Dominate the world

Chapter 486 The Grandmaster is Coming

Freshmen in the freshman year began to practice after obtaining the soldiers and exercises.

The Tianjiao of the Martial Arts Department each lead more than 100 people to practice, but they only point out the mistakes in the practice, and there is no one-on-one teaching by precept and example.

After all, this time is just an experience, and it is just the beginning of their practice, there is no need to take them to practice hard.

Through this point, it is enough to see their cultivation talents, and it can be regarded as Wu Wang and others have a general understanding of this group of students.

Wu Wang and Xia Wushuang thought that Jiang Xiaobai would come and see, but Jiang Xiaobai never showed up, which made them feel very strange.

Why is this?

Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai really doesn't care about these new students?

If he doesn't care about these freshmen, how can he make Qilu Martial Arts University the number one Martial Arts University in China?

A week passed, and Jiang Xiaobai never showed up. The freshmen led by Wu Wang and Xia Wushuang also started training, preparing for the experience a month later.

In the past few days, Jiang Xiaobai has been preparing for the upcoming attack on Mount Tai.

Attacking Mount Tai is not just a simple talk. In Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, this is a big event, not weaker than the defense of Luo City.

"What? You want the members of the Martial Arts Club to go on an adventure with you?" Kong Shang shook his head decisively after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts, "No, this is definitely not possible!"

"Don't ask why, members of the martial arts club, those are the hopes for the future of martial arts in Huaguo, how can you do this?"

"Why not? This time is also a kind of experience for them, and they are already third-rank warriors, and there is not much danger in following behind the master!" Jiang Xiaobai responded angrily, "Dean Kong, I know what you are thinking, but if you keep protecting them like this, how long can you protect them?"

"As a warrior, one must have the awareness to fight monsters to the death. Whether it is now or in the future, they have to face monsters."

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are now the head of the martial arts academy. How did head Fang protect your cultivation? Besides, although they are warriors of the third rank, they have just experienced the battle in Luo City. I am afraid that some of them have not slowed down. Come here." Kong Shangdun taught, "I know what you think, so it's too hasty."

"But I don't think so." Jiang Xiaobai stared at Kong Shang, "I will give them a choice, I believe they will choose to go to Mount Tai with me."

"Even if it's Yang Chengbin or Wu Sheng, or even Wang Chuang, they saw their senior brother die at the hands of monsters with their own eyes. What are they cultivating so hard for?"

"Could it be just to become the pride of the Martial Arts Club?"

Every sentence of Jiang Xiaobai's question seemed to hit Kong Shang's heart.

Kong Shang's eyes flickered several times. Indeed, since the defense of Los Angeles, Kong Shang's personality has indeed changed a lot.

As for the reason for the change, Jiang Xiaobai also has some understanding, and its essence is for the good of Qiluwu as a whole.

But Jiang Xiaobai knows what Qilu Wuda needs more now!

What they need is not a comfortable living environment, but more passionate battles.

That's why Jiang Xiaobai chose to take the members of the Martial Arts Club to participate in the conquest of Mount Tai!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are acting too hastily!" Du Pingyuan's voice came from outside, and he rushed over as soon as he heard the news.

Conquer Mount Tai!

This sounds like an earth-shattering event.

On the top of Mount Tai, there is the existence of the demon king, and even the giant ape of the demon king who once captured Luocheng - the golden ape!

"Dean Du, what do you say?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"How?" Du Pingyuan stroked his beard, "I'll go with you!"

"This is not a good way." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "If the monsters know that I am leading people to attack Mount Tai, how will they react?"

"Monster?" Du Pingyuan replied after thinking for a while, "Of course I will kill you on Mount Tai!"

"Then there is another possibility?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

"You mean they might attack Luocheng?" Du Pingyuan instantly understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant, so he said.

"That's natural!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, "So, Dean Du, you can't go, you stay in Los Angeles, and Dean Kong, just in case."

"Let you go by yourself? How can that be done?" Kong Shang resolutely objected.

When he learned that Jiang Xiaobai was going to conquer Mount Tai, he already showed dissatisfaction.

This is not dissatisfaction with Jiang Xiaobai, but dissatisfaction with Jiang Xiaobai's decision.

It was already an extremely risky decision for Jiang Xiaobai to lead a hundred masters to attack Mount Tai.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai is just a martial artist who has just entered the realm of a master. Although his combat power is strong enough, it is not worth mentioning to the huge Mount Tai.

Not to mention encountering the demon king, even if encountering a lord-level monster, it is impossible for them to retreat unscathed.

"I've already discussed this with Elder Tang. Fifty grandmasters under his command are coming soon." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, "Elder Fei's grandmasters will also come with us. Our time is limited."

"They only gave us half a month, regardless of success or failure, we have to go!"

Half a month's time!

After Kong Shang heard it, his heart gradually sank.

For half a month, this book is not enough.

"Dean Du, tell Dean Kong about the recovery of Lingquan!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked Du Pingyuan.

Du Pingyuan nodded.

"Principal Kong, if I can bring back a large amount of elixir from this expedition to Mount Tai, what will happen to our Los Angeles future?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Kong Shang and said word by word. "Also, don't worry, I'll be fine. After such a long time of contact, don't you know me well?"

"If I am in danger, I will definitely leave as soon as possible, and I will not wait to die foolishly."

"I know I can't convince you." Kong Shang couldn't help shaking his head.

Kong Shang had no choice but to persuade Jiang Xiaobai. Unless Fang Xiqiong was here, there was no way for Jiang Xiaobai to shake his belief.

"You don't need to be persuaded, maybe this is the path I'm taking." Jiang Xiaobai smiled cheerfully, "In terms of background, I can't compare with them. Look up!"

"I seem to be doing it for Qilu Wuda and Luocheng, but it's actually for myself!"

"Because, I don't want to live my life in mediocrity, I also want to be vigorous and become an existence admired by thousands of people."

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