Dominate the world

Chapter 479 1 flock of fat sheep

When Zhang Baogang was about to swing the halberd towards Jiang Xiaobai, he did not expect that Jiang Xiaobai's hand would grab the halberd tightly.

Immediately after Jiang Xiaobai punched out, the power of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife burst out suddenly, and the opponent was blasted out with one punch.


Zhang Bao smashed open the door and fell heavily to the ground.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, and by the time they realized it, Zhang Bao had already been knocked to the ground.

The young people around were stunned. Zhang Bao was the strongest among them and the leader of their small group, so he was defeated so easily?

Although Zhang Bao is already a master, his strength is indeed not as good as a lord-level monster.

Although they are called Tianjiao, they are only talented in cultivation and have very little combat experience.

To put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of talented rich second generations.

Jiang Xiaobai dealt with them very easily, even Li Changtian could easily defeat Zhang Bao here.

"Vulnerable!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the ice halberd, and walked up to Zhang Bao, "I thought you were so strong, but you are just a weak chicken!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai lifted Zhang Bao up and threw it into the box.

"How dare you hurt me!" Zhang Bao came back to his senses, got up from the ground, stared at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted word by word.

"What's wrong with hurting you?" Jiang Xiaobai took the halberd and slammed it heavily on Zhang Bao's body.


A powerful coercion came crashing down, knocking down Zhang Bao who had just stood up again.


Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about Zhang Bao's family background at all, so he hated him as much as he wanted.


The halberd fell again, and streams of cold air poured out from the halberd, instantly engulfing Zhang Bao.

The halberd hit him, causing Zhang Bao to spurt out a mouthful of blood, lying on the ground seriously injured.

"This is too cruel! You, why are you doing this!"

"If you do this, our family will never forgive you."

"You are just a foreign warrior. If you dare to attack our family's arrogance, aren't you afraid of death?"

The young people who followed Zhang Baolai looked at Jiang Xiaobai and attacked him one after another.

"I'm afraid!" Jiang Xiaobai took back the halberd, put it on his shoulder, looked at the person in front of him, and said sharply, "But if I kill you all, who would know that I did it?"


Everyone was shocked and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in fear.

Jiang Xiaobai's ferocious appearance is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, after all, they have been completely shocked by beating Zhang Bao just now.

"Hahahaha!" Wang Lin, who was sitting beside him, laughed hahaha when he saw this.

Thinking of how he was beaten by Jiang Xiaobai, at least he was still awake, but now Zhang Bao, who was aloof, passed out directly.

The trembling appearance of the young man who was beside Zhang Bao made him unable to hold back any longer, and laughed heartlessly.

However, Wang Lin's laughter was extremely harsh in the entire private room, and everyone looked at Wang Lin.

"Hi..." Wang Lin's smile stopped abruptly, and he looked at the young people around him at a loss.

"This is really a stupid son of a landlord's family!" Jiang Xiaobai complained speechlessly.

This laugh is a little confusing!

If you are happy, you should hide it first, and enjoy yourself secretly when the person leaves!

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted coldly.

"Ah?" Wang Lin suddenly rushed in front of Zhang Bao and threw himself on him. "Brother Bao, what's wrong with you? Why did you just fall down like this!"

Wang Lin cried for a long time, but he didn't shed a single tear.

Too fake!

Everyone glared at Wang Lin angrily, especially the few people who had a strong relationship with Zhang Bao on weekdays, and they almost drew their swords.

"It's all right, stop shouting!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled directly, holding a long halberd and looking at the others, "If you want to live, hand over the treasures on your body, and I will spare you once, otherwise, don't even think about it!" Get out of this private room."

"Jiang Xiaobai, how dare you!" One of the youths couldn't help but stepped forward, pointing at Jiang Xiaobai and shouting.

"What dare I not?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned cold, and the halberd suddenly blasted out, hitting the young man instantly.


There was another loud bang, and the young man's body flew horizontally and fell heavily to the ground, mouthfuls of blood gushing out from his mouth.

"I'm giving you a chance!" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, looking around.

"I'll hand it over!" One of the thin young men couldn't bear Jiang Xiaobai's persecution any longer, and walked out tremblingly.

"You pay, I let you go, this is a fair deal." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the young man in front of him, and asked lightly, "Are you right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's a fair deal." The young man admitted spinelessly.

"Very good!" Jiang Xiaobai took out the young man's space token, and after searching with his mental power, he suddenly swept his halberd, "It seems that I didn't understand clearly enough, it's all your treasures!"

The thin young man fell to the ground after being knocked into the air. Jiang Xiaobai flashed his figure and came to him again.

"Is that all you have?" Jiang Xiaobai asked condescendingly, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"No, no, no!" The thin young man waved his hands again and again, "I, this is just a part of me."

Then, he took out a token again, raised his hand with difficulty and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"That's more or less the same!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction after mentally probing, "You, climb over there, next one!"

Next, all the young warriors handed over their treasures, and no one dared to hide them.

I don't know why, every time they want to hide something, they feel that they can be seen through by Jiang Xiaobai immediately.

This made them very puzzled!

Soon everyone had turned in the money, and in the end only Zhang Bao was left.

Zhang Bao on the ground was seriously injured and unconscious. It was a bit difficult for him to give his treasure with both hands.

So how can this be done?

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Bao on the ground, then pointed at the young man who was approaching Zhang Bao.

"Go and bring all his treasures!"

The young man cautiously walked towards Zhang Bao, looked at Zhang Bao on the ground and bowed respectfully first.

"Brother Bao, I can't help it either. Don't blame me for waking up." Then the young man began to grope Zhang Bao's body.

The young man searched very carefully, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai would be dissatisfied, so after he found Zhang Bao's space token, he didn't stop, but started pulling Zhang Bao's clothes.

Zhang Bao on the ground was quickly stripped, and the young man didn't even let go of his underwear.

Zhang Bao was lying naked on the ground. The young man looked a little indecent, so he went to the side and pulled off the curtain, and put it on Zhang Bao.

"Brother Bai, these are all Zhang Bao's things." The young man came to Jiang Xiaobai and said, holding the clothes in one hand and the token in the other.

"Eh..." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the young man with disgust on his face, "What I want are treasures, what are you doing with these clothes for me?"

"Brother Bai, this is Zhang Bao's space token, and this dress is also a master-level soldier. Listen to Brother Bao, oh no, Zhang Bao said it was made by a master craftsman, and it is very valuable." He said what he knew without any concealment.

"Nice!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but gave the young man a thumbs up, "You really impress me."

Jiang Xiaobai picked up the space token, put all the clothes inside, and then hung the space token on his waist.

At this time, the sky was getting dark gradually, and this tossing lasted for several hours, and it was almost time for dinner.

"I'm also embarrassed to accept such a gift from you. Let me treat you to dinner today!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the pale-faced people and smiled slightly.

invite to a meal?

Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise, is this serious?

Even Wang Lin looked at Jiang Xiaobai in puzzlement, showing deep doubts.

Boom boom boom!

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to invite them to dinner, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside.

"what's going on!"

Several second- and third-tier grandmasters appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai and the others, and asked sharply.

"It's nothing, we're just joking!" Jiang Xiaobai beat a few young people in front of him and immediately stepped forward to explain.

"Can you smash the people in our private room to pieces? You're making a big joke!" The grand master of the Jingdu Hotel couldn't be easily fooled.

While talking, he found Zhang Bao lying on the ground, covered with curtains: "What's wrong with Zhang Bao?"

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