After Zhang Bao heard the news that Jiang Xiaobai wanted to leave, he directly summoned the strong members of the family to start looking for Jiang Xiaobai's trace in the capital.

Not only Zhang Bao, but several other young people who were exploited by Jiang Xiaobai also took action.

Soon almost the entire capital knew about Jiang Xiaobai.

They all began to speculate about Jiang Xiaobai's origin. He could make so many powerful warriors look like mad dogs, but he couldn't find another person in the capital.

Dozens of master masters shuttled through the streets of the capital, looking for Jiang Xiaobai's footprints.

"Have you not found it yet?" Zhang Bao asked with a gloomy face.

Zhang Bao was full of hatred for Jiang Xiaobai at the moment. When he ran out of the hotel, he realized that he was not naked. Fortunately, it was early in the morning and there were not many pedestrians, otherwise he would have become the most beautiful scenery in the capital.

Even so, Zhang Bao's photos were also taken by many people. If Zhang's family had not been so powerful in the capital and forcibly suppressed the matter, Zhang Bao would not dare to go out now.

"Master Zhang, I haven't found it." The person standing in front of Zhang Bao said with his head bowed.

"Could he have left the capital?" The young warrior standing beside Zhang Bao asked tentatively.

"How did he leave?" Zhang Bao asked back, "There are two ways to leave the capital now, one is to take a train, and the other is to leave with a martial arts fighter plane. The vicinity of the train station has been checked, and there is no Jiang. Xiaobai's news."

"Martial arts fighter?" The young man suddenly shouted, "I heard that a martial arts fighter landed in the capital today. It is a private martial arts fighter!"

"Where is it?" Zhang Bao suddenly grabbed the man's arm and asked sharply, "The private martial arts fighter should be Jiang Xiaobai."

"It landed on the square near the Martial Arts Department!" the young man said quickly.

"Go, go quickly! Be sure to stop Jiang Xiaobai." Zhang Bao ordered instantly.

The warriors around rushed towards the square near the Budo Department.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless streaks of light streaked across the sky, while Zhang Bao's brothers got on the martial arts chariot and drove towards the square.

In the Martial Arts Department Square, Pang Ji was saying goodbye to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Why does your martial arts fighter look familiar?" Pang Ji looked at Jiang Xiaobai's martial arts fighter, "Why does it look more and more like the Li family's?"

"That's right, this originally belonged to the Li family, and Li Changtian gave it to me!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and when his body moved, the whole body made the sound of space tokens colliding again.

Jingle Jingle!

After hearing this voice, Pang Ji couldn't help frowning and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"This, is this a space token?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced down and replied casually. "This is a gift from some friends in the capital."

"Friends from the capital?" Pang Ji stepped back subconsciously, and the figure of Wang Lin appeared in his mind.

This guy must have provoked many people again!

According to Jiang Xiaobai's character, who can give him a gift?


"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly, "They are still reluctant to leave me, and they are probably looking for me all over the street now?"

"Looking all over the street?" Pang Ji raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

How much noise does this kid have to make?

Can't wait for this place!

"You still not leaving?" Pang Ji asked, "Aren't you afraid that they will come and beat you?"

"I didn't bully them, so what are they beating me for?" Jiang Xiaobai gave Pang Ji a serious look, "Senior Pang, do you want to be a man? You must first convince people with virtue!"

I will go to your virtue to convince others!

Just as Pang Ji was about to teach Jiang Xiaobai a lesson, he suddenly felt several breaths approaching rapidly.

"Your friend is here to see you off." Pang Ji reminded with a smile.

"Come so soon?" Jiang Xiaobai boarded the martial arts fighter in an instant, and the window of the fighter slowly lowered, "Senior Pang, let's catch up on the old days at another time, I'm leaving first."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the martial arts fighter plane rose into the sky, and gusts of wind circled under the fighter plane.


The martial arts fighter plane had just taken off into the sky, and the masters had just arrived, roaring angrily at the martial arts fighter plane in the sky.

"Thank you for your hospitality. Let's meet again later." The speed of the martial arts fighter soared, Jiang Xiaobai's voice was uploaded from the martial arts fighter, and the martial arts fighter quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Damn it! Why don't you go after it!" Zhang Bao looked at the fighter that had disappeared into the clouds, and cursed regretfully.

"Young Master Zhang, although a strong Grandmaster can fly, the Grandmaster can't do anything about the height the opponent ascends by using a martial arts fighter." The Grandmaster shook his head and sighed.

"You came here with such great fanfare, do you want to make trouble?" Pang Ji looked at the approaching twenty grandmasters and snorted coldly.

"Senior Pang!"

After hearing Pang Ji's words, everyone reacted and bowed to Pang Ji one after another.

Although they are members of the Jingcheng family, some of them are warriors under the family's sect, and Pang Ji is not only a king-level powerhouse, but also a member of the Martial Arts Department. Naturally, the identities of these people cannot be compared with them.

"We're just here to chase Jiang Xiaobai!" Several masters immediately explained.

"Chasing Jiang Xiaobai?" Pang Ji looked at them with disdain, "Jiang Xiaobai is the dean of the Martial Arts Academy of Qilu Martial Arts University, and you actually want to attack him?"

"Principal of Qilu Martial Arts Academy?" The other masters looked at each other.

They didn't know Jiang Xiaobai's true identity. They thought he was an ordinary warrior, so they followed Zhang Bao's intention and came to pursue him, but who knew that the other party was the head of the martial arts academy.

Wuhan University is affiliated to the Ministry of Martial Arts. Although the dean of the Martial Arts Academy has no official position, his status is self-evident.

"You are now suspected of attacking the head of the Martial Arts Institute. I have every reason to bring you back to the Martial Arts Department for interrogation." Pang Ji did not speak calmly to Jiang Xiaobai at all, and the aura in his whole body was released unconsciously.

The coercion from the king-level powerhouse!

"Senior Pang, I misunderstood, we just came to see off our friends!" Zhang Bao walked out from the crowd and came to Pang Ji and said, "I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to leave first."

"Is it really just to see him off?" Pang Ji asked again.

"That's natural!" Zhang Bao gritted his teeth and said.

Although he was unwilling in every possible way, Jiang Xiaobai had left now, and if he insisted on saying that, it would not do them any good.

Luocheng Jiang Xiaobai!

We have a long way to go!

"That's good." Pang Ji said lightly, "In that case, you guys go away!"

Zhang Bao left the square in an instant with a few friends and the masters behind him. Pang Ji looked at the backs of these people leaving, and couldn't help but feel worried for Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Xiaobai! After coming to the capital once, so many things happened."

"This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp."

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