Dominate the world

Chapter 488: The Power of a Tier 2 Grandmaster

If Zhang Bao only targets himself, Jiang Xiaobai can take it as a personal grievance.

But now, Zhang Bao actually provocatively provoked the entire Qilu University.

This is not something that Jiang Xiaobai can let go of.

"Then what can you do?" Zhang Bao looked extremely rampant.

After all, behind him, he has his elder brother Zhang Wanqing backing him up. Zhang Wanqing is already a second-tier grandmaster, and Jiang Xiaobai is just entering the realm of a grandmaster. It is impossible for the two to be on the same level.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Bao appeared to be very arrogant. He didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously, or even Qilu Wuda as a whole.


Zhang Bao was looking at Jiang Xiaobai mockingly and provocatively, but he didn't feel a strong wind blowing towards him at all.

The long halberd hit Zhang Bao again, sending his body flying.

Zhang Bao, who was in the air, was caught off guard by Jiang Xiaobai and fell heavily to the ground.


A powerful explosion erupted from the entire ground, and the ground around Zhang Bao suddenly cracked.

"Jiang Xiaobai!"

When Zhang Wanqing came to his senses, Zhang Bao had already been knocked to the ground, so in a flash, he came to Jiang Xiaobai and shouted sharply.

"What? Want to stand up for your brother?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Zhang Wanqing and asked coldly.

"Is this not possible?" Zhang Wanqing asked with a gloomy face.

The Jiang Xiaobai in front of him actually attacked his younger brother in front of him, this is absolutely unbearable!

"You are a second-tier grandmaster, are you sure you want to attack me, a warrior who just joined the grandmaster?" Jiang Xiaobai continued, "Don't forget, this is my city of Luo, not the capital!"

"Although your Zhang family is powerful, the backing of our Wuhan University is the Martial Arts Department."

"So what? You bully our brother, so it's only natural for me to help you!" Zhang Wanqing said without giving in.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "I just like the arrogant look of you Beijing families."

"Principal Kong, you can be regarded as half of my teacher. Now that the disciple is being bullied, can you also take action?"

When Kong Shang heard the words, he nodded lightly.

Although it is true that Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Bao have grievances, it is unreasonable for Zhang Wanqing to intervene, and Kong Shang is naturally quite upset when he comes to Xingshi with such arrogance to ask for his crimes.

If Zhang Bao's strength improved, it would be understandable for him to regain face and defeat Jiang Xiaobai, but if he relied on Zhang Wanqing, it would be unreasonable.

So after hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Kong Shang immediately chose to fight.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you..." Zhang Wanqing's expression changed drastically upon seeing this.

Kong Shang is a Tier [-] Grandmaster, and he is also a cultivator of Wen Qi, with endless methods, and ordinary warriors are no match at all.

If Kong Shang makes a move, he has no chance of winning.

"What about me? According to your logic, I am normal!" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

"Senior, do you think it's okay to do this?" Zhang Wanqing looked at Kong Shang and asked.

"It's not wrong. You insulted me at Qilu Wuda University just now. As the dean of the Academy of Arts, I naturally want to teach you a lesson." Kong Shang took a step in the air, and two bursts of literary energy burst out from him, "But it's up to you He is a disciple of the Zhang family in the capital, and he can let the Zhang family redeem him!"

Just as Zhang Wanqing wanted to struggle, she felt two strands of literary energy wrapped around her body like vines, making her unable to move.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you despicable villain!" Zhang Wanqing cursed immediately after feeling trapped. "You are in vain as the head of the martial arts academy, why don't you dare to fight against me!"

"Brother, save yourself!" Jiang Xiaobai said sarcastically, "You are already a second-tier grandmaster, I am just entering the grandmaster realm, but you are two levels higher than me, if I make a move, you Do you think I'm a fool?"

"If I am promoted to the realm of a first-order grandmaster, dealing with you will be nothing more than killing chickens and dogs."

After Zhang Wanqing heard this sentence, his eyes almost widened, looking quite angry.

The few masters standing behind Zhang Wanqing saw that the situation was not good, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Bang bang bang!

Just when they were at a loss, there was a sudden explosion behind them.

Xia Wushuang and others appeared behind them and knocked them down one by one.

Several grandmasters lost consciousness without even seeing clearly how the opponent made a move.

"You guys are a bit late!" Jiang Xiaobai taught Xia Wushuang and the others a lesson, "Now you instructors from Qiluwu University should have come here at the first moment, instead of knowing it later, you have let me down so much !"

Xia Wushuang, Wu Wang and the others were speechless for a moment. They just heard the movement, and after explaining a few words to the freshmen, they rushed over immediately.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai complained about it.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are committing a crime!" Zhang Wanqing stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said fiercely, "If you attack me, there will be no place for you in the capital!"

"The capital city is not up to you alone." Jiang Xiaobai corrected, "You should think about your situation first!"

"Do you still dare to attack me?" Zhang Wanqing asked angrily.

"It's not possible to make a move, but wait for your Zhang family to redeem you!" Jiang Xiaobai sneered and glanced at Zhang Wanqing, "If your family abandons you, I will take you directly to the Martial Arts Department, and I will have a good reasoning some."

"You..." Zhang Wanqing stared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily.

This time they came out of no name, if they were really found out by the Martial Arts Department, they might not be able to escape punishment.

Before coming here, Zhang Wanqing had considered the worst-case scenario. If they seriously injured Jiang Xiaobai, they would naturally be able to shirk all responsibility by retreating safely.

But now, they have been arrested, and it is Jiang Xiaobai's intention to detain them.

Even the Zhang family in the capital couldn't stand it!

"Zhang Wanqing, I really don't know how to say hello, are all the arrogant warriors in the capital pig brains?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Bao unconsciously, "With your IQ, how can you take root in the capital? of?"

"Let me go!" Zhang Wanqing threatened, "If we don't go back, dozens of Grandmasters of the Zhang family will definitely come to Luo City and be called back to justice."

"Dozens!" Jiang Xiaobai stared nervously at Zhang Wanqing, "I'm so scared as you said!"

But the next moment, Jiang Xiaobai's expression turned cold.

"It's like I don't have dozens of grandmasters!"


The sound of martial arts fighters rose from above their heads, and a huge aura swept across the entire Qilu University in an instant.

what happened?

Everyone looked at the martial arts fighter at the same time.

When the martial arts fighter plane descended to a certain height, Baidao Liuguang suddenly rushed out of the fighter plane.

"Hello, Dean Jiang!"

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