Dominate the world

Chapter 49 Chapter Family

During the few days of Jiang Xiaobai's practice, several martial arts universities successively rushed over after learning about Jiang Xiaobai's general results.

The reason why these universities came to Jiang Xiaobai at this time was to start early. After all, Jiang Xiaobai's grades were against the sky.

Once the results are announced, they start to fill in their volunteers. At that time, they will miss the opportunity.

However, the Wu Dao universities that came here are basically local Wu Dao universities, and no martial arts university can compare with Qilu Wu Dao University.

When Jiang Xiaobai saw the terms they offered, he immediately lost interest.

There is no Martial Arts University that can offer such conditions as Qilu Wuda University, and the only one that is similar is Qilu Binhai Wuda University.

Binhai Wuhan University is located in the coastal area of ​​Qilu Province, which is relatively rich in resources. Even before the drastic change, the economy of the coastal area was extremely developed.

"Student Jiang Xiaobai, how are you thinking?" The principal of No. [-] Middle School didn't have any airs in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and was always smiling.

"What can I do?" Jiang Xiaobai sat on the sofa, and the headmaster poured him a cup of tea, "Isn't there anyone here at Wuhan University in Kyoto?"

In the past few days, Jiang Xiaobai has been waiting for the invitation from the Wuhan University in Kyoto.

Unfortunately, several days have passed without any news at all.

"Kyoto Wuhan University!" The principal of No. [-] Middle School showed a mysterious smile, "I came to you today to tell you about this matter."

After all, the principal of No. [-] Middle School took out an envelope from his desk and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"This is an invitation letter from Wuhan University in Kyoto." The principal of No. [-] Middle School said with a smile.

Invitation card?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he couldn't help frowning.

"It was just an invitation letter, but no one was sent to solicit?" Jiang Xiaobai said dissatisfied. "This is simply not paying attention!"

"Uh..." The principal of No. [-] Middle School was stunned when he heard this, "After all, this is the Kyoto Martial Arts University, which is a famous martial arts university in this country. It would be nice to have an invitation letter."

"In Lei Ze City, there is no one else who can get the invitation letter from Kyoto Wuhan University except you and Zhang Chulan."

An invitation letter from Kyoto Budo University, which is worth a thousand dollars.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is still not satisfied.

If it were anyone else, they would probably be so excited that they would not be able to sleep for days and nights.

"They didn't say any benefits for me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked unwillingly.

"Welfare?" The principal of the third middle school was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "No!"

"That's too contemptuous!" Jiang Xiaobai dissatisfied, "There is no sincerity at all!"

"Jiang Xiaobai, this is Wuhan University in Kyoto." The principal of No. [-] Middle School wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said patiently, "Wu University in Kyoto is the highest institution in the entire Hua Kingdom. Many candidates dream of Wuhan University. If you have an invitation letter, You have proven your strength."

Kyoto Martial Arts University is not like other martial arts universities. They don't need to recruit students in a low profile, but wait for many candidates to apply for the exam, and they select the best for admission.

As the principal of No. [-] Middle School said, just an invitation letter is enough for the sincerity of Kyoto Budo University.

Generally speaking, like Kyoto Budo University, there are only a handful of invitations issued every year.

More generally speaking, being able to have an invitation letter is enough to make candidates proud.

No one expected that Jiang Xiaobai would feel unhappy because the Kyoto Budo University didn't come to recruit anyone?

"Principal, you also know that my family background is not good, and if Kyoto Budo University doesn't give me some discounts, I will be abused even if I go." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly, "Kyoto Budo University gathered geniuses. A place for a small shrimp like me."


The principal's mouth twitched.

It is true that Jiang Xiaobai's family background is not good, but Jiang Xiaobai is not the little shrimp he said, but an out-and-out big devil.

Since Jiang Xiaobai came to Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School, he has risen strongly all the way, leaving all the students behind.

If he were Xiao Xiami, the students of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School would be all weaklings.

"Xiaobai!" Dun Dun, the principal of No. [-] Middle School, taught. "After all, it is the Kyoto Martial Arts University. We have never had a candidate from the third middle school who can be admitted to the highest martial arts school in China. You have to decide for yourself!"

If the third middle school can produce a student from Kyoto Budo University, it will naturally cause a sensation in the entire Lei Ze City.

In this way, the No. [-] Middle School will also show its face in Lei Ze City, and it will also allow the No. [-] Middle School to increase the number of students this year.

So, generally speaking, the principal of No. [-] Middle School still hopes that Jiang Xiaobai can enter Kyoto Budo University.

"Okay, I'll think about it!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't refuse directly, but put away the invitation letter.

Looking at the back of Jiang Xiaobai walking out, the principal of No. [-] Middle School was full of relief.

The three of them can finally rise, and finally have a college student who can make them proud.

"If No. [-] Middle School can have a few more students like this, then my No. [-] Middle School doesn't need to be overwhelmed by No. [-] and No. [-] Middle Schools."

However, the principal of No. [-] Middle School also knows that the emergence of students like Jiang Xiaobai is entirely due to luck. The reputation of No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School is too great, and few Tianjiao are willing to come to No. [-] Middle School to study.

To have a Jiang Xiaobai, the principal of No. [-] Middle School is also satisfied.

It's starting to get better, isn't it?

After receiving the invitation letter from Kyoto Budo University, Jiang Xiaobai did not stay too long in the school, but chose to go home.

In addition to practicing at school, he is waiting for the reaction of other martial arts universities.

Calculating the time, it is almost the end of the day now, all those who should come have come, and his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, it is very difficult to continue to advance.

It's better to relax, after all, there is less than half a month before the announcement of the college entrance examination results.

Jiang Xiaobai simply packed up and saluted, then called his parents and told them that he was going back.

Parents were very happy when they heard it.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai hadn't been home for more than half a year. After entering the third year of high school, Jiang Xiaobai devoted himself to his cultivation and almost hated to go home.

This is exactly the same as other students, no one wants to waste time, and they are all working hard to get into college.

Zhao Chong originally planned to send Jiang Xiaobai off, but he refused.

Zhao Chong's car is too eye-catching, and Jiang Xiaobai is not a showy person, and Jiang Xiaobai's home is in Lei Ze City, and it takes only half an hour to take a bus.

In the end, Zhao Chong sent Jiang Xiaobai to the bus stop and watched him get on the bus.

Jiang Xiaobai's family is not rich, they live in the suburbs, and only have an old house less than [-] square meters.

This house was bought by Jiang Xiaobai's father with all his savings. Jiang Xiaobai's ancestors lived in the countryside.

After coming to the city, he has always lived in a slum, and after several generations of hard work, he left that place.

Although it is in the suburbs, Jiang Xiaobai's family is already very satisfied.

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