Dominate the world

Chapter 484 A Unique Opening Ceremony

A few days later, the freshmen came to Qiluwu University to report one by one. Every student who came to Qiluwu University was full of longing and hope.

The Battle of Los Angeles allowed them to know the contributions made by Qilu Wuda, and it also allowed them to deeply feel how to make choices as warriors.

They are new warriors, they have a pure heart, they want to make contributions, be able to ride the battlefield, kill monsters, and defend their home and country.

Their minds are extremely simple, and they are even more incomparably Chicheng!

It is precisely because of this that they can devote themselves to martial arts without hesitation.

"Wow, this is Qilu Wuda University, a century-old famous school!"

"Yes, it is indeed our most powerful Wuhan University. I heard that in the battle of Los Angeles, our seniors from Qilu University of Wuhan University stuck to one side and never retreated!"

"It's so exciting! I also want to be like a senior, killing monsters and making achievements!"

When teenagers in their [-]th and [-]th years first stepped into Qilu Wuda University, they were all emotional and couldn't help talking.

Most of these people are in the realm of warriors. Compared with Jiang Xiaobai and the others when they entered school last year, their overall strength has improved a lot.

With the development of time, the strength of human warriors is also constantly improving. This is not only because of the more mature martial arts cultivation system, but also because of the further recovery of vitality.

Since the recovery of vitality a hundred years ago, it has not stopped evolving, and the world is undergoing subtle changes every year.

New students report everywhere!

After each freshman registers, he will receive his own badge with his own identity information and number on it.

On the night after the registration ended, all the freshmen of Qiluwu University were dragged into the martial arts arena.

On the high stage of the Martial Arts Arena, King Wu, Xia Wushuang and others have already been waiting for a long time.

Compared with when Jiang Xiaobai and others entered school last year, the instructors at Qilu Wuhan University are no longer the same.

Wu Wang, Xia Wushuang and others are mostly masters. These arrogances of the Martial Arts Department were directly recruited by Jiang Xiaobai as freshman instructors after finishing their coolies.As for the Tianjiao warriors in the military department, Jiang Xiaobai arranged for sophomore and junior students to be instructors.

At first, Wu Wang and his men were not willing to teach some brats. After all, they were all ninth-rank warriors, and most of the students in front of them were first-rank warriors, and some of them were not even warriors.

In the end, under Jiang Xiaobai's coercion, they had to agree to this request.

"My God, Grandmaster, is the strong man above a Grandmaster?"

"It's the master, that's right. Didn't you write the enrollment brochure back then? When you enroll, you will be taught by the master. It is said that it is from the Martial Arts Academy!"

"The Martial arts academy, it belongs to the martial arts department, and the martial arts department is above the martial arts academy! It is a great blessing to be able to practice here."

After seeing Wu Wang and Xia Wushuang and others, the eyes of all the students in the audience began to become admirable.

"It seems that this year's fighters are full of energy!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled as he looked at the group of freshmen who looked like little fans below.

"It looks good!" Zhang Chulan said lightly.

Originally, he didn't want to appear here, but if Jiang Xiaobai hadn't strongly requested it, Zhang Chulan would probably still be practicing now.

In Zhang Chulan's eyes, there is nothing else but cultivation.

When Jiang Xiaobai watched Zhang Chulan practice desperately, he was secretly shocked, especially after the battle with the people from Jixia Academy, which made Zhang Chulan even more crazy.

Indulging in cultivation, day and night!

So far, Kong Shang has nothing to do.

"It's time for us to play in a while!" Jiang Xiaobai said softly to Zhang Chulan.

"I want to go with you, I won't go, and I'm not interested!" Zhang Chulan resolutely refused.

"Really not going?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Zhang Chulan and said in a deep voice.

"Don't look at me, if you don't want to go, you won't go!" Zhang Chulan said with a lack of interest.

"Hehe, that's fine!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, and didn't continue to press.

After 10 minutes, Jiang Xiaobai walked onto the stage. When Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared in the sight of everyone, they were shocked.

"Wow! Jiang Xiaobai, is that Jiang Xiaobai!"

"That's right! That's Jiang Xiaobai, the director of our martial arts academy! He's also from our Lei Ze City, do you know? My father and his father are colleagues in Lei Ze City!"

"This is my idol, Jiang Xiaobai!"

Almost all the freshmen went crazy over it, roaring at the top of their lungs.

3000 people shouted together, the sound was so loud that it almost echoed throughout the martial arts arena.

"This posture is too scary!" Wu Wang didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so popular among the freshmen.

"It's really scary! He's just a beginner!" Xia Wushuang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The old students of Wuhan University are almost obsessed with Jiang Xiaobai, but now the freshmen are even crazier.

When he and Wu Wang were complaining about Jiang Xiaobai on the campus of Wuhan University, they were surrounded by a group of students. If the former instructors hadn't helped them out, they really didn't know what to do.

But now, it seems that these Qilu Wuda freshmen are more fanatical than before.

"The cohesion of Qilu Wuda University is really rare." King Wu glanced at the enthusiastic freshmen again, which was completely different from the warriors they had seen before.

Although their highest ranks are only first-rank fighters, if they are placed in the trial ground, they may be able to directly fight with monsters.



King Wu actually saw it through the eyes of these freshmen.

"I suddenly began to wonder how high the upper limit of this group of freshmen is!" Xia Wushuang said softly, "Perhaps under our leadership, we can become a legend!"

"I'm also a little excited when you say that." King Wu looked at the freshmen in front of him, "If a few warriors of the third rank are trained, wouldn't it be quite embarrassing to say it?"

"There is some truth to what you said." Xia Wushuang looked at the warriors of the martial arts department around him, and then at the warriors of the military department not far away, "This time the military department is also involved in this matter, we must not lose Give it to the military, right?"

"Yes!" King Wu said heavily.

The Martial Arts Department and the Military Department belong to the same existence, but they are also in a competitive relationship. Neither the Military Department nor the Martial Arts Department's warriors want to be weaker than the other party.

Jiang Xiaobai came to the stage, and only after everyone's cheers gradually quieted down did he speak slowly.

"Welcome everyone to join Qilu Wuda University, and I, Jiang Xiaobai, welcome you on behalf of everyone!"

"Dean Jiang!"

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, all the new warriors began to cheer, wantonly venting their admiration!

"Quiet!" Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hands and pressed it, "put down your worship, pick up your weapons, and after joining Qilu Wuda, you will no longer be ordinary warriors, but a warrior fighting monsters." warrior!"

"Our opening ceremony today is to hunt monsters!"

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