After a while, Jiang Xiaobai and the others also woke up from their cultivation. They looked at the dishes on the table with slightly surprised expressions on their faces.

Especially Jiang Xiaobai, after seeing the dishes on the table, couldn't help but twitch his index finger.

The delicacy of these monsters is mostly around the ninth-level monsters, and there are even lord-level monsters. Most of these monsters are delicious, and most of them are extracted from the blood and meat of the monsters through a unique secret recipe, and then added The best elixir is used to prepare the taste, so that it is not close to the color and fragrance, and it also keeps its inherent power.

Each of these dishes is not weaker than any panacea.

"President Du, Senior Pang, eat!" Jiang Xiaobai put a piece of dish into his mouth, and a strong aroma suddenly came out of his mouth.

At the same time, a strong vitality began to flow into Jiang Xiaobai's limbs and bones along Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and then transformed into vitality, scattered in Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​energy.

Most of the power in the monster's body comes from refining the vitality, and the essence of meat and blood contains the most vitality, and it is also very beneficial for warriors to take it.

Monster beasts can eat people, which can improve their strength, and humans can eat monster beasts, which can also increase their strength.

Especially taking the monster meat that has been boiled with herbs is a great tonic for warriors.

When Jiang Xiaobai was eating a piece of meat, information about this dish suddenly appeared on the Tai Chi disc.

Longshan Braised Pork

Raw materials: Level [-] monster Sitting boar.

Accessories: Jiudeng apricot flower, green wood root...

After Jiang Xiaobai saw the information on the Tai Chi disc, he became excited.

This Tai Chi disc is too powerful!

Can actually analyze the ingredients of the dishes?

If that's the case, wouldn't he be able to...

Killing monsters, cooking monster meals, and practicing with supplements, wouldn't it be possible to advance to a higher level faster?

The more Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, the more excited he became. If the warriors of Qilu Wuda started to eat monster meat, it would definitely improve their realm rapidly, and it would even make up for their lack of vitality.

Although the vitality of Luocheng cannot be compared with some big cities, there are monsters everywhere. When the time comes, it will be a convenient and simple method to kill the monsters and make them into dishes.

As for the elixir...

Taishan and Qianfoshan are not short of elixir.

Right now, only a hundred grandmasters can be present, so let the students from Wuhan University follow behind to pick up the leaks.

"Jiang Xiaobai, why don't you eat? What are you thinking about?" Du Pingyuan fell into deep thought after seeing Jiang Xiaobai eat a little, and couldn't help asking.

"Ah? Eat!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly reacted and said with a smile. "I just thought of a brilliant idea!"

"What way?" Du Pingyuan asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell you when I get back!" Jiang Xiaobai whispered.

Pang Ji listened in a daze, but he didn't continue to ask. According to Jiang Xiaobai's temperament, if he wanted to tell him, he would tell him directly. If he didn't want to tell, even if he asked, he would be prevaricated.

Soon another dish was brought up, and the three of them ate the delicious dishes on the table while chatting, which made Wang Lin who was stuck in the corner even more envious.

There was a faint vitality floating on the table, and Wang Lin couldn't help swallowing.

"These are all expensive dishes, I can't even eat them!"

"Damn boy, when you let me go, I will take revenge on you!"

"I'm going to smash your corpse into thousands of pieces! I'll let you never recover!"

Wang Lin scolded Jiang Xiaobai hundreds of times in his heart, but he still couldn't vent his anger.

After eating this meal for two full hours, the dishes on the table were finished, without any waste.

Every dish here is a great tonic. After taking it, it not only satisfies the appetite, but also improves one's strength. Since this is the case, no one will be stupid enough to waste it.

"Hi, this is dessert after dinner, it's all a fruit plate presented by my hotel."

Just as Jiang Xiaobai and the others finished eating, the waiter brought out some fruit plates again.

"Are these some spiritual fruits too?" Jiang Xiaobai asked the waiter when he saw the gift plate.

"Of course! This is a special feature of our hotel. You have already spent a hundred catties of Zhenjin here, so naturally you will get a set of fruit plates." The waiter said respectfully.

One hundred catties of gold!

For the Jingdu Hotel, this is already a big customer. Naturally, they should treat such guests well.

Ate a hundred catties of Zhenjin in one meal?

Even Du Pingyuan couldn't keep calm anymore, what kind of existence were they eating!

However, even if Du Pingyuan is a king-level powerhouse, after eating these dishes, he can feel the strength in his body increase, which is enough to show the value and weight of these dishes.

"Okay, thank you!" Jiang Xiaobai signaled the waiter to step back and tasted the fruit plate after the meal.

"I, can I go?" Wang Lin, who was squatting in the corner, asked weakly.

"Go?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Lin and asked in confusion, "Where are you going?"

"I..." Wang Lin felt wronged, "I'm going home!"

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai said flatly, "You can go home if you want, but how will you compensate us?"

"Compensation?" Wang Lin was stunned, "Didn't I treat you to dinner?"

"Wrong!" Jiang Xiaobai came to Wang Lin and said slowly, "Let me explain to you, is it voluntary to invite us to dinner?"

"This..." Wang Lin choked, thinking about it carefully, he really took the initiative to invite Jiang Xiaobai to dinner, but it wasn't that expensive.

"Okay, seeing your expression, you also admit it." Jiang Xiaobai did not give Wang Lin time to answer, and continued, "Since you invited this meal voluntarily, I will have a good chat with you. "

"You mocked us inexplicably, how is this counted?"

"How to calculate the mental loss caused to us? How to calculate the delay of our time?"

"Are you going to give us some compensation for all this?"

Du Pingyuan and Pang Ji glanced at each other, and they both saw sympathy in each other's eyes.

It's not good for this guy to offend anyone, but Jiang Xiaobai.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai was not a good stubble, but when he came to the capital, he was stimulated by countless arrogance. When he met a fat sheep that could be slaughtered, how could he miss it according to Jiang Xiaobai's personality?

"Why, how to compensate?" Wang Lin asked tremblingly.

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, am not a bully. I invited us to eat all the dishes at the Jingdu Hotel." Before Jiang Xiaobai could finish speaking, Wang Lin collapsed on the ground with a plop, his face pale.

Eat all the dishes?

How much gold does this cost?

It is true that he is the young master of the Wang family, but he is not the head of the Wang family. If his father finds out, his legs may be broken.

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Xiaobai bent down and patted Wang Lin's shoulder. "This is just a part. Everyone calls you the young master. You should have some treasures! I don't want too much. If you hand over all the treasures on you, we will settle the matter."

Wang Lin on the ground was stunned, his whole body seemed to be petrified.

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