Dominate the world

Chapter 490 One Path of Thorns

Jiang Xiaobai and several masters flew towards Mount Tai, while Yang Chengbin and the others were sent to the foot of Mount Tai in a martial arts chariot.

After being promoted to Grandmaster, the warrior's own speed has completely surpassed the martial arts chariot.

When Jiang Xiaobai, Lu Tianming and others came to the foot of the mountain, the first batch of members of the Martial Arts Club had just arrived.

Apart from Jiang Xiaobai, Qilu Wuda is a member of the Martial Arts Club. Whether it is Zhang Chulan, Liu Douer, or even Li Chan, Jiang Xiaobai did not let them follow, but instead left them in Qilu Wuda.

It's not that Jiang Xiaobai can't trust them, but because they won't be of much help even if they come, and it's because they want to protect Luo City from monsters.

Jiang Xiaobai dared to attack Mount Tai unscrupulously only after preparing for the worst.

Mount Tai is the most important scenic spot in the land of Qilu. Before the drastic change, the altitude was only more than 1000 meters, but now the altitude is as high as tens of thousands of meters, towering into the clouds, and its top cannot be seen.

Even after being occupied by monsters, none of the monsters could reach the Jade Emperor Peak on the top of Mount Tai.

After all, Mount Tai is an extraordinary existence. It was once regarded by the ancients as a paradise directly connected to the throne of the emperor, and became a sacred mountain loved by the people and worshiped by emperors. In ancient times, there was a saying that "Mount Tai is safe, and the world is safe."

Since the beginning of Qin Shihuang, 13 generations of ancient emperors have personally climbed Mount Tai to enshrine or offer sacrifices, and 24 generations of emperors have sent officials to offer sacrifices 72 times.

The history of Mount Tai is far less than this. There are 20 ancient building complexes and more than 2000 steles and stone carvings on the mountain of Hongda. Taoism and Buddhism even regard it as a "fairy mountain Buddha country" and deify Mount Tai.

But now it seems that it was not the deification of Mount Tai, but the real existence of a true god on Mount Tai.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the monsters to enter the Jade Emperor Summit.

It is said that the Jade Emperor Peak is extremely mysterious, and if you enter it, you will have the chance to become an emperor.

The person who confers the emperor can be in charge of one side.

However, there are very few people who become emperors. It is said that in the entire Hua Kingdom, only the Great Elder has entered the emperor rank.

Therefore, it is just a legend that the Yuhuangding of Mount Tai can be named emperor.

In addition, the source of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the top of Kunlun Mountain, and even the legendary place of returning to ruins are all existences that can be named emperors.

"This is your first time to Mount Tai!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lu Tianming and the others in a daze.

"En!" Lu Tianming took a deep breath, his eyes still filled with awe.

For any martial artist, Mount Tai is awe-inspiring.

Mount Tai is not such a high mountain, but what it contains is something that other mountains do not have.

This is Taishan's advantage!

"Let's go!"

After waiting for a while, Jiang Xiaobai reached out his hand to greet all the members of the Martial Arts Club here.

"Just go straight up like this?" Lu Tianming asked suspiciously.

"Otherwise?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lu Tianming, "Still ready?"

"This is Mount Tai. We just go up like this? Don't you have a map?" Lu Tianming had been fighting with monsters for a long time, so he naturally became more cautious and cautious.

"What map do you want?" Jiang Xiaobai said nonchalantly, "It's good to go directly to Mount Tai. The monsters are entrenched on Mount Tai, and the elixir is growing wildly. I have told you every resource point. When the time comes, we can go directly. "

"If the monster has set up a formation, it's useless for us to have a map."

"That's good!" Lu Tianming didn't have any worries when he heard Jiang Xiaobai say that.

This time they were ordered to leave the capital, not because the two elders were fooled by Jiang Xiaobai, but more because Luocheng was in a disaster, and monsters attacked Luocheng on a large scale, which made them feel the crisis.

Attacking Mount Tai has two purposes, the first is to seize the elixir, and the second is to deter the monsters so that they will not dare to act recklessly.

If not, for human beings, they will always be ridden by monsters, and human beings will never be able to stand up.

Therefore, even if Jiang Xiaobai hadn't entered the capital to say what he said, the Ministry of Martial Arts would send people to fight Mount Tai.

Jiang Xiaobai was just an introduction, making everyone start to notice the importance of the Battle of Mount Tai.

Jiang Xiaobai, Lu Tianming and others climbed up the stairs, followed by nearly a hundred grandmasters, and the warriors of the Martial Arts Department were caught in the middle by these grandmasters.

Although Lu Tianming disapproved of Jiang Xiaobai bringing so many third-rank warriors into Mount Tai, after he actually entered Mount Tai, Lu Tianming still protected them.

Mount Tai looks very quiet, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Along the way, there are towering old trees and lush vegetation.

"There is the elixir Miao Daphne in front." Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the front and said.

"Well, let's go there first!" Lu Tianming nodded.

The place where Mount Tai's elixir grows was Jiang Xiaobai who read the classics of Wuda and Martial Arts Academy, and only then did he understand everything.

All of these were paid for by the older generation of warriors at the cost of their lives.

Miao Xianhua is a third-grade elixir, and its efficacy is only effective for warriors under the master, and warriors like Lu Tianming don't like it at all.

But Lu Tianming knew that in their team, there were warriors of the third rank, which to them was the existence of the elixir level, which was of great benefit to improving their strength.

Not only Lu Tianming, but the other masters also walked over without any objection.

The place where the elixir grows is naturally guarded by monsters, but the one guarding Miao Xianhua is only a seventh-level monster.

Basically, Jiang Xiaobai didn't need to do anything, the master behind him killed these monsters in an instant.

Seeing that the monster was destroyed, Yang Chengbin and others rushed forward and stuffed Miao Xianhua into their backpacks one after another.

A team of more than 100 people quickly scoured all the Miao Daphne flowers.

"Thank you!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the situation and said to Lu Tianming with a smile.

"Thank you for what I did? I was just following orders." Lu Tianming said flatly.

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai stopped talking. Although Lu Tianming, the third-tier grandmaster in front of him, was unreasonable, he was just cold-hearted and warm-hearted. If he really needed help, he would not just sit idly by.

A person like this is much stronger than those disciples of the aristocratic family.

After the Miao Daphne flower was searched, Jiang Xiaobai led the people to continue forward. It was not long after they entered Mount Tai, which was only at an altitude of about 500 meters, and they had already harvested a lot, which Jiang Xiaobai did not expect.

It wasn't the first time he came to Mount Tai, but the last time he entered Mount Tai with the help of the order of Mount Tai, and he didn't encounter any danger.

This time is different, without the protection of Taishan Order, Taishan monsters are rampant.

It is indeed not an easy task for Jiang Xiaobai to lead a hundred masters to fight against Mount Tai.

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