"Hunting monsters?"

"Is the opening ceremony just about hunting monsters? Is it so strange?"

"This is simply unbelievable. Aren't ordinary opening ceremonies the kind of show party?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the freshmen began to discuss.

Although they have killed monsters before, they were only dealing with some low-level monsters, and it was only for the assessment. Now let them hunt and kill monsters, this...

"I know you are just freshmen, and this matter is a bit difficult for you!" Jiang Xiaobai saw the small commotion among the freshmen, which he had expected a long time ago, after all, the group of people in front of him were just high school graduates , Let them hunt monsters, they can't go directly.

People are not machines. When facing monsters, people will feel fear, and the same is true for warriors.

But this kind of fear will subtly change with one's own experience, like the warriors in Los Angeles, they have experienced the baptism of life and death, even if they face monsters, they will not have too much fear .

Normally, freshmen are not suitable for training, but Los Angeles City is different, and will not give them too many opportunities to recuperate.

If you want to quickly become a strong person, you must use the most extreme methods.

"However, if you want to become a qualified warrior, this is the path you must take!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the freshmen around him, "You have a month's preparation time, and during this period, you can choose a skill at will. You can also use the cultivation secret room as you wish.”

"One month later, I'm going to start your first experience. Of course, you can also choose not to participate. Every warrior who participates will be rewarded."

Having said that, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and countless pills and soldiers appeared in front of them.

Seeing that powerful light, the freshmen below couldn't help but burst into exclamation.

"My God, pill! It's pill, it's so exciting to be able to smell the strong power from such a distance!"

"Not only pills, but also warriors! Did you know that that warrior is a rank-[-] warrior, and only rank-[-] warriors can have it!"

"This time I must come up with a good result. I want to choose the strongest soldiers and become the strongest fighters."

The freshman, who was a little timid at first, became extremely excited after seeing Jiang Xiaobai take out the soldier and the elixir.

Not only these freshmen, Wu Wang, Xia Wushuang and others also widened their eyes.

"My God, is Jiang Xiaobai crazy? Are you going to empty out the treasure house of Qilu University?"

"Although these things are not very precious, for a Wuhan University, they are not so easy to get out!"

"Ahem!" Kong Shang coughed softly, "Although I, Qilu Wuda, are poor, I have absolutely no reservations about warriors."

"Principal Kong, aren't you worried about Jiang Xiaobai doing this?" Xia Wushuang asked puzzled.

"Worried? What am I worried about?" Kong Shang glanced at Xia Wushuang and said in a pretentious manner.

The treasures that Jiang Xiaobai showed were only one-tenth of them, and most of them were spoils obtained from the capital.

After Jiang Xiaobai's tossing like this, Qiluwu University's treasure house not only did not reduce its resources, but relatively speaking, it increased a lot.

Compared with when Fang Xiqiong was there, it is much richer, both in terms of quality and quantity, it is far from what Fang Xiqiong was able to compare.

When Kong Shang was taking stock of the treasure house, he was also taken aback.

One-third of the treasures in the treasury were obtained by Jiang Xiaobai in the past month. Although only one-third, don't forget that Fang Xiqiong spent decades, while Jiang Xiaobai just spent Only a few months.

Moreover, Kong Shang even heard that Jiang Xiaobai and Du Pingyuan were planning to plant an elixir.

Planting a large amount of elixir in Los Angeles to assist warriors in their cultivation or alchemy is a great blessing for any warrior.

Although the siege of monsters brought disaster to Luo City, it also reborn Luo City from nirvana.

From now on, Los Angeles will shine with a different light.

"Why do I always feel like Jiang Xiaobai is a nouveau riche?" Xia Wushuang looked at Jiang Xiaobai on the stage and said doubtfully.

Now Jiang Xiaobai feels too much like a nouveau riche.

"I don't understand either!" Wu Wang looked over with a puzzled expression.

After Jiang Xiaobai finished his speech, he walked directly off the high platform, and then an old instructor spoke some words of encouragement.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai stepped down, he was caught by Kong Shang.

"You really let them practice? This is a dangerous thing!" Kong Shang persuaded, "Besides, the monsters are attacking more violently than before. I am worried that these freshmen are not prepared enough."

"Of course they are not prepared enough!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded.

"Then you still?" Kong Shang asked even more puzzled.

"Isn't there Xia Wushuang and the others?" Jiang Xiaobai pouted at Xia Wushuang, "Just leave it to them when the time comes. If students have any questions, he is the only one to ask."

Xia Wushuang and Wu Wang: "..."

When the two of them heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, they instantly became speechless.

Is this really using them as coolies?

"Don't look at me like that, aren't you happy that you can give priority to choosing disciples like this?" Jiang Xiaobai snapped back. "All the freshmen are released, and you can tell the pros and cons at a glance."

"If you don't agree with this opportunity, then I don't have to let you go. I believe that the instructors of Qiluwu University will not miss this opportunity."

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can't go back on your word." King Wu said first, "You clearly said that this opportunity is for us, how can you just give it to someone else?"

"Yes! We disagree!" Xia Wushuang said decisively, "The genius of our martial arts department is more than enough to teach you students."

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, how could Wu Wang and Xia Wushuang let go of this opportunity?

"Then it's settled!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the new student, "The next thing will be left to you."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he left the martial arts arena directly. After all, Jiang Xiaobai is the head of the martial arts academy, and the only ones who can really teach them are the arrogance of the martial arts department.

In fact, relatively speaking, warriors from the military department are more suitable for teaching freshmen, but for Jiang Xiaobai, he hopes that the arrogance of the military department can improve the cultivation of sophomores and juniors.

Sophomore and junior warriors are warriors who are about to enter actual combat, and they are also warriors who are about to fight against monsters. If they can practice with the warriors in the military, it will be of great benefit to them to be quiet.

After the first-year warriors dispersed, they rushed directly to the arsenal of Wuhan University. Everyone was carefully choosing soldiers and skills.

Although for them, they can choose at will, but they can only choose the skills and soldiers that suit their own combat power. It is naturally impossible for them to choose soldiers above the third rank!

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