The vitality slowly transpired and circulated, and Jiang Xiaobai was immersed in cultivation.

Jiang Xiaobai discovered a problem when he first started practicing. His own cultivation speed has been significantly accelerated. Although he was promoted to the realm of a master before, his sea of ​​energy has also reached great perfection.

But after Fei Yuming's impact, his sea of ​​qi felt even more perfect.

The entire sea of ​​qi circulates more smoothly, compared to the more mellow self-improvement, the circulation speed of the vital qi gradually accelerates.

"I didn't expect that resisting Fei Yuming's coercion would be so beneficial?" Jiang Xiaobai thought secretly.

Not only that, but even his internal organs seemed to be opened, and the vitality could enter into the five internal organs more easily and be tempered slowly.

Jiang Xiaobai even had a feeling that promotion to the first-tier grandmaster was just around the corner.

Du Pingyuan and Pang Ji also took this opportunity to practice. Although they are king-level powerhouses, they need to continue to practice to improve their strength.

However, the cultivation of a king-level powerhouse is much more difficult than that of a master. They need to use natural materials and treasures, or the blood of monsters to temper their bodies so that they can reach the golden body state.

Wang Lin, who was squatting in the corner, looked at the three cultivators, but he didn't dare to move at all. These people were all taller than him, especially Jiang Xiaobai, who would do it at the slightest disagreement.

If Jiang Xiaobai finds out, I'm afraid he will be beaten up.

Simply, Wang Lin admitted his failure, and started to practice in this private room.

Anyway, it's my own money, why should it be cheaper for others?

Half an hour later, a graceful waiter walked into the private room, as if he didn't see the three people who were practicing, put the dishes on the table neatly, and then retreated out.

Warriors like this are not uncommon in the Kyoto Hotel. Because of the strong vitality in the private room, no warrior will let go of this opportunity.

The dishes were placed on the table. Wang Lin who was practicing was the first to come back to his senses. A burst of aroma pulled him over. Wang Lin sniffed vigorously, then opened his eyes and looked at the dishes on the table with salivation.

Jingdu Hotel often came here like the back garden of his home, but he never came to this private room to enjoy the exquisite dishes here.

Now being forced to come here by Jiang Xiaobai, it was an eye-opener.

Just by smelling this scent, the pores of his whole body were opened, absorbing the vitality around him to his heart's content.

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