Dominate the world

Chapter 478 You are no different from me

Not long after Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Lin were conspiring, news spread outside.

Some people saw Wang Lin and Jiang Xiaobai going in and out of the Jingdu Hotel, eating together, and Wang Lin was submissive in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

This news immediately aroused the interest of Tianjiao in the Beijing circle, and they gathered together to discuss it.

"Have you heard? That kid Wang Lin has become the attendant of an outsider."

"I heard, I have seen the photos? This kid is really stupid. He pretended to be aggressive in front of us, but he didn't expect that his family is from the Jiangnan gentry, and what are we? The pride of the emperor! How can they compared to?"

"That's right! Wang Lin still wants to blend into our circle, but he doesn't realize that he's talking nonsense."

"I heard that they are still at the Grand Hotel? You said, why don't we go and have a look? Just to make fun of this kid."

The words of the last person immediately got everyone's approval.

On weekdays, Wang Lin often put on a show and acted in a high-profile manner, and now he took this opportunity to suppress it.

"Brothers, let's go?" One of the young people stood up and said, "Let's go see Young Master Xiao Wang?"

"Let's go! I can't wait!" Others echoed.

Several people immediately left the practice club and walked towards the Jingdu Hotel.

Inside the Jingdu Hotel, Jiang Xiaobai crossed his legs and looked at Wang Lin: "They won't stop coming! This news has been released for several hours, and no one has taken the bait. It seems that you are nothing more than a That's it!"

"Just wait, they will definitely come. At this time, they must want to see my jokes. How can they miss this good opportunity?" Wang Lin said stubbornly.

"Maybe they came to save you?" Jiang Xiaobai teased with a smile.

"Just kidding, although we are friends, they are absolutely impossible to save me." Wang Lin is very clear about his position.

"I'm surprised, you only have these wine and meat friends? No one is sincere to you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"What's the use of having friends?" Wang Lin said without raising his eyelids, "Don't you think I'm the young master of the Wang family when you're friends with me? Be friends with them? Are they worthy?"

"You deserve it!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed secretly in his heart.

This guy deserved to be cheated!

He despises people who want to be his friends. The friends he likes are just wine and meat friends, and they are unreliable at critical times.

This also created his narrow side.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not remind Wang Lin. After all, this guy is not on the same side as him, and he is more likely to become an enemy.


While the two were talking, the door of the private room was kicked open.

"Little Linzi, we're here to see you!"

Several young people came in with a smile, as if they didn't notice Jiang Xiaobai's existence at all.

"You guys?" A gleam of joy flashed across Wang Lin's eyebrows, but it was quickly hidden. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to see you!" A handsome young man came to Wang Lin's side familiarly, "I heard that you were bullied, so we went everywhere to find out about you."

"Yes!" The young people around echoed with a smile.

"We haven't found it after searching for a few days. We are really worried. Who would have thought that you are still in the Jingdu Hotel." The young man patted his head, "We should have thought a long time ago that the most dangerous place is the safest place."

"It's all my fault that I didn't expect that Wang Lin has wronged you these few days."

"Zhang Bao, it's too fake!" Wang Lin looked at the young man in front of him and said, "I'm fine here."

The young man named Zhang Bao looked at Wang Lin in surprise, pretending to be in disbelief, and said, "What's wrong with you? Did someone bully you?"

Afterwards, Zhang Bao turned around and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai indifferently.

"Brothers, surround him and don't let him run away."

The young men who followed Zhang Baolai stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

"Xiao Linzi, don't worry, your brother Bao is in charge here." Zhang Bao comforted Wang Lin, "Although we don't want to see you, you will always be our little brother."

"Let's do this! Five hundred catties of Zhenjin, my buddy will stand up for you today."

Five hundred catties of shock gold?

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this number, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Tianjiao in the capital is different, this is simply a lion's mouth.

"I'm really too poor!" Jiang Xiaobai's innermost monologue, "It's too difficult!"

"I told you, I'm fine." Wang Lin was unmoved, "I don't have five hundred catties of gold, so I gave it to Jiang Xiaobai."

Jiang Xiaobai?

Zhang Bao turned around and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"You are Jiang Xiaobai?" Zhang Bao asked with a sneer.

"Yes! You know him?" Jiang Xiaobai replied lightly.

"How could I possibly know you? Are you worthy of me?" Zhang Bao dismissively said, "I just heard that there was a bumpkin who practiced in the courtyard of the Martial Arts Department before, and then he went so far as to talk to Elder Fei to make an argument. As a result, he was seriously injured by Elder Fei's power."

"Is this about you! Luocheng Tianjiao Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect this guy to know all about his embarrassing things.

