Dominate the world

Chapter 480 Returning to Los Angeles City

Zhang Bao?

Only then did everyone realize that Zhang Bao had fallen into a coma.

"Brother Bao is drinking too much. If he insists on performing a striptease for us, we can't stop him. If Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop him, he would be able to dismantle this private room. It's not that we used a curtain to cover him up. "Wang Lin walked over, looked at the masters and said, "Seniors, we will ask Brother Bao to compensate for the loss of this private room. Don't worry, we will definitely compensate you at the original price."

"Are you really okay?" Several masters took a look at the situation inside, and there was a young man coughing up blood on the ground.

"I, I drank too much..." the young man on the ground said quickly.

"Strange!" Several grandmasters muttered softly, and then walked out.

Rich people really know how to play, and they can drink like this!

Although the Grand Master of the Jingdu Hotel had doubts, no one stood up and spoke up, so the matter was left alone. Anyway, the compensation for the private room and the loss of the activation of the formation, it would be good to let them pay for it at that time.

The Kyoto Hotel is not afraid that these rich second generations will not pay. First, it is a small amount of money for them; second, it is related to the reputation of the family. compensation.

After the people from the Jingdu Hotel left, Jiang Xiaobai and the others also asked to change to a private room. After all, the private room has been messed up and cannot be used at all.

After entering the private room, everyone sat upright, like elementary school students in class, obediently sitting in front of the table.

Even Zhang Bao was carried over, but because he was unconscious, he collapsed on the chair.

"We don't know each other, and because of your mistakes, you have made self-criticism and apologized to me." Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly, "What about me? I am very relieved to see your growth now. "

"Today I'm the host, you guys drink to your heart's content!"

"Brother Xie Bai!" Everyone shouted respectfully.

At this moment, their hearts are eagerly waiting for the upcoming meal.

After losing so much, can I make up for it with some food?

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door, and under the eager eyes of everyone, they watched the waiter walk over with a tray.

A bowl of millet porridge was placed in front of everyone, and the faint aroma of rice came out.


Jiang Xiaobai lowered his head and took a sip of millet porridge.

"I've eaten too much meat these days, drink some millet porridge to cleanse my stomach."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in agreement with Jiang Xiaobai.

Millet porridge?

They're drinkable everywhere, and they look forward to a big meal.

Wang Lin saw Jiang Xiaobai drinking porridge, and started to drink it.

"Brother, don't you want to drink?" Wang Lin asked after finishing the millet porridge in front of him, looking at the young man beside him.

"Don't drink it, drink it!" The young gentleman pushed the millet porridge to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't refuse, and directly took a bowl and drank it down.

The third bowl!

The fourth bowl!

Wang Lin stopped after drinking a full five bowls, causing a burst of disdain from the surrounding people.

Jiang Xiaobai said he was going to treat guests to dinner, but are you still drinking porridge?

Ha ha!

The stupid son of the landlord's family!

Everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the luxurious feast.

But waiting and waiting didn't work out, so he could only look at Jiang Xiaobai as if asking for help.

"What are you looking at me for?" Jiang Xiaobai asked puzzled.

"Where's the big meal?" Someone asked weakly and helplessly.

"Here?" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the empty bowl in front of him, "Is there any problem?"

Millet porridge?

This is a big meal?

What's the problem?

Is there no problem?

This is a big problem!

What kind of feast is this!

"Hic!" Wang Lin couldn't help hiccupping when everyone was furious.


Everyone looked at Wang Lin instantly.

"I asked for your opinions, and you said you wouldn't eat it!" Wang Lin spread his hands innocently.

Is this guy really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?

Several people couldn't help but feel puzzled. When they interacted with Wang Lin, they discovered that Wang Lin's IQ was not enough, otherwise they wouldn't bully Wang Lin like this.

But today, everything Wang Lin did seemed to be a joint effort to deal with them.

"Okay, since you don't want to eat, I can't help it!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two bowls of millet porridge left on the table, "Master Xiao Wang, can you return it here?"

The young people around: "..."

Jiang Xiaobai's performance completely exceeded their expectations. Jiang Xiaobai had obtained so many treasures that he even refused to invite them to a big meal.

Why is this guy so picky?

"Okay, we're full, we can chat for a while." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people around him, and said slowly, "Everyone can express their opinions, if there is really no one, each of you can recite a section of the secret book of the exercises you practiced. ah!"

Everyone turned pale and stared at Jiang Xiaobai in a daze.

"Too bullying!"

But facing Jiang Xiaobai's threat, they didn't dare to refute, and finally gave in.

Several people didn't sleep all night, it was really a long talk all night!

When dawn was approaching, each of them talked about at least four cultivation methods or combat methods, which Jiang Xiaobai hadn't touched.

After all, all of you present here are disciples from families in the capital, and the skills you practice are naturally not ordinary.

Seeing that these people were almost crushed, Jiang Xiaobai slowly got up and stretched.

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a little emotion.

Everyone was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to thank him, and looked at him eagerly.

"Did you hear my words, it will have a great influence, and you will be promoted in the future, don't forget me!" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.


Everyone didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai said that they were the ones who had studied for ten years!

Don't Bilian!

"It's time to get together and part, let's not spend it together!" Jiang Xiaobai checked the time, it was almost five o'clock.

I detain these people for a whole night, just enough time to raise suspicions, if it takes longer, I am afraid that their family will find them, and it will be difficult to get out at that time.

Jingle Jingle!

Jiang Xiaobai turned into a gust of wind and disappeared in front of everyone, leaving only the sound of tinkling.

When those young people heard the sound of jingling, everyone showed an uncomfortable expression.

These are all their treasures!

"Jiang Xiaobai, I will fight with you!"

When everyone was recalling, Zhang Bao suddenly woke up and roared angrily.

"Ah? Brother Bao, are you awake?"

The person close to Zhang Bao was obviously taken aback, and then asked with concern.

"Where's Jiang Xiaobai?" Zhang Bao stood up abruptly and asked murderously.

"He, he just left!" The man pointed outside and whispered.

"Stop!" Zhang Bao jumped and rushed out.

There is only a curtain left on his seat, which is so eye-catching.

"Brother Bao is out?"


"Is he naked?"


"Then what are we still doing in a daze? Hurry up and withdraw!"

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