Dominate the world

Chapter 491 Zhu Yuanguo, Buddha Heart Glass

Not long after Jiang Xiaobai entered Mount Tai, news spread among humans.

"Humanity's counterattack, Jiang Xiaobai led a hundred masters to fight against Mount Tai!"

As soon as this news appeared, it instantly caught everyone's attention.

Previously, although Jiang Xiaobai was the head of the martial arts academy, he was not well-known to everyone. Now that Jiang Xiaobai led a hundred masters to fight against Mount Tai, everyone started talking after hearing the news.

"What Jiang Xiaobai? Jiang Xiaobai, the new director of the Martial Arts Academy of Qilu Martial Arts University? Why haven't I heard of it before? Who is he from?"

"Haven't you heard of it? That's because you don't care about things. You don't even know who Jiang Xiaobai is? A young man who came out of Lei Ze City and was promoted to a master in one year. Do you think he is strong?"

"I've never heard of it before! Is he so powerful? He was promoted to a grandmaster in one year? Then he will lead a hundred grandmasters to attack Mount Tai?"

"There are talents from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years! For example, the young master Cao Ying a few years ago, who suppressed Jiangnan Tianjiao for ten years, is only in his early twenties now."

"You mean that the current Jiang Xiaobai can be compared with Cao Ying? Impossible!"

The discussion about Jiang Xiaobai spread across the country in an instant. Many people who didn't know about Jiang Xiaobai before knew about Jiang Xiaobai's existence through this incident.

However, when this incident spread to Los Angeles, it aroused Du Pingyuan's anger.

"Who the hell? The news that got out?" Du Pingyuan shouted angrily in the meeting room.

Sheng Le, Kong Shang and others participated in the meeting. When they heard the news, they came over one after another.

Jiang Xiaobai's conquest of Mount Tai with a hundred masters was originally a secret matter, but now the city is full of disturbances.

Once the monster finds out, it will definitely deal with Jiang Xiaobai, especially Luocheng.

At that time, I am afraid that Los Angeles will suffer another catastrophe.

"I'm not sure. No one should know about this matter except the Martial Arts Academy in Beijing and us." Kong Shang pondered for a while before he said slowly. "No one of us will tell it. Could it be that the news leaked from the capital?"

"The capital?" Du Pingyuan's eyes gradually became sharper.

Now that I think about it carefully, they in Los Angeles will naturally not spread the news. After the battle of defending Los Angeles, the whole Los Angeles is united as one, and no one will talk nonsense at this time.

The only possibility is the capital, the Ministry of Martial Arts?

After thinking about it for a while, Du Pingyuan shook his head. The Martial Arts Department will not make a bad move for the first time, after all, there are also some of them.

But there must be someone behind this incident.

"Jiang Xiaobai likes to make trouble so much, there must be people who don't like him, so he will use this incident to deal with him." Li Chan said coldly, "This incident is ultimately his own problem."

"Li Chan, you are now the vice president of the Wuyuan Academy." Kong Shang glanced at Li Chan, "Everything should take into account the interests of Qilu Wuda."

"Oh!" Li Chan groaned in dissatisfaction, and then fell silent.

"Kong Shang, the next step is to protect Los Angeles!" Du Pingyuan said in a deep voice. "If the monsters attack this time, it will naturally not be much weaker than last time."

"So, we must guard."



"Has everything been arranged?" A young man with sword eyebrows said calmly after taking a sip of tea.

"Back to the master, the matter has spread, and now everyone knows that Jiang Xiaobai led a hundred masters to conquer Mount Tai!" A middle-aged man in the youth audience lowered his head and said.

"Wonderful!" The sword-browed young man showed a faint smile, "You have to pay attention to this matter, and you must let the monsters know, the so-called Tianjiao, let's see if you can't escape this time!"


Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't know that this incident had already alarmed the Yaozu, and he was still looking for the next stop, Zhu Yuanguo.

Zhu Yuanguo is a sixth-grade elixir, which is of great benefit to the monks of the master.

If Zhu Yuanguo can be taken for a long time, it can help the master break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, and achieve the state of king.

However, Zhu Yuanguo is really rare, only in places with strong vitality like Mount Tai.

"Are we really going to find Zhu Yuanguo?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking, seeing Lu Tianming's persistent look.

"Of course!" Lu Tianming nodded, "We must get Zhu Yuanguo, besides Zhu Yuanguo, there is also Buddha Heart Glass."

Buddha Heart Glass?

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this name, he couldn't help feeling agitated.

The Buddha Heart Glass is a ninth-grade elixir, which can only be possessed by king-level powerhouses.

Jiang Xiaobai's conquest of Mount Tai was just for some rare elixir, at most it was Zhu Yuanguo, like the Buddha's heart glass, he never thought about it.

"You are more greedy than me!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help complaining.

"Greedy? These should belong to us humans." Lu Tianming said straightforwardly, "For us this time, it is not only to deter monsters, but also to take back what belongs to us humans."

"Okay! Then let's get Zhu Yuanguo done first, and then go get the Buddha Heart Liuli." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"En!" Lu Tianming nodded and said, "There must be level nine monsters around Zhu Yuanguo, even lord level monsters, and we will definitely have a tough fight then."

"Even if we have a lot of grandmasters, I am afraid that we are not opponents, and we can only outwit them."

"This is natural. If the sacrifice can be reduced, no one is willing to die." Jiang Xiaobai replied, "But we have a hundred grandmasters, just crush them."

"As for picking Zhu Yuanguo, just leave it to the Martial Arts Club of Wuhan University."

"Leave it to them?" Lu Tianming glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Well! They only have the cultivation base of the third grade, so naturally they won't attract the attention of the monsters. Their actions are relatively the best." Jiang Xiaobai said slowly.

"They?" Lu Tianming looked at the 150 warriors from Wuhan University, "What you said makes sense, but their backpacks are already full now!"

Along the way, they almost picked all the elixir around them, and all the monsters guarding the elixir were killed.

The warriors of the Martial Arts Club have gained a lot along the way, and everyone's backpack is full.

"It's okay, I've been prepared!" Jiang Xiaobai took out a few space tokens and waved them in front of their eyes.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaobai walked up to the fighters from the Qilu Wuda Martial Arts Club.

"Put all your backpacks in this space token, and then come to get a new backpack."

Every warrior from Qilu University, upon hearing the news, handed their backpacks to Jiang Xiaobai one after another, and then received new backpacks.

There are three space tokens in total, and each space token is full of backpacks.

Lu Tianming and the others were stunned, this guy still has this kind of operation?

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