But that's fine too, the more arrogant the other party is, the less guilty Jiang Xiaobai will feel when he bullies him.

If the other party is humble and polite, Jiang Xiaobai will have to use his brains to find an excuse to deal with him. Now that it's all right, if Jiang Xiaobai doesn't take the initiative to give away the head, wouldn't he be sorry for the other party's good intentions?

"Where is Los Angeles? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Luocheng Tianjiao? What kind of existence is that?"

"It's really interesting. He dared to go to Elder Fei. Should he be saying that he was overwhelmed or that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers?"

The other youths surrounding Jiang Xiaobai started to mock.

As the pride of the Beijing circle, he naturally looks down on the existence of such a small place as Los Angeles.

Their arrogance is gradually influenced by this environment. The capital Yanjing itself is the center of Huaguo, and has a natural sense of superiority.

Other than that, no city can compare with it.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing the actions of Zhang Bao and the others, Wang Lin was overjoyed, so he added fuel to the fire by the way, "He is in the realm of a master, so don't mess around."

"Xiao Linzi, you weren't so cowardly before!" Zhang Bao looked at Wang Lin with disdain, "A mere grandmaster scares you out of courage?"

"He is a master, and I am also a master!"

Zhang Bao entered the realm of a grandmaster last year, and through the inclination of family resources, his cultivation base has grown rapidly, and it may not be long before he can be promoted to the realm of a first-tier grandmaster.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai is already a grandmaster, so what if he is a first-tier grandmaster?

This is the capital, so no one dares to attack him.

"Hand over everything you got from Wang Lin now, or I won't spare you." Zhang Bao stared at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted sharply.

"I didn't get much!" Jiang Xiaobai replied helplessly.

"No matter how many there are, take them out!" Zhang Bao thought that Jiang Xiaobai was afraid, and suddenly a long halberd appeared in his hand, and he pressed it in front of Jiang Xiaobai. "I only give you one chance."

As soon as the halberd came out, the temperature in the private room suddenly changed, and streams of cold air radiated wantonly from the halberd.

This long halberd is a top-grade master-level warrior. It was forged by Zhang Bao's father with thousand-year-old cold iron, and many top-quality materials were added to it.

Although it was only a top-grade master-level soldier, the power it erupted was no less than that of a low-grade king-level soldier.

After seeing the long halberd, Jiang Xiaobai unconsciously showed surprise in his eyes.

"What a magic weapon!" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed.

"Hurry up! Don't make my brother Bao go crazy!"

"Yes! Hurry up and hand it over, or we won't spare you!"

"Hey, look at his eyes, it's clear that he looks like he has never seen the world."

Seeing Zhang Bao showing his long halberd, the young people around immediately praised him.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai reached into his arms, took out the space token, and placed it on the table.

"Only a hundred catties of shock gold? One primordial stone?" Zhang Bao turned his head to look at Wang Lin after entering the space token and said, "Xiao Linzi, you still owe us four hundred catties of shock gold."

"We'll beat him out in a while, remember to give it to us then."

"Oh!" Wang Lin said casually.

type out?

Still don't know who beat whom out?

This long halberd soldier is Zhang Bao's personal soldier, he is his darling, he has always cared about it, and others can't even touch it.

"Hehe!" Zhang Bao smiled, turned around, and reached out to grab the space token.


Before Zhang Bao's hand caught the space token, it was knocked off immediately.

He looked up suspiciously, and Jiang Xiaobai took the space token back.

"I'm just showing you, what are you doing?" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, "Could it be that you want to steal my things?"

"Are you kidding me?" Zhang Bao stared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily, his vitality surging.

"That's right!" Jiang Xiaobai admitted, "You don't know how to see it!"

"You, looking for death!" Zhang Bao was furious after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's confession, and charged towards him with a long halberd in both hands.

At this time, the managers of the Jingdu Hotel were in a mess.

"Just now I saw Young Master Zhang and the others go up, so there won't be any conflicts!"

"What kind of conflict can there be? Young Master Zhang is the arrogance of the capital circle. How dare ordinary people provoke him?"

"I checked the identity of that young man just now, but he is the dean of the Martial Arts Academy of Qilu Martial Arts University in Luocheng. He stepped up because Fang Xiqiong died in battle. He must not dare to provoke Young Master Zhang, so he should be fine."

"That's right! Is Wang Lin still here? Besides, even if they do it, it's impossible to do it at my Jingdu Hotel."

Several managers analyzed from beginning to end, but before they finished their analysis, there was a roar from upstairs.


A compartment suddenly exploded!

"Quickly activate the defensive formation of the Kyoto Hotel!"

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