Dominate the world

Chapter 489 Re-entering Mount Tai

Hello Dean Jiang!

Baidao Liuguang turned into figures and appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai, shouting respectfully.

This, this is all the master?

One hundred masters?

Zhang Wanqing was stunned when he saw the person coming.

Hundreds of grandmasters stood in the air, showing respectful expressions towards Jiang Xiaobai, without any affectation at all, everything seemed so natural.

"Hey, where are there so many masters here?" Zhang Wanqing panicked for a moment.

These are a hundred grandmasters, each of which is a powerful combat force of the Hua Kingdom, and would not be easily used, but now there are hundreds of grandmasters.

Although it is said that among the hundred grandmasters, the strongest one is only the third-tier grandmaster, but this is enough to kill him.

The point is, where did Jiang Xiaobai get these hundred masters?

Everyone is full of murderous aura, and it looks like the kind of existence that has been fighting with monsters all year round, which is very terrifying.

Even facing a second-tier grandmaster, Zhang Wanqing might not be able to defeat him.

"Zhang Wanqing, don't you have more people than me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Wanqing with a half-smile, "How do you feel now?"

"I..." Zhang Wanqing was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

"Hand over the treasure on your body, and I don't want to hurt you." Jiang Xiaobai threatened.

Zhang Wanqing frowned and remained silent.

"If you don't cooperate, then there's nothing I can do." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "You know that Luocheng was once attacked by monsters, if I kill you, and then declare You died to help Luocheng resist monsters, I believe that even the Zhang family in the capital city will not come to trouble me."

"How dare you!" Zhang Wanqing roared in a pretentious manner.

"You think I don't dare?" Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and Thorn Hung and Thorn Star appeared around him, flickering coldly.

"Okay, you're good!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Wanqing immediately gave in.

Judging from Jiang Xiaobai's performance just now, this guy is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he will start fighting when he disagrees.

So he didn't dare to take the risk!

How do you say it?Telling a hero not to suffer immediate losses, although Zhang Wanqing is not a hero, he does not want to suffer such losses.

"It's best to cooperate obediently." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Jiang Xiaobai, is this okay?" Kong Shang couldn't help asking when he heard Jiang Xiaobai acting like a bandit.

"President Kong, don't worry, the Zhang family in the capital is also a shameless person, and they will not choose to turn against us because of this incident." Jiang Xiaobai seemed much calmer, mainly because he did such a thing More than once, he has already become extremely proficient.

After Jiang Xiaobai watched Zhang Wanqing and others being suppressed, he turned to look at the hundred masters.

"Thank you for your help!" Jiang Xiaobai said enthusiastically.

"Our task is to attack Mount Tai, not your subordinates." One of the masters said proudly, "This time, it is a greeting gift for you, but from now on, we will not obey your orders."

"Dare to ask the hero's name?" Jiang Xiaobai was not angry at all, but still asked with a light smile.

"Lu Tianming!" The grandmaster replied, "Under Elder Tang's command, third-tier grandmaster Lu Tianming!"

Elder Tang's people?

Tang Shanhai's voice and appearance instantly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind. That seemingly amiable old man had such a powerful subordinate.

Although the opponent is a third-tier grandmaster, Jiang Xiaobai can clearly feel that the opponent is extremely strong. Perhaps only Kong Shang can compete with him. An ordinary third-tier grandmaster is simply not the answer.

Sure enough, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Martial Arts Department, and capable people emerge in large numbers.

It is rare for Jiang Xiaobai to see such a strong man.

"Grandmaster Lu!" Jiang Xiaobai thought about the name carefully, and thought of the two masters who helped him before.

"Yeah!" Lu Tianming nodded lightly, "When are we going to leave?"

"Everyone is just here, you can rest for a day, and then we will set off." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "You are also exhausted, so you can take a little rest."

"We are not tired, we can leave at any time." Lu Tianming knew what Jiang Xiaobai was thinking in his heart.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai knew he couldn't fool the hundred masters.

A hundred grandmasters can definitely create a wave of momentum for Qilu Wuda, but Lu Tianming has obviously known his own thoughts, so he speaks so shamelessly.

"We can set off, but we have to bring 150 members of my Martial Arts Club with us." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lu Tianming and said.

Lu Tianming is the leader of these hundred masters, this should have been decided after they left the capital.

So Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask others, but directly asked Lu Tianming.

"What are the cultivation levels of the members of the Martial Arts Club?" Lu Tianming did not directly refuse, but asked rhetorically.

"The realm of the third grade!" Jiang Xiaobai replied truthfully.

The realm of the third grade?


Lu Tianming looked at Jiang Xiaobai questioningly, and found that the other party was not joking.

"Entering Mount Tai in the realm of a grandmaster may lead to a situation where there will be no return. With a warrior of the third rank, what is the difference between that and death?" Lu Tianming said bluntly, "I disagree!"

"They still don't need you to care about them!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lu Tianming and said, "You don't need to worry about life and death. If they die, they are not capable enough. I have also asked for their opinions."

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are really cruel." Lu Tianming glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, "You have said that, and I have no objection."

It's nothing more than bringing 150 warriors, and Jiang Xiaobai said, they don't need to care about the lives of these people, it doesn't hurt them at all, even if they encounter danger, they can leave openly.

After all, people like Lu Tianming have been fighting monsters all the time, and they take life and death very lightly.

Many of their comrades are master-level powerhouses, and when facing monsters, casualties are still inevitable.

Therefore, this has been relatively downplayed for them.

Under the leadership of Yang Chengbin and others, the warriors of the Martial Arts Club followed Jiang Xiaobai and the others and began to gather.

"Cheng Bin, are we really going to Mount Tai?" Wu Sheng asked Yang Chengbin beside him softly.

"What? Old Wu, are you scared?" Yang Chengbin asked with a smile.

"What are you afraid of? I'm just excited!" Wu Sheng glared at the other party, "I've heard of the name of Mount Tai a long time ago, and now I have the opportunity to experience it, isn't it exciting?"

"Yeah!" Wang Chuang looked in the direction of Mount Tai indifferently, "Mount Tai, the king of the Five Sacred Mountains! I never thought that one day we would actually set foot on Mount Tai."

"That's right! Now we also belong to the second generation of warriors of Qilu Wuda University, so we naturally have to make a show." Yang Chengbin clenched his fists, "Of course, we have to become stronger, kill monsters, and avenge our brothers. "

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