Dominate the world

Chapter 494 Grandmaster Concentrates Spiritual Sense?

After Yang Chengbin got the news from Jiang Xiaobai, he turned around and left, and more than 100 warriors walked down the mountain mightily.

"Aren't you going?" Lu Tianming looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

"If I leave, wouldn't I really be what you call a coward?" Jiang Xiaobai responded with a smile, "Although I am timid and have a strong desire to survive, I want to tell you that I am not a coward!"

"I can go up with you this time, but I can't guarantee the safety of each of you."

"Are you kidding, we need you to guarantee our safety?" A grandmaster standing beside Lu Tianming said with a smile, "I'm afraid you weren't a warrior when we killed monsters!"

"Well, it makes sense." Jiang Xiaobai said, "I just became a warrior last year."

That martial artist: "..."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore." Lu Tianming came out to smooth things over. "Jiang Xiaobai, what danger do you think we will face?"

"I don't know." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, "I just have this feeling, it feels like a giant net ahead, waiting for us to drill into it."

"Giant net? Even ordinary people need bait if they want to catch prey!" said another master next to Lu Tianming. "If it's really dangerous, what about the bait?"

"We have already taken the bait." Jiang Xiaobai looked to the side, where Zhu Yuanguo was before.

"It's just your guess." The master next to Lu Tianming said again, "We snatched Zhu Yuanguo from the monster. What does this have to do with the monster?"

"It's extremely normal for a dozen or so lord-level monsters to guard Zhu Yuanguo."

"Yes, we have encountered spirit fruits like Zhu Yuanguo before, and the number of monsters is about the same." Lu Tianming looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said. "Maybe you haven't encountered such a situation, but it's nothing unusual for us."

"What if I say that the news of our conquest of Mount Tai has been leaked?" Jiang Xiaobai clicked on the communicator, and a message appeared in front of them.

"Jiang Xiaobai led a hundred masters to attack Mount Tai!"

"Heavenly pride has come and wants to conquer Mount Tai!"


All kinds of news and reports emerged one after another, and in the end it turned out to be extremely exaggerated.

After Lu Tianming and other masters saw the news, they all burst into laughter.

In the battle against Mount Tai, all the limelight was snatched by Jiang Xiaobai.

"What does this prove?" one of the masters asked suspiciously.

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his temples, "Are you all stupid in cultivation?"

"The monsters must have also heard the news. Now that they have heard the news, why do they pay so little attention to Zhu Yuanguo?"

"You have to ask the monster." The master said nonchalantly.

"Okay, don't continue to argue about this matter. Since we have chosen to fight against Mount Tai, so what if the monsters are prepared?" Lu Tianming said solemnly, "Even if the monsters have schemes, our hundred masters have to go there again!" !"

"What if you encounter a powerful monster?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"A powerful monster? If we are really lost, we can retreat completely." Lu Tianming quickly responded.

"Okay! I also think we shouldn't waste too much time, let's go!" Jiang Xiaobai really couldn't convince them, so he had to compromise.

If it was the old Jiang Xiaobai, he would naturally not care about these things, but as he experienced more and more things, Jiang Xiaobai's personality was also slowly changing.

Although these masters are proud and arrogant, they are also fighting for the monsters.

Just because of this, Jiang Xiaobai has enough reasons to help them.

These people didn't believe it, just because Jiang Xiaobai was not strong enough to convince everyone!

Jiang Xiaobai and Lu Tianming were in front, and the others followed behind. They didn't find any monsters along the way, not to mention lord-level monsters, even ordinary monsters.

These things gradually became suspicious in Jiang Xiaobai's mind, and he began to be cautious.

After all, it all seemed too strange.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also has expectations for the Buddha Heart Glazed Glass. He has heard of the Buddha Heart Glazed Glass, but he has never seen it. Moreover, the Buddha Heart Glazed Glass mentioned in the book is extremely exquisite and has powerful effects. .

Ninth-grade elixir, Buddha Heart Glazed Glass, is attractive even to king-level powerhouses.

Generally speaking, such a high-grade elixir would probably be guarded by king-level monsters.

The strength of the demon king has long exceeded the imagination of others, but fortunately they have a hundred masters, and they will firmly suppress it.

Obviously Lu Tianming and the others may have expected this situation, they still chose to move on, and they would naturally have something to rely on, otherwise it would be impossible to move forward so recklessly.

Until now, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to follow them and move on, while still not forgetting to observe everything around him.

Since entering Taishan, Jiang Xiaobai's mental power has been greatly improved, and the coverage of mental power has even reached twice the usual level.

For Jiang Xiaobai, this fully raised his mental power to a new level. Any disturbances in the surrounding hundreds of meters cannot be concealed from Jiang Xiaobai's perception, and even he can see that the vitality on the ground is booming rising.

The vitality produced by the seedlings breaking through the ground is the power of life.

The seedling that Jiang Xiaobai observed was not a powerful elixir, but an ordinary weed.

After the mental power fell behind the seedlings, Jiang Xiaobai's mind was agitated!

This seedling is so similar to the current human beings. They also face heavy oppression, but they must survive stubbornly.

Even in the face of the threat of powerful monsters, human beings have never given up and never bowed their heads.

Lu Tianming and other masters looked at Jiang Xiaobai who had stopped, and showed surprise in their eyes.

They could clearly feel that Jiang Xiaobai had become different, not because of a sudden increase in strength, but because of the change in Jiang Xiaobai's inner aura, as if he seemed to be a different person.

"How did this guy become different?" The master next to Lu Tianming asked in surprise.

"It's a change in divine sense!" Lu Tianming whispered.


The grandmaster standing next to Lu Tianming was even more puzzled: "Isn't the spiritual sense only possessed by king-level powerhouses? Jiang Xiaobai is just a grandmaster! It should be spiritual power."

"His mental power is changing into divine sense!" Lu Tianming said lightly, "If he continues to improve like this, he is likely to be able to gather divine sense in the realm of a master."

"The grandmaster condenses his spiritual thoughts?" The grandmaster couldn't help opening his mouth, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai bewilderedly.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Promoted to Grandmaster in one year?

Grandmaster condenses spiritual thoughts!

Are all the newcomers this aggressive now?

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