Dominate the world

Chapter 503 2 big demon kings, dispatch

As soon as the wolf demon came to his senses, he subconsciously wanted to retreat, but suddenly there were more than a dozen grandmasters in front of him, surrounding him.

"You, you are not dead?"

The wolf demon looked at the crowd and said in surprise.

"We humans are actually so easy to die?" one of the human masters shouted coldly. "kill!"

Several masters made an attack together and rushed towards the wolf demon.

In an instant, the lord-level monster wolf demon was killed!

The other lord level monsters didn't know what happened at all, and they didn't even know that the wolf monster who entered first had encountered an accident. At this moment, they only had one belief in their hearts, that is to enter the Ten Thousand Monster Formation first, and practice and advance.

Unexpectedly, when they first entered the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, they were all ambushed by the master.

In an instant, five or six lord-level monsters died one after another before they even had time to react.

Looking at the corpse of the monster, all the masters felt awe again.

It wasn't that they had perceived it, but Jiang Xiaobai's ambush ahead of time, allowing them to practice in several places in the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, but they had to be vigilant at all times. Time to react, and then stop the monster.

"Why do I feel that Jiang Xiaobai is like a god-man, and he has no plans?"

Finally, a master martial artist couldn't help but speak.

"That guy is a bit scary, he actually counted all of this, what else do you think he can't count?" The other masters also had the same opinion.

"It's better not to be an enemy of such a person." The other masters said in amazement.

Now they finally understand that it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of Jiang Xiaobai.

When they came to Qilu Martial Arts University, they had heard about Jiang Xiaobai's troubles in the capital, but at that time they had a skeptical attitude towards Jiang Xiaobai's character. This kind of behavior is really worrying.

However, when they got in touch with Jiang Xiaobai, they found that Jiang Xiaobai was not as unbearable as others said.

They had ridiculed Jiang Xiaobai before, but now, Jiang Xiaobai was still able to help them regardless of past suspicions, which moved them quite a bit.

The lord-level monsters entered the Ten Thousand Monster Formation one by one, and the master led by Lu Tianming killed them one by one.

And Jiang Xiaobai didn't stay idle, he dissected the corpses of monsters one by one, and put the precious flesh and blood directly into the space token.

These lord-level monsters are a great supplement to the students of Qilu Martial Arts University, especially for the warriors of the Martial Arts Club.

As for Jiang Xiaobai himself, although the flesh and blood of these lord-level monsters are also effective, the effect is not too obvious. It would be more refreshing to find a few monsters to fight heartily.

If it was changed to before, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely use it for himself, and since he became the dean of the martial arts academy of Qilu University, Jiang Xiaobai has also undergone subtle changes.

From thinking about myself at the beginning, to now thinking about the warriors around me.

This is not because Jiang Xiaobai wants to change himself, but because he is in this environment and actively makes adjustments.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't realize that he had changed. These were trivial things, and he didn't care at all.

The continuous killing of lord-level monsters made those masters feel a kind of joy that they had never experienced before.

In the past, it took a lot of effort to kill monsters, even those at the beginning of the lord level, but now it is not like this at all. A few masters reasonably kill the lord level monsters, just like cutting melons and vegetables. Simple.

"Why didn't you feel so relaxed before?"

"Yes! We used to have to fight fiercely for a long time, but now it seems that these monsters are so weak!"

"It's so weak, when will it be so easy for humans to kill monsters?"

Almost all the masters are talking about it.

After killing the monsters, they began to collect the flesh and blood of the monsters.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask them to do this, but when these people saw Jiang Xiaobai's actions, they also collected them, and after the battle was over, they could send them to Jiang Xiaobai.

Now, although Jiang Xiaobai has just entered the realm of a master, in their hearts, he has already surpassed this.

At this time, the Scarlet Flame Leopard King and the Golden Giant Ape had already arrived in front of the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, but the two of them felt that the inside of the formation was very calm, and they couldn't help feeling puzzled.

"It feels very peaceful inside, what happened?" Scarlet Flame Leopard King asked softly.

"I also feel very strange. Normally speaking, the clansmen inside should be fighting among themselves. Why is it so quiet today?" The golden giant ape looked at the formation suspiciously.

Having said that, both of them had a bad feeling at the same time.But the next moment, they put this premonition behind them.

How could something go wrong?

The two monsters stepped into the formation with doubts. Just after entering the Ten Thousand Monsters Formation, they suddenly heard the sound of air tearing.

"not good!"

The two monsters shouted in unison.

The masters including Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards the golden giant ape and the red flame leopard king.


A shocking and thorough sound echoed around, and the vitality and monster energy scattered on the ground, smashing the ground with deep marks.

"You guys, how are you all right?"

The Scarlet Flame Demon King turned pale with shock, and asked in a cold voice.

"How can you resist the attack of the Ten Thousand Monster Formation?" The golden giant ape shouted angrily with red eyes.

"It's just the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, what's so difficult about it?" Jiang Xiaobai mocked.

"Who are you? You are just masters, how could you do this?" The Scarlet Flame Demon King stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely.

How could a group of grandmasters destroy the Ten Thousand Monster Formation?

How could a grandmaster be able to do something that even a king-level powerhouse could not do?

Also, who was speaking just now?

"Me?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, "I'm Jiang Xiaobai, the director of Qiluwu University of Martial Arts!"

Qilu Wuda?

The head of the martial arts academy?

What is this ghost?

The Scarlet Flame Leopard King looked over suspiciously, while the golden giant ape next to him frowned.

"Are you a warrior from Los Angeles?"

The golden giant ape asked sharply.

"That's right, I'm a warrior from Luocheng!" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the golden giant ape, "You must be the demon king who attacked my Luocheng? Golden giant ape?"

"You actually recognize me?" The golden giant ape sneered, "You warriors in Los Angeles don't shrink back, and you dare to come to Mount Tai to make trouble, you really don't know how to live or die."

"No, we're not here to make trouble." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and the monster said.

"Not making trouble?" The golden giant ape asked back, "Could it be that you are here to beg for mercy?"

"What are you talking about, Demon King?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the golden giant ape and said with a smile. "I just want to use your head to pay homage to the warriors who died in Los Angeles."

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