Dominate the world

Chapter 48 Don't Accept, Don't Reject

If Liu Dou'er was walking on the street, few people would know that this is a warrior at the peak of the third rank, 1.6 meters tall, looks extremely weak, but there is such a powerful force in his body!

"My God!" Zhao Chong couldn't help but exclaim.

"After the summer vacation, she is likely to be promoted to the realm of a fourth-rank warrior." Lan Yingying said in shocking words.

Fourth rank martial artist!

Jiang Xiaobai was extremely shocked when he heard it. It was very difficult to find fourth-rank warriors in Lei Ze City.

And the little loli in front of her will be a fourth-rank martial artist in a few months.


Is Lei Ze City being crushed by one person?

"Strong!" In the end, Jiang Xiaobai had to admire.

"And she is a few years younger than you. If I give you a chance to pursue Doudou, if you seize it, tell me, how many years have you struggled for at least?" Lan Yingying said persuasively.

"It's a pity that I don't like to eat soft rice!" Jiang Xiaobai was not moved.

"..." Lan Yingying stared closely at Jiang Xiaobai, the bright and deep eyes of the other party instantly attracted her, as if possessing infinite charm.

"Let me think about this matter!" Jiang Xiaobai used the dragging formula, "After all, I just finished the college entrance examination, and there is still a month to go."

"Okay!" Lan Yingying didn't force the other party, "I will be in Lei Ze City for a few days, if you think about it, you can come to me at any time."

For a talented person like Jiang Xiaobai, there will definitely be many Wuhan University to recruit.

The reason why Lan Yingying didn't rush to make the other party make up her mind was mainly because she was afraid of backfire, and she was very confident.

The conditions offered by Qilu Wuhan University will not lose to any Wuhan University.

What's more, Qilu Martial Arts University is the key Martial Arts University in this province, which is even more advantageous for Jiang Xiaobai.

Lan Yingying didn't stay too long, but left directly, her movements were clean and neat, without the slightest sloppiness.

On the contrary, Liu Dou'er, before leaving, gave Jiang Xiaobai a few affectionate glances.

This look fell into Zhao Chong's eyes, and he was immediately jealous.

"Little Bai, Liu Douer seems to be interested in you." Zhao Chong said sourly.

"Could it be that you like her?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhao Chong with a blank look.

"I don't just like her, I like both of them!" Zhao Chong chuckled, "These two people have their own tastes."

"You really are not afraid of death!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed with a smile.

"The bold and the timid starve to death. I would rather be starved to death than starve to death." Zhao Chong said indifferently, "I will climb into Lan Yingying's bed sooner or later."

"Look at your worthless appearance." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless to Zhao Chong for a moment.

Although Zhao Chong's family background is good, it is estimated that Lan Yingying just now is not a disciple of ordinary people.

Not only from the other party's speech and behavior, but also from the other party's clothing, if there is no excellent family environment, there will be no such temperament.

"Brother, you have a long way to go!" Jiang Xiaobai stood up and said solemnly, "It's getting late, let's go!"

"Let's go?" Zhao Chong said with a bitter face, "I wanted to have fun today, but I was disturbed by that bitch."

"What's the point of playing now?" Jiang Xiaobai explained, "When you get to Qilu University, is there anything fun to do in Los Angeles?"

"Qilu Martial Arts University?" Zhao Chong looked at Jiang Xiaobai puzzled, "What does this mean?"

"Your IQ..." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless, "I mean, if you apply for the Qilu University, you have a great chance of being admitted."

"Really?" Zhao Chong was overjoyed when he heard it.

Qilu Wuda?

This is the Wuhan University in Zhao Chong's dream.

The Martial Arts High School in Qilu Province, Kyoto Martial Arts University and Tsinghua Martial Arts University are of course the Martial Arts Universities they dream of, besides that, Qilu Martial Arts University.

Although Qilu Martial Arts University is not very famous among martial arts universities in the country, in the eyes of Qilu warriors, it exists like a holy temple.

"If not, why didn't he shy away from you when he talked to me?" Jiang Xiaobai said softly.

After all, recruiting oneself should be a secret task and should not be done in front of outsiders. Now that Zhao Chong is not shy at all, he is probably taken into consideration.

"Great!" Zhao Chong jumped up excitedly, "If I can enter Qilu Wuda University, Mr. Zhao will pay for the food expenses for the four years of university."

"I didn't say I would definitely go!" Jiang Xiaobai poured cold water on him, "Let me warn you first, don't sell me out for a little profit!"

"How is it possible!" Zhao Chong kept shaking his head, "Am I, Zhao Chong, that kind of person? No matter how you say it, I am also an upright man."

After leaving the cafe, the two returned to the dormitory.

Although the college entrance examination has ended, but because of Jiang Xiaobai's relationship, the principal of No. [-] Middle School did not take back Jiang Xiaobai's dormitory, but instead gave the dormitory to Jiang Xiaobai.

In other words, this dormitory will become Jiang Xiaobai's private dormitory, and he can live there for as long as he wants.

Not only that, the martial arts field will also be fully open to Jiang Xiaobai, and there will be a private training room.

Being able to do this, Jiang Xiaobai was also a little moved.

After all, I am not a disciple of a big family. If I go back home, I can only rent some training rooms to practice.

Although Jiang Xiaobai is now worth a lot of money, he doesn't want to waste that money.

It wasn't just Jiang Xiaobai who stayed in the school alone, there were also other poor candidates who were in the school for martial arts.

Every time they saw Jiang Xiaobai coming to the Martial Arts Arena, they would greet him warmly. There would even be juniors from the first and second year of high school who would wait for Jiang Xiaobai in the Martial Arts Arena and ask for his autograph.

And Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any airs at all, and every time he saw someone asking for an autograph, he would give it to the other party.

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai's reputation faintly surpassed Zhang Chulan's.

While Jiang Xiaobai was practicing, Zhao Chong received a call from Lan Yingying and was invited out for a chat.

When he came back, Zhao Chong's face was flushed, as if he had rejuvenated himself.

Zhao Chong is not the kind of person who likes to practice hard, he prefers to enjoy life rather than practice.

If he hadn't been born in troubled times, this guy would definitely be a playboy.

But Jiang Xiaobai knew that this guy still had some ruthlessness in his bones, otherwise he wouldn't be more compatible with him.

For several days, Jiang Xiaobai spent time in the training room. During this week or so, Jiang Xiaobai's strength improved again.

Especially after taking the best body quenching liquid, Jiang Xiaobai's physical strength reached [-] jin!

"Eighteen hundred catties!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the number on the screen, slightly disappointed.

I thought that with the help of the ultimate body quenching liquid, he would be able to break through the two thousand jin barrier.

But, after all, it failed!

Jiang Xiaobai had a dissatisfied expression. If someone knew about it, he would definitely roll his eyes in return.

A rank-[-] martial artist who weighs [-] jin has yet to practice mental skills, which is enough to shock everyone's attention.

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