"Let's go!"

Lu Tianming said in a deep voice.

Hearing Lu Tianming's order, hundreds of masters around rushed out one after another.

The monsters who were guarding the Zhu Yuan fruit tree didn't react at all. They never expected that a human grandmaster would attack.

"Enemy attack!"

A lord-level monster suddenly reminded with an angry voice.

All the monsters reacted one after another and rushed towards the human grandmaster.

However, among the hundreds of masters on Lu Tianming's side, there are only a dozen or so lord-level monsters on the opposite side. Even if the monsters are stronger than humans, they cannot withstand the conquest of so many masters.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and pick Zhu Yuanguo!" Jiang Xiaobai reminded loudly when he saw Yang Chengbin and others who were stunned.

"Oh!" Yang Chengbin and others agreed, and everyone rushed up in an instant.

More than 100 warriors stepped forward and rushed towards the Zhu Yuan fruit tree in an instant. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Zhu Yuan fruit trees were instantly emptied.

All the Zhuyuan fruit trees were left with only emerald green leaves swaying lonely in the air. When the warriors of the Martial Arts Club saw this kind of spiritual fruit, they naturally refused to give up and naturally searched it all away.

"I really don't know how to say hello to you!" Jiang Xiaobai saw the martial artists of the Martial Arts Club gathered together again after picking the fruit, dodging the attack of the monster.

With a leap, Jiang Xiaobai came to the Zhu Yuan fruit tree in an instant. After protecting the Zhu Yuan fruit tree with both hands, he pulled it out with all his might.


The entire Zhu Yuan fruit tree was uprooted by Jiang Xiaobai, without even thinking about it, he let the Tai Chi Garden absorb the Zhu Yuan fruit tree.

Afterwards, another Zhu Yuan fruit tree was uprooted and brought in.

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Xiaobai's actions.

What, what is this operation?

Zhu Yuan fruit trees are not spared?

After seeing what Jiang Xiaobai did, the warriors of the Martial Arts Club returned to their country after a long time.

"It really is our dean, this is too strong!"

The hundred masters brought by Lu Tianming were also stunned. Zhu Yuanguo is extremely precious, but forget about Zhu Yuanguo tree!

After all, this is the elixir of heaven and earth, so it is natural to give it some respect, but now Jiang Xiaobai even took it away...

If the monsters on Mount Tai knew about it, wouldn't they go crazy?

"What are you looking at? The corpses of monsters on the ground are also materials!" Jiang Xiaobai glared at the grandmaster in front of him, "Your Martial Arts Department doesn't need it. For our Wuda University, this can relieve our urgent need."

After hearing this, all the masters looked at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief: "..."

Seeing that the others did not move, Jiang Xiaobai was the first to strike, throwing off his arms and leading the warriors from the Martial Arts Club to do it.

More than a dozen lord-level monsters, whether it is the blood on their bodies or the flesh that contains power, are of great benefit to Jiang Xiaobai.

Perhaps it is nothing in the eyes of the master, but in the eyes of the students of Martial Arts University, it is a top-notch tonic.

An hour later, the corpse of the monster was cleaned up by Jiang Xiaobai and the warriors from the Martial Arts Club.

"Jiang Xiaobai, this time there are a total of 160 Zhu Yuanguo, and we will take away [-]!" Lu Tianming looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"You..." Jiang Xiaobai gave Lu Tianming a blank look, saw Lu Tianming's calm expression, and then said speechlessly. "Okay, listen to you, you have the final say!"

"But there is one thing, I keep this Zhuyuan fruit tree!"

Zhu Yuan fruit tree?

Lu Tianming looked at Jiang Xiaobai's miserly appearance and sneered.

The conditions for the growth of Zhu Yuan fruit trees are extremely harsh. I am afraid that only Mount Tai can have the soil suitable for the growth of Zhu Yuan fruit trees. If he takes it back, it must not be suitable.

What's more, the Zhuyuan fruit tree bears fruit once every ten years, which is too long for them.

"You can do whatever you want!" Lu Tianming said lightly.

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai was relieved when he saw that the other party was not fighting with him.

"Go!" Lu Tianming looked up at the majestic Mount Tai, and walked forward.

"Going again?" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Lu Tianming and said, "Going forward, but the territory of the lord-level monsters, it's too risky to go like this!"

"The conquest of Mount Tai was also proposed by you, why? The dean of the Martial Arts Academy of Qilu University, are you afraid now?" Lu Tianming said with a smile.

"That's right! We got Zhu Yuanguo so easily, it must be that even the monsters didn't notice it."

"Yes, this time is an excellent opportunity for us."

"Jiang Xiaobai, if you are afraid, you can go back, our hundred masters are enough to severely injure monsters!"

The master brought by Lu Tianming said in a hurry.

From their point of view, Jiang Xiaobai started to shrink back, which, from their point of view, made them despised.

"What are you talking about? How could President Jiang be afraid?"

"That is, we once paid the price of blood to defend Los Angeles, and you actually said that our president is afraid?"

"Don't you just have a higher realm? But so what?"

Hearing this group of masters taunting Jiang Xiaobai, as members of the Martial Arts Club, they naturally wanted to fight back.

Jiang Xiaobai is not just their president.

It is their idol and their belief!

"Forget it!" Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, signaling the members of the Martial Arts Club to quiet down.

"You think I'm scared?" Jiang Xiaobai turned to look at Lu Tianming.

"Isn't it?" the master behind Lu Tianming mocked. "You've already got the Zhu Yuanguo you wanted, so it's normal to back down. It's normal for a martial artist like you to have this kind of mentality."

"However, how can a warrior like you who has experienced the defense of Los Angeles be so timid?"

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, "I'm timid? I'm just afraid that something will happen to you."

"After all, when I borrowed people from Elder Tang and Elder Fei, I promised him that nothing will happen to you, and you will all go back safe and sound."

"It's a joke, our cultivation base is higher than yours, and we have more experience than you." The master continued, "Even if you have trouble, we will have nothing to do."

"Yang Chengbin." Jiang Xiaobai called out.

Yang Chengbin came to Jiang Xiaobai in an instant: "President Jiang, what's wrong?"

"Take people back, be careful all the way!" Jiang Xiaobai instructed, "The road ahead is dangerous, and it's not something you can contend with. There are no monsters on the road leading down the mountain, but you still can't relax your vigilance."

"Okay!" Yang Chengbin nodded without any rebuttal.

If it was the old Yang Chengbin, of course he would not agree so easily.

Today's Yang Chengbin has gone through the battle to defend Los Angeles, watching the brothers around him fall in front of him one by one, and he is also growing continuously.

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