Dominate the world

Chapter 476 Los Angeles City Waiting For You

Whether it was Du Pingyuan or Pang Ji, after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, they couldn't help showing chills.

This guy is going to kill the boy in front of him.

At this moment, Wang Lin was completely hopeless and wanted to die. How could he meet such an unreasonable killing god?



This is Wang Lin's only impression of Jiang Xiaobai. After all, existences like Jiang Xiaobai are like demons, lingering in his heart and lingering.

"Okay!" Wang Lin finally succumbed to Jiang Xiaobai's lust and had no choice but to agree to Jiang Xiaobai's request.

"If you have cooperated so early, I don't need to use the fist of justice." Jiang Xiaobai patted Wang Lin, "I will stop here today, open a room for us in the evening, and continue to eat tomorrow. Two days are enough for us to taste the whole thing." The delicacies of the mountains and seas of the Kyoto Hotel."

These two days, Wang Lin didn't know how he spent it, it was like a year.

What made him feel even more desperate was that the strong man in the family had no intention of coming to rescue him at all.

This made him feel even more afraid.

Generally speaking, if you are in trouble, the strong members of the family will arrive at the first time to help you out.

But this time, the powerhouse of the family seemed to have completely disappeared.

This plunged Wang Lin into fear and despair.

"Jiang Xiaobai, it's almost enough. That kid is a disciple of the Wang family, a noble family in the south. I can hardly hold back." Pang Ji whispered to Jiang Xiaobai.

"The Wang family of the Jiangnan gentry?" Jiang Xiaobai not only did not have the slightest fear after hearing this, but showed his strength, "No wonder the family has a rich family background.

"Senior Pang, you've been eating very happily these days, you have to help me with this matter!"

"..." Pang Ji began to regret getting on Jiang Xiaobai's thief ship, and now it is difficult to get off.

For a few meals, he and Jiang Xiaobai became grasshoppers on the same rope.

This made him suffer no matter how he planned.

It's also fortunate that he is a member of the Martial Arts Department, otherwise it would be impossible to prevent people from the Wang family from coming to him.

If this is the case, the Wang family can also start to exert pressure.

Although the main force of the Jiangnan royal family is in the south, they also have their own forces in the capital.

"How long will you detain him?" Pang Ji asked with a big head. "If it takes a long time, I really can't suppress it."

"Don't worry about that, I'll let him go tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Wang Lin who was in a trance, "There is nothing oily about him anymore."

"That's good!" Pang Ji wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and calmed down.

"Senior Pang, are there many people like this in Jingdu?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly leaned into Pang Ji's ear and asked.

"Well!" Pang Ji said casually, "King is not like Los Angeles, there are too many such families."

"Everyone has said: the strong in the capital are walking everywhere, do you think this is a joke?"

"That's good!" Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes and began to plan something.

"What do you want to do again?" Pang Ji asked Jiang Xiaobai with his eyelids twitching. "Let me tell you, don't provoke these families. These are extremely powerful families. If you provoke them, you may not be able to leave the capital."

After these few days of contact, Pang Ji also had a little understanding of Jiang Xiaobai.

This guy is very courageous, basically there is nothing he dare not do.

Every time Jiang Xiaobai does something, it seems to be breaking through the bottom line of a warrior, which is not what normal people do at all.

"Don't worry about it, I will behave in a proper manner and will never involve you." Jiang Xiaobai comforted Pang Ji, "I, Jiang Xiaobai, am not a fool. Why should I provoke them if I have nothing to do?"

"Ghosts believe you!" Pang Ji complained secretly in his heart.

Don't make trouble, you ask this?

Believe you are a ghost!

If it was any warrior, Pang Ji would believe it, but Jiang Xiaobai alone, Pang Ji would not believe it anyway.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's character is well known.

If it were any other martial artist, who would dare to detain the young master of the Wang family?

Isn't this trying to kill you?

But Jiang Xiaobai is different, he often tries frantically on the verge of death.

"Well, I'm actually a timid but honest and kind person." Jiang Xiaobai sighed, looked at Pang Ji's contemptuous eyes and continued, "It's just that many people don't understand me!"

