Dominate the world

Chapter 483 Freshman Admission

Los Angeles is still vigorously restoring construction. Although traces of the war can still be seen, such traces are becoming less and less.

I believe that after a year, the entire city of Los Angeles will return to normal.

Since Jiang Xiaobai brought back the space token, the entire Qilu University has been heavily replenished.

Of the dozen or so space tokens, Kong Shang only kept five, and traded the rest.

Although the space token is a good thing, it is a bit flashy for Qilu Wuda. It is better to exchange it for medicine pills and cultivation resources to enhance the strength of Qilu Wuda.

"Dean Kong, have all the resources been exchanged?" Jiang Xiaobai asked when he saw Kong Shang sitting in the office.

"It's all exchanged!" Kong Shang stood up, "What? Do you regret it?"

"What regrets?" Jiang Xiaobai sat beside him nonchalantly, "I just want to know, is there any elixir suitable for Sister Lan?"

Lan Yingying?

Kong Shang's face gradually became serious.

Lan Yingying had been in a coma for several months and showed no sign of improvement.

Faced with this situation, Du Pingyuan felt helpless. Lan Yingying's body was not injured, but the soul should be injured.

The soul was injured due to the severe injury of the monster, which made Lan Yingying become what she is now.

But the soul is too illusory, and there is no trace to be found. Only when one is promoted to an emperor-level powerhouse can one be able to cultivate the soul.

Lan Yingying's current situation can only be treated by an emperor-level powerhouse.

However, who is an emperor-level powerhouse who is willing to spend all his energy to help and treat Lan Yingying?

King-level powerhouses temper their limbs and achieve the golden body realm. Emperor-level powerhouses cultivate the dragon in their bodies, which penetrates all parts of the body and reaches the skull, tempering the most mysterious parts of the body. Emperor-level powerhouses can cultivate the soul and gather divine power , but also can form its own field.

Emperor-level powerhouses are in charge of one side not only because of their strength and can deter one side, but also because of their own strength to form a domain and control a side of the world.

Because of this, it is called the emperor.

There are two ways to cure Lan Yingying. The first is to find an emperor-level powerhouse to nourish her soul. Over time, Lan Yingying's soul will be restored to its original state, and she will wake up soon. The second is to be able to find the elixir that nourishes the soul, such as the immortal medicine, Kunlun flat peach and other fairy things, which can naturally restore Lan Yingying.

Presumably Zhao Chong knew this at the beginning, and resolutely set foot on Kunlun Mountain.

Compared with the ethereal emperor-level powerhouse, Kunlun Mountain is more realistic.

"Don't worry too much. We don't want to see Lan Yingying like this. Now we can only rely on Zhao Chong." Kong Shang knew the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Lan Yingying, so he comforted him.

"Zhao Chong!" Jiang Xiaobai thought of this good friend who had left Qilu Martial Arts University. Since he left, there has been no news.

Whether it was Zhao Chong himself or the martial arts institutes in various places, there was no news.

Compared to getting news, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was better to have no news, at least in that way Zhao Chong was relatively safer.

"I'm going to Kyoto. I heard that there are emperor-level powerhouses in Kyoto?" Jiang Xiaobai thought of Wang Lin who had asked in his spare time.

"That's right, my Great Elder is an emperor-level powerhouse, and everyone preaches that." Kong Shang said full of awe.

The Great Elder Hua Guo is a powerful warrior who is said to have reached the emperor level.

"Then can I invite the First Elder to treat Sister Lan?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suddenly.

"That must be impossible." Kong Shang shook his head quickly, "Emperor-level powerhouses are the most important weapons of the country, and they will not take action easily. Whether they are learned by monsters or other forces, they will definitely target us. At that time, the whole country will be plunged into a huge crisis."

"Even if you meet the Great Elder and can persuade the Great Elder, others will not agree."

"That's it!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed unconsciously. In his opinion, this is completely unrealistic.

If this is the case, it would be more practical for him to be promoted to the emperor rank.

"Lan Yingying can't rush this matter, so I can only rely on chance." Kong Shang comforted Daojiang Xiaobai again, "Now what we have to do is wait for Lan Yingying to wake up and let her see a powerful Qi Lu." Wuhan University."

"This is not just Lan Yingying's thoughts, but everyone's thoughts!"

Listening to Kong Shang's words, Jiang Xiaobai nodded repeatedly.

Whether it's Lan Yingying or those warriors who sacrificed for Luo City, they all have a firm belief in their hearts that they are willing to make sacrifices and concessions for Qilu Wuda and human beings.

"The new students will start school in a few days. We originally planned to enroll 3000 new students, but now it is far from enough. There are only [-] students!" Kong Shang stretched out his hand, and several large screens appeared in front of them.

"This is the information of all the new students. Among the [-] students, [-] are from the province and [-] from outside the province."

"3000 people?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't show any disappointment after hearing this number. "Three thousand is three thousand! We will use three thousand new students to shock all Wuhan University!"

"It's up to you!" Kong Shang looked at Jiang Xiaobai, "Anyway, the main force is your martial arts academy, not our liberal arts academy."

"I also want to tell you something, next spring, there will be a National Martial Arts Conference!"

National Martial Arts Conference?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he nodded silently.

He had heard the news a long time ago. This is not an ordinary martial arts conference. Not only Wuhan University will participate, but also various chaebols and large enterprises will participate. Of course, they are divided into different groups.

The rank of Wuhan University or the chaebol forces is determined by victory. Like Wuhan University, the higher the ranking, the more training resources will be obtained. Compared with the chaebol, the higher the ranking, the more relaxed it will be. policy.

Not enough, this martial arts conference is not held every year, but every four years, just like the Olympic Games and World Cup in the previous life. From the perspective of the entire Hua Country, it is a grand martial arts event.

The reason why Fang Xiqiong spared no effort to train Jiang Xiaobai back then was to make Jiang Xiaobai a blockbuster in next year's Martial Arts Conference.

But now it seems that this matter has not begun, it is over.

"Let's put the Martial Arts Conference on hold for a while, and we will give them a special opening ceremony for the freshmen to start school in a few days!" Jiang Xiaobai discussed with Kong Shang with a smile.

"Don't make a difference?" Kong Shang looked at Jiang Xiaobai puzzled.

"Now we can arrange it like this..." Jiang Xiaobai leaned into Kong Shang's ear and told his thoughts.

But Kong Shang's face became paler and paler, and at the end, he was shocked.

"You really want to do this?"

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