"You see, most of the time it's not me who provokes disputes, but they don't let me go."

"Xiaobai, although I am a warrior at the peak of the king level, being with you still makes me shudder." Pang Ji sighed and said, "Sometimes I really wonder how Fang Xiqiong can tolerate you .”

"Because Dean Fang knows my good intentions." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, "And you will never understand the thoughts of a young man who is poor."

"Okay, I won't talk to you!" Pang Ji was defeated and started talking to Jiang Xiaobai. None of the dozen or so Pang Ji were his opponents.

"After eating this meal today, I will withdraw, and you can handle the rest yourself!"

"Actually, you can leave now." Jiang Xiaobai gave Pang Ji a blank look.

"Hehe!" Pang Ji chuckled, "I've done so much for you, if I don't eat this part of the meal, I'll die?"

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed, "If that's the case, then I'm not a stingy person."

At the last meal, Jiang Xiaobai even arranged a seat for Wang Lin, which made Wang Lin, who had been eating instant noodles, grateful and grateful.

In the past few days, he hadn't had enough to eat, and Jiang Xiaobai sent him away with a pack of instant noodles on weekdays.

After several days in a row, Wang Lin felt like vomiting just looking at the instant noodles.

"Aren't you touched?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Lin and asked with a smile.

"Impressed!" Wang Lin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and ate the food with big mouthfuls.

"I'm moved to eat more, I'm leaving tomorrow, don't miss me." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"I don't want to!" Wang Lin shook his head decisively.

Miss Jiang Xiaobai?

Is he crazy?

To think of this demon!

Since Wang Lin was born, he has been pampered and grown up with careful care and help. He has never encountered any difficulties or setbacks.

But only after Wang Lin met Jiang Xiaobai did he know what hell is.

"If you want me, you can come to Los Angeles to find me." Jiang Xiaobai finally reported his family name, "I am Jiang Xiaobai, the director of Qiluwu University of Martial Arts."

"Qilu Martial Arts University? Jiang Xiaobai!" Wang Lin secretly wrote down these words.

"That's right!" Jiang Xiaobai picked up the chopsticks and added some dishes to Wang Lin.

Afterwards, none of the four said a word, quietly eating the meal at the Kyoto Hotel.

Halfway through the meal, Du Pingyuan suddenly got up and left the Kyoto Hotel.

Until the end of the meal, Du Pingyuan did not come back.

"Xiaobai, where did Dean Du go?" Pang Ji picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, then asked casually.

"Dean Du? He's back in Los Angeles!" Jiang Xiaobai said casually, "Isn't the Martial Arts Department going to give us some resources first? Dean Du was worried and went back with the Martial Arts Fighter."

"What about you?" Pang Ji asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Du Pingyuan has gone back, why is Jiang Xiaobai still here?

"Me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Lin, "I'll catch up with Master Xiao Wang."

Wang Lin?


Pang Ji kept thinking in his mind, what kind of joke is Jiang Xiaobai being able to reminisce with Wang Lin?

The two of them are not friends, what is there to talk about?

Moreover, Wang Lin now regards Jiang Xiaobai as an enemy!

"You wouldn't kill someone to silence you!" Pang Ji blurted out suddenly.


Wang Lin, who was eating contentedly, trembled when he heard these words, and the bowl and chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground.

"Senior Pang, what nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, "I am also the dean of the Qilu Martial Arts Academy after all, how can I do something trivial?"

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, act in an open and aboveboard manner all my life!"

"Xiao Wang, don't be afraid, just eat it!"

Wang Lin huddled into a ball like a quail, crying with tears on his face.

"Brother, if you want to kill me, kill me, don't scare me, okay?"

"When did I say I will kill you?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and shouted sharply, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will really kill you!"

"Oh oh oh!" Wang Lin kept nodding his head and didn't dare to say a word.

"Let me ask you, do you hate me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Lin and asked.

"I don't hate it!" Wang Lin shook his head resolutely and refused.

"Tell the truth, or I..." Jiang Xiaobai threatened.

"Hate!" Wang Lin cried, "I hate you!"